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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. This should be SOP for all. There is never a need to be on the lower level after noon.
  2. There’s so much koolaid induced spouting of wishful bullshit on here I often don’t know what’s tongue-in-cheek and what’s not.
  3. Best quarterback back in the country must have some game highlights from last year you could share with us.
  4. Cheer families are worse than cruise families. You couldn’t pay me to be around that many of them. Also… not a sport.
  5. I know you didn’t write that, but statements like this are ridiculous. Love me some VY and he was the heart of that team, but there were 24 players on that team that would play in the NFL. Twenty fucking four. We had backups in that game that would play on Sundays. Stacked top to bottom on both sides.
  6. We’ll… yeah. But we’d all bang 10 out of 12 at Steiner Ranch and so would you.
  7. Does anyone here fly GA around Austin? I'm looking to get checked out in something to take the kids up in. I recognize a few schools' names but I haven't flown around here since 2003 so I don't know who still has a good reputation and who to avoid. AUS would be preferred, but GTU and HYI would be ok too. Looking for someplace professional with a solid reputation for keeping up on maintenance, etc.. The kind of place you'd send your kids to.
  8. Yeah, that's clearly what I said.
  9. ^ Tired response. AF makes great bbq but it’s not the only way. Pulling the membrane takes less than 30 seconds with a dry paper towel.
  10. Western mountain states > West coast > East coast > Midwest > Appalachia > Deep South
  11. Thanks! That helps confirm what I was thinking. Been using liquid chlorine and doing the TFP method. Have it all very much under control and within limits but the daily upkeep is something I won't be able to do much longer due to work travel.
  12. Who has some good real world insight on saltwater and limestone coping? Traveling 3 days a week is having me second-guess not getting a SWG when I had the pool built. I'd like to switch over to salt. I have limestone coping. I've read all the horror stories. My thoughts are that limestone is soft and porous and will chip anyway. My 3 month old limestone already has a few small chips with no saltwater contact. The pool builder basically says "Hell no. You just can't do it. You'll have a gravel pit in your backyard within months." The TFP guys generally say it's overblown and that limestone will chip anyway eventually and that the salt content isn't as much as most think and the effects can be negated with a good seal. As with most things, the truth is probably in the middle. I'm leaning towards sealing the limestone with a good penetrating sealer and going for it with a SWG. It's just the coping, not the whole deck. Who here has real experience with this? Barring a complete destruction of the stone, I think I'd rather deal with re-sealing and having a few chips than having to fuck with the pool chemistry on a daily basis. Hell, even re-doing the coping later on to something more durable would be a decent option to me.
  13. Can't disagree with that. But our team will be better for the other recruits that come to play with him. That alone is worth it even if he busts.
  14. $2 for the first bag, $1 per additional bag. Rounded up as needed. I'm talking about the shuttle driver, not the guy toting your bags all the way to the room. More for that guy.
  15. I got the same one a couple weeks ago. Recteq 700. I’ve done ribs, brisket, chicken, and a couple pork tenderloins. So easy. Really enjoying it. On my offset I always used oak because mesquite was too overpowering. On the recteq I used B&B post oak pellets. Obviously the pellet smoker can’t generate the amount of smoke as an offset and I found the bark to be less than I’d like. Less bark texture and less smoke flavor. It was great on other cuts of meat but lacking for a brisket. This was without a smoke tube which I’ve since ordered. I’m wondering if mesquite pellets would be a better choice. Maybe the more robust flavor of mesquite would go a little further in pellet form than oak does.
  16. Monitored alarms have caused more hassle than benefits to me.
  17. Hey I work lots of Sundays… but only if I took the preceding Wed-Sat off.
  18. Came to this thread curious about why Wolfgang Puck warrants 16 pages. I read the last page and a half and came away with a whole new appreciation for my career. There’s no way I could put up with the corporate rat-race shenanigans. A couple years of trying to decode all the unwritten etiquette and tightrope the line between self-preservation and decency… the whole thing sounds demoralizing.
  19. Anything ever sent back to the kitchen for any reason, legit or not, is getting returned to the customer with a loogie buried in it, or having been rubbed across the chef’s ballsack, or some other nastiness. This is a fixed and unwavering law of the universe. There are zero exceptions. It baffles my mind that people think they can send food back back and expect it will get properly rectified.
  20. The rubber bands would pull the blades in the opposite direction. The electricity would be sucked from the grid instead of pushed to it. Kind of like the Vac-U-Suck debacle in Spaceballs. The mirror idea is legit though, I envision it as one long continuous line of mirrors completely encircling the globe so that the light gets right back to the panel from the other side. One such set of globe-encircling mirrors per panel.
  21. I have Kwikset smart locks. I can open and close remotely, I get a notification and a history of which door was opened with which code. I give the maids a new code each week. I set a new code on my phone from halfway across the country and text it to the the day they clean. When I get the notification that they left I delete that code. Easy installation and set up. Just logs into your wifi. I have lots of smart shit it none of it is connected to any whole home apps.
  22. I'm re-watching GOT with my son right now. It recently occured to me that I know all sorts of plot lines in early episodes before re-watching them but I have no fucking clue how the show ended. I watched it to the end but for the life of me I can't remember who got the throne and who all lived. That is a shitty fucking ending.
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