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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. Pretty fucking stupid considering some of our greatest and most visible athletes ever on the 40 had dreads. Cute photoshop though!!!!
  2. hookemATL


    Hate engine needs fuel. What purpose in life would a Republican have without being ruthlessly cruel towards anyone that is not white, straight and cisgendered? May they all choke on bile until they come to the side of simple tolerance, or just shuffle off this mortal coil in a net gain to society.
  3. Fun fact of the day: The lead singer of Foghat was outed as having a micro penis by convicted serial killer/murderer Aileen Wournos.
  4. George O’Leary would have crushed it in the GOP. Fuck the Notre Dame shit, mofo could have been a Senator.
  5. Nah I’ll just be a parent and talk to my kids to teach them lessons and help them be resilient throughout their lives. these drugs are in your kids schools too, you naive twat. you do you, but get the fuck out with your sanctimonious horseshit.
  6. Once they finally get around to building a proper monument to OG 4Loko on the National Mall, this quote should be carved into the plinth.
  7. Excuse me but I’m an IT “consultant”, so it should be obvious I provide only platitudes and minimally helpful solutions.
  8. Prolly need to go ahead and buy some more internets and insert those internets into the servers to establish more internet reliability. But I don’t want to tell you how to do your job.
  9. It’s surprising to me that there are actually states where these fuckers do not exist. I just assumed they were literally everywhere. doing my part at least
  10. Same as the bonfire game. These people are pieces of shit. And fuck that fancy bullshit dog. Get a haircut, hippie!
  11. Even his manbush had a hairgeled coif to it. Fancy fella!
  12. He’s still pissed Randy got the gig in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation AND Independence Day.
  13. Saw him at Hoover's once eating lunch and he looked like a fucking Abercombie and Fitch mannequin with a Justin Beiber haircut. Then I was taking a piss in the bathroom and he sidled up next to me to piss as well, even though the stall was open and the urinals are super close together with minimal barrier. Weirdo.
  14. This is what cults are and how they operate. When comparing aggy to a cult, it is not hyperbole or overexaggeration. Just spend a bit of time in BCS, or around the particularly maroon-assed aggies and you can clearly see the altered state of reality permeating everything.
  16. Don't tempt his demons. Let him keep them pushed way way way down. It's healthier that way.
  17. Take your meds then make sure and press the nurse call button to clean off your fat, feculant ass. Fucking pussy.
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