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Everything posted by HornOnTheBayou

  1. This. I'm gonna whip up a gumbo omelet when the Niners and Lions get to halftime.
  2. Yes, Scott, the reason women won't sleep with you is because they are too consumed with thinking about DEI and open borders. You've solved the mystery.
  3. This is what my dad did and it worked great. He was a chemical engineer his whole career. The last five years he was working full-time he started conducting training for new engineers and really enjoyed it, but it was only about 20% of his job load. When he retired, he became a consultant and just did those trainings. Now he does it once or twice a month or whenever he feels like it. So he gets to do the enjoyable part of his job without all the other BS that goes with it.
  4. So Klopp is burned out from coaching in Europe? I wonder if there's a league where he could coach with less stress. Maybe there's a team in that league that is in a region with many German settlers. One with a Wienerschnitzel across the street from the stadium. I'm just saying, Klopp would look good in verde.
  5. Just blow jobs? She missed a great opportunity to offer a "both tacos" special.
  6. In the clash between federal and state governments, there have been four major crises in our country's history: the Nullification Crisis, the Civil War, school integration in the 50s/60s, and this current border issue. So, three out of the four were about keeping down people of color. But don't worry, everyone, we are totally not a racist country.
  7. I get all the laughing about hiring Doc, but who else is out there? If you fire your coach mid-season, there are no good options (unless you count the guy you fired eight months ago). Doc really is about as good as you're going to get in January.
  8. Can I still get a free personal pizza from there if I read books during the summer? And they better have the tabletop Pac Man game.
  9. Yep. It's the same reason you can tell someone's age by when they think that SNL stopped being funny.
  10. So they're as unstoppable as the 2005 USC team. Got it.
  11. If you haven't put Lobo, or @YGIFS, on ignore, that's on you. Enjoy the lunacy.
  12. You see, this is the reason people say the Cloak Room is toxic. Some of us like to come to this board, turn our brains off, and forget about the important stuff, like football.
  13. It was terrible and stupid. But it was still more realistic than anything that happened in the last season of Jack Ryan.
  14. Hey @Helobious, would you mind saying, "I don't see any way Salma Hayek shows up at HornOnTheBayou's house and fucks him silly"? Please and thank you.
  15. Eric Mangini, when people thought he was a good coach
  16. Sure, but if the goal is to show her mental illness, a Cowboys jersey by itself would have gotten that point across.
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