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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. Damn dude I’m sorry. Hope your boy is able to get out soon. Is there a worse place to be than the hospital over the holidays? Well wishes and I hope you get a chance to get out before EOS 🤘
  2. Christ some of these people truly are sad, pathetic, irredeemable pieces of shit. Just reinforces a lifelong principle to never trust or spend too much time with aggies. On the whole they are insecure, weak minded, dangerously ignorant people.
  3. I’d say the Baylor fumble that wasn’t a fumble was also quite bad. Pretty sure I sharted a pint of rage blood after that one and took a few years off my life.
  4. Also diminishes his role as an extra blocker in certain packages which he executed fairly well iirc.
  5. How cold is too cold for the deer to come out to play? Not that I’m terribly interested in sitting in a stand with windchills in the teens but I am curious if the deer will also nope out of it is that cold.
  6. It’s in braille you insensitive ASSHOLE!!
  7. I assume this dumbfuck OP is too busy being colossally wrong about some other thing to come eat his crow. Either that or he’s trying to think up another shitty username after his eleventybillionth crowdsourcing. Soft cunt regard.
  8. hookemATL


    I dont know you personally troph, but you are such a big part of why I appreciate and love this site. I am so goddamn sorry you have to even type this shit out. Breaks my fucking heart. Fuck these ghouls. If there was any justice in the world they'd crawl into a dank hole and stay there.
  9. Hang in there, my dude. Sending out all my optimism (a feeble amount it may be) for you to get back to some routine and comfort. Don’t forget I need your Dodger fandom here as a bulwark against these damn Astros fans. that goes for everyone even tangentially dealing with this cunt disease. Fuck cancer in the goatass!
  10. that’s a great idea and tribute, wish they could make it happen.
  11. “Well looking at your resume, I have to say I’m very impre….wait. Says here you went to UT Austin???! Where noted domestic abuser Chris Beard coached?!!? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE. HOW DARE YOU SIR!!! SECURITY, GET THIS PIECE OF SHIT OFF COMPANY PROPERTY IMMEDIATELY!!!”
  12. Missed it but what happened to Wilson ?
  13. Yea they gonna fuck up the draft too
  14. Ja zu cahn zee de weidshields? AUSGEZEICHNET MEINE FRUENDEN!
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