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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Gatorubet

  1. As New Orleans is very Catholic, you would not believe the angst many of my colleagues have expressed wondering if they can get last rights confessions to their dying parents in time. The expression no longer connects with younger people, but I used to describe Catholics as operator assist and protestants as direct dial.
  2. But to be fair, not as shitty as fucking your brother’s dead old lady.
  3. Within 10 years? Your calendar is not accurate. Oh. This one is 65. Not The Villages, so may not count..
  4. I am PCUSA, but the biggest Southern Baptist assholes that I ever met routinely referred me to ‘once saved always saved’. It was like a green light to them to act in a way Jesus would condemn, because it didn’t matter what they were doing because they were saved. Had they believed in karma (and dung beetles) I think they might’ve been nicer persons, because for a large portion of their life!they would’ve considered how their actions affected their future - instead of being told that there was no negative effect on your committing bad actions because you were already saved anyway.
  5. Brisket is Chauncey Gardener? The simulation is becoming more understandable.
  6. “ That Rascal Satan found a toe hold in my faith, and the next thing I knew I was fapping to old wonder woman episodes while dressed like Barbara Bush…with the window blinds open and the children’s choir able to see me. Let this be a lesson to you, never watch Harry Potter movies! God Bless.”
  7. i’m thinking that her bank account is good either way
  8. Today, The Wall Street Journal named the University of Florida the No. 1 public university in the country in its “2024 Best Colleges in the U.S.” report, and…. what? Baseball? It’s like us being one game over .500 didn’t impress. Tough crowd.
  9. I’m sorry, ma’am, but your son is not as insured driver and you never gave him permissive use of the vehicle, so you do not need our insurance help.
  10. That is just an excuse for people to vote for Trump and other GOP political candidates. When the black man was president 80% of evangelicals said that personal morality was important. Once Trump got elected only 20% of evangelicals thought that same quality was important. Which means that at minimum 60% of those evangelicals changing their position are hypocritical pieces of crap who are more than likely racist. That is a broad brush only because 60% shitty people is a rather big number. You are entirely correct that just being an evangelical as a standalone belief does not make YOU a shitty person. Some of the more fundamentalist believers at my church are very much ‘what Jesus actually said’ Christians working for the poor and promoting social justice in all its forms, and are the farthest thing from Trump supporters. But evangelicals overwhelmingly support Trump and the current GOP. That is the only fact anyone needs to know about their character and morality as a stereotype. After all, if 20% of the natives on the island do not eat humans, but the rest do, saying it is an island of cannibals is not exactly wrong.
  11. …. and that young man grew up to appear as Stork in Animal House
  12. “Teacher says every time a bell rings, fuck Georgia!”
  13. SIL just got covid in Cali. Son’s roommate in Louisiana as well, both in last two days. It’s alive and well. Both multiple jabbed, both with mild cases.
  14. Evangelical/fundamentalist Christians are the cancer on the body politic of America. Attempts to think critically are a sin because they counter God’s will…. as they state without any need to define it….or provide any sort of causation link…be it natural sciences or even theology. I feels it, therefore it is. We are kinda done.
  15. Most old-timey chiropractors could cure that.
  16. He should’ve told her that if His Son can’t hit a curveball, can He really be for America?
  17. I would think with the sanctions in place it would be near to impossible for Russia to quickly pump out replacement air defense systems. And if the choice is protecting important elites in Moscow and St. Petersburg - or protecting contract soldiers in Ukraine - the latter are SOL. And the ones that protect energy and oil refinery and production won’t be removed either. My assumptions are based on, absolutely nothing, so do any of the more knowledgeable people here have any idea how easy or hard it is for Russia to build replacement missile defense radar systems - or know how many they have in warehouses?
  18. When my kids were little, we used to drive over to Gulf Shores/Pensacola, and stay at one of those Phoenix monstrosities, those giant condo towers. if your room was on one of the top floors, you could look down and see all the sharks, cruising up and down the beach with bunches of people in the water absolutely clueless that they were there. The thing is, they are always there. They just don’t eat people every day.
  19. https://www.nola.com/news/environment/meet-leebeth-great-white-shark-in-the-gulf/article_e9e4699a-dfdf-11ee-a5f0-fff05f99239c.html looks like farthest tracked.
  20. Bull sharks, man. Those assholes even cruise up the Mississippi River a ways. They will literally eat anything - cut them open and you’ll find all kinds of crap like license plates and cans and things. And tourist legs.
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