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Your Mom

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Your Mom

  1. Friend of mine who teaches elementary in Austin said this morning that it's almost comical how many parents have told her how pro-mask their child is and how their child is worried about non-masked kids. She says 90% of those kids with the vocal parents are the ones trying to lose the mask as soon as mom or dad drives out of the parking lot. Says most of the parents are completely delusional about their kids masking habits.
  2. I gave them notice and apologized in advance. They seemed ok with it. I got lucky with a whole street of really good neighbors. Not quite as cool as your neighbors though.
  3. I’m on the poorer end of people who build pools so I went with the cheapest option that wasn’t just bare concrete. In my case that was SunDek textured coating over concrete. Supposed to be cool to walk on and grippy. The fact that I don’t have a wife to keep happy made it an easy choice. Something like this:
  4. Bad phrasing on my part. Not the contract, the layout and construction approval documents. The digging began about a month after that. The contract was signed back at the end of May. After the contract was signed I had the HOA permit in 3 days and the City of Austin permit took a solid month. Then I was traveling a lot and so we did the layout in late July. Today was day 2 of digging err... rock-hammering with probably 2 to go. I was told to expect 5 months for construction with delays before gunnite and tile. I'm expecting longer than that.
  5. My Blue Heaven is based loosely on Henry Hill from Goodfellas. Scorsese based Goodfellas off the book Wiseguy which was written by the husband of the writer of the screenplay for My Blue Heaven. From Henry Hill's memoirs...
  6. I guess I’m off to a lucky start. Signed my contract a month ago and digging and deck demo began yesterday.
  7. White rocks in your front yard means the same thing as an upside down pineapple in your shopping cart.
  8. AISD athletic directors have lobbied for no masks while engaged in sports. Still must wear them at practices and competitions while not actually playing. No link, just got the email from our coach. Good stuff IMHO.
  9. A mask mandate during outdoor sports competition is ridiculous. Sports are optional. School is not. Apples and oranges. One should have a mandate the other should not. My kid went to school today in a mask. At cross country practice, putting in a 12 mile run in the heat…. No it ain’t gonna kill him but it’s ridiculous. My girlfriends kid goes to a round rock elementary school and their pseudo-mandate is just fucking insane. What’s the point of even having a superintendent, someone put in place and assumed to have good judgment for sound decision making for the district, if you’re just going to try and put out some half measures to keep everybody happy instead of making a firm decision and owning it. I’d have had more respect if he just came out as an anti-masker and owned that decision than for his bullshit mandate that you get to opt out of.
  10. Just read that. That is the most chickenshit move they could’ve made. Way to show your spine round rock.
  11. I enjoyed this as much, maybe more than The Martian a few years ago. It’s worth noting that I thought his second novel about the colony on the moon was garbage.
  12. Clearly a joke but if there’s an equivalent to this thread in Philly, half the locals won’t take you seriously if you don’t put whiz on your cheesesteak For around here though… Valentina‘s hasn’t been around long enough for generational legendary status yet, but the last few years, when I’m gone from home for a while, a Real Deal Holyfield is what I look forward to when I come back. A slice of brisket, thick bacon, egg, refried beans, and salsa in a homemade tortilla.
  13. 85k in Austin for 16x30, no spa, 3’-6’, a few hundred sqft of basic sundek decking. BTW, that looks great. I wrestled with the decision to go deep enough for a diving board but the added cost with the thicker walls and such was more than I could talk myself into paying. I’m guessing your at $115k if you’re near Austin.
  14. I could publish a paper today and cite “prelim” research that 2 +2 is “potentially” potato.
  15. When I was a kid we had a patio seat consisting of a metal tractor seat welded to an upright truck spring welded to a circular base. It’s just steady enough to balance on with some skill and no movement. More yard art than functional chair.
  16. This. They tell you the pedal is rear-weighted so it’s always oriented properly for entry but that only works on the first foot and if you gently ease that first half pedal stroke for the second foot entry. If you put down any reasonable force on the first half stroke the second pedal is spinning wildly and impossible to lock into. It makes a system that’s nearly impossible to get off a green light quickly. And the bottom half of a Look is sloped and slick and absolutely impossible to put your weight on even for a second.
  17. ^^ Perfectly fine for cruising the neighborhood, but it brings up the other advantage of clipless pedals: A stiff, rigid sole. Less flexing of the foot means more energy to the pedal stroke. I went through a phase riding flats, after years of riding clipless, on a mountain bike when I was coming back from surgery and timid on technical stuff. The idea of an easy bailout was attractive. I even talked myself into thinking I was just as efficient with the flats, or nearly so. When I went back to clipless again it was obvious I’d been fooling myself. First few rides back in clipless felt like I was flying. It’s a significant improvement in efficiency for all types of riding except maybe an all-out short sprint. Maybe I notice it more after a couple decades of road riding with a fairly smooth stroke than a pedal masher would. You’ll only get the benefits if you can pull across the bottom and not mash.
  18. I don’t know who riff raff is but he isn’t a celebrity. Unless you mean the guy from rocky horror.
  19. People who call fucking “sexytime.”
  20. The Wilke House in Savannah is a great meal. And occasionally college girls from the art school get drunk in the bars along the waterfront and then get naked in the fountain near Ellis Square. Also, Forsythe Park is a pleasant place to run a few miles. That’s really about all I know about Savannah.
  21. That will be a lot lot easier to do when the vaccine gets full FDA approval.
  22. Random side question… is it common for the travel nurses to be sub-par? If so, why is that? Lack of consistency with local standard procedures? Just asking because one of my teenagers is interested in the nursing field and travel nursing is a big reason why. Thanks for your work.
  23. Random note: As has been the case for years, I really appreciate Larry T Spider’s insight and info on all education related threads. Thanks for all your posts over the years man.
  24. Anyone get the Surly MTB mafia invite to Wiler’s in-laws’ condo yet?
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