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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. If you reach the mass of corpses underneath the pile of logs, you’ve gone too far.
  2. Fucking a. And here I am in ATX peeling my nutsack off my inner thigh due to the humidity.
  3. Make sure you explore the splendid grandeur of the aggy campus. Lots of sights to see like: building that is gray, more boxy looking building that is gray, sensitive grass that cannot be trod upon, dead dog graveyard, gigantic cock ring sculpture, racist statue #1, racist statue #2, giant field of mud featuring unimpressive obelisk/clock tower, and many many others. Stop by the Dixie Chicken for shitty wings and a trip to BCS’s oldest and busiest gloryhole then ride out on Hwy 6 on a cloud of aggy spirit
  4. I got the mesh repair after getting a hernia while backpacking. It was actually the inspiration for me to stop being a fat piece of shit, and has led me to my current svelte body type. I remember there being a little bump where the guts would be poking out of the peritoneal cavity where the tear was. Would squash it back in and it would make an interesting/gross noise.
  5. I’d pick you up but fair warning that the last drifter I picked up ended up scattered across 10 counties. Couldn’t help myself! 🤷
  6. They smelled weird and I almost always lost them within a day or two but there was no FUCKING way I was leaving the zoo without one of those things.
  7. Damn man they could at least send you an updated GQP script along with the klan robes and EZ-burn crosses. Even the car warranty spam callers switch it up every once in awhile. it’s ok to admit you are afraid of anyone not straight and cisgendered. I mean it’s sad and pathetic but it at least would help give some background to your ignorance.
  8. That sucks. Surely I rode on him as a kid. For several years running I insisted on going to SA Zoo for my birthday. One of my happy places, even now. RIP big dude.
  9. Been raining pretty consistently in CP since this mornin. Didn’t expect to get this much before the big shit came through but I’ll take it. Sun still covered up and has not peeked through just yet.
  10. Wrong. He is clearly an EDGE, which is different!!
  11. My eldest caught it last weekend but it was super mild for her and she was back to herself for Halloween. It’s been cold -> sinus infection -> Covid -> ear infection -> flu over the past month just passing back and forth in the household. I read my kids the riot act and told them they are not allowed to get sick until mid January.
  12. Feeling the same emotions but I was able to get a few weeks worth of cam shots and it has me optimistic. Trying again this year to get my buddy on his first buck. Should get more opportunities this season with some much deserved PTO from work (week of thanks giving and then 2 weeks for Xmas/ny). Good luck to everyone this season. If I get a deer or not, sitting in a stand in the woods watching and listening and unwinding my brain is about as good as it gets.
  13. Jimbo cares about his players. I am sure he is giving Weigman extra iPad time and some pedialyte popscicles to help make him feel better.
  14. I am so sorry. Sending out good vibes for the future for your family. Thank you for sharing.
  15. It’s bovine eye-fucking. Check in the shorts of each of those chud babies and you’ll find a rigid little micro peen or a moist tuna trap.
  16. Everyone needs to chill. The committee is probably drafting THE sternly worded letter to end all sternly worded letters. That will surely convince all the deniers and democracy-hating water heads that 1/6 was bad and those involved need to be punished.
  17. If they can reach total racial harmony among the pitching staff, I think they can win out and take this series!
  18. Eldest caught the flu after dealing with a nagging sinus infection. Luckily she was able to do some trick or treating and only missed Monday at school. Youngest had a nagging cold that required meds but thankfully past it for now. damn kids are just germ magnets. This time of year I feel lucky to go a week without some type of nagging sickness bullshit rearing it’s head.
  19. Nearly impossible to get them to sit still but they had a great Halloween. 🎃❤️
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