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Everything posted by LCHorn

  1. I think the circumstances are a little different than last year; most of the recruitments where the mercenary aspect seemed the most obvious were later in the season (or right before signing day). There’s a lot of time left for Texas or someone else make their case; that said, I don’t know anything about the kid, and (playing devil’s advocate) the commitment does call into question whether he’s a good fit for us anyway (off the field, obviously it’s a very different culture).
  2. It doesn’t change (or shouldn’t thanks to Dodd-Frank). Lenders are expected to charge the same margin on every loan (that’s what Phil was quoting in bps). That said, we obviously compete with each other so need to adjust pricing accordingly. The originator, however, must be paid the same on every loan absent a couple of exceptions (I.e., the regulators wanted to remove the incentive for an LO to charge extra so they could make more). Last week’s optimal blue survey (that’s a pricing engine or software in common use) reported the national average yield spread premium on conventional loans at 350 bps. I’m not clear whether that’s including or excluding points but it also exceeds the market in Austin.
  3. I’m optimistic that Hill’s recruitment is still ongoing. Not ideal but also not the end of the world. We do likely need to show a better on the field product that A&M this fall, however.
  4. Not only that but there’s no one behind him that can replicate that particular coalition UNLESS there’s something unexpected, like say the kind of national mourning that might result from dying in office.
  5. I think it would have been stronger had they not leavened it with humor.
  6. I’m convinced the Fed only has a “bully pulpit” effect on inflation, particularly so over the short-term.
  7. What’s crazier is Jeff was Gerry Hamilton’s replacement (who wasn’t there very long, admittedly). That’s about the time when the coverage shifted to having someone in the field talking to kids and high school coaches rather than someone Belmont adjacent repeating “whispers” approved by the AD.
  8. Showing my age but Blake was Jeff Howe’s replacement at IT. Went full time when Howe left at the founding of 247 (so poached by Burton, who’s now at IT, completing the loop).
  9. Not top 100 prospects, for the record…
  10. @Wulaw Horn’s definition is “are they an Astro? If so multiply $5m x years of control.” I don’t think McCormick is worth a whole lot in prospects, personally.
  11. Eating, mostly. He’s the tubby Hemsworth and I like to think the producers have fun with it by looking for ways to insert scenes of him eating. I want to know where Teddy has been; I thought he had gone to the Valley Beyond but the Westworld wiki indicates that Dolores had possession of his control unit when she left the park.
  12. I bet it’s Nakia, too-just makes too much sense and it’s thematically consistent. Plus the ladies were almost the best part of the first one. There’s got to be some way in which Atlantis mirrors Wakanda; to me that’s a much more interesting jumping off point than a more typical “search for a replacement” story or a Killmonger redemption tour (I bet they could make the latter work but it would undermine so much of richness and consequences that made the first one so moving).
  13. Meh? That trailer was phenomenal. Love the idea of casting Namor with a Mexican and introducing Atlantis as Aztec adjacent rather than Greek.
  14. Do you mind posting the article? Disney/ESPN isn’t exactly a starving artist that’ll miss the revenue.
  15. More pics of pre-pregnant wife…
  16. For the record I didn’t question his effectiveness, I question whether he’s too small to get recruited for nose by THIS defensive staff. I’m don’t really think they’d prioritize Casey, either. Shaun Rodgers seems more to fit their preferred type.
  17. This right here-I matriculated in ‘96 and the drag was bookstores, Eckerd’s, Tower records and some unremarkable restaurants. Hardly the stuff of nostalgic yearning. Anyone whose entertainment or social scene had that area as its foundation was missing a ton of fun on West Campus.
  18. That’s what they say, anyway. I think that oversimplifies what teams are really doing (drafting for organization strategy/proficiency with some balance for market priorities, I.e., up the middle over corners, everything else being equal). Some teams clearly prefer a certain type of clay, so to speak, like the Rays or Dodgers. I think Astros will continue to go heavy college because they need to restock the farm and don’t have much in the way of trade chips or replacements in waiting in the upper farm, and would sacrifice ceiling if needed for a higher floor.
  19. I don’t think they are so anxious they’d be drafting for need four years in advance. If that was the case then there are far more urgent spots to fill than right. They went BPA on their board, imo. If Gilbert is a rookie in 2026 then something went wrong-he should be getting a September call up no later than 2024 and possibly next season.
  20. Did you take macro at UT? Deficit spending isn’t inherently bad and the presumption that Congress should be passing the buck on yet another of their constitutionally granted responsibilities is largely why our government is seen as dysfunctional in the first place.
  21. Keith Law has Kumar going late teens, early 20’s. He thinks Ivan lasts until late second round but I bet someone dreams on him and picks him earlier.
  22. Washington looks like they are going to be bad for a long time. It’d be more like Trout signing with the Pirates.
  23. I bet that Barnes and Nobles has a sweetheart lease agreement; that would be an enormous vacancy if they left, both in sq footage and foot traffic.
  24. Fried chicken and ranch? That’s disgusting.
  25. Maybe he can walk on-he’s very much on the small size for what they are looking for on the line.
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