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mr. sunshine

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Everything posted by mr. sunshine

  1. I liked it but for some reason get hung up on the whole ‘the center of the earth is hollow and that’s where monsters come from’ thing. It’s like making time travel a plot element in every Star Trek movie when flying around in a spaceship blowing shit up is cool enough already
  2. But if a whore criticizes aggy for sucking dick she’s spot on and probably saw something happening through a chain link fence
  3. If there’s an actual conflict with HPD, which is doubtful, I’m sure the Sheriff’s office or Rangers could step in. What are the odds Buzbee has problems with them too?
  4. Any maintenance advice for those of us with combo Bermuda and St. Augustine grass yards? The builder planted Bermuda. When we had a pool installed a couple of years ago I planted St. Augustine around it to cover up the dirt because that’s all they had at the grass yard. I’ve since realized that what’s good for one - type of fertilizer, frequency, etc. - isn’t good for the other. Any helpful guidance would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Carrying the scissors up and down the ladder repeatedly seems like an inherently dangerous move. I’ve got a ladder with a scissor/tool holster at the top, even without all that sweet NCAA cash money
  6. I’d like the exact opposite of your lottery numbers
  7. You don’t seem like a team player. How about getting with the program. Why don’t you jump on the team and come on in for the big win
  8. I told mrs. sunshine that if we ever had another girl we ought to name her Imperator Furiosa. I was totally serious
  9. Once you cut out all the bullshit and fluff I could cover world history in less than an hour
  10. If a movie about a giant gorilla and a giant lizard trying to kill each other lacks character development and human drama is wrong I don’t want to be right
  11. You’re lucky. I had to watch on a kinescope
  12. Oh really? You don’t like embarrassment? Patronizing bullshit
  13. Teresa Ganzel is 64. Still would emphatically
  14. My Uncle Butch’s review of the Oakridge Boys show was the guy who sings bass must be a real panty dropper and that critique comes from a master panty dropper
  15. White snake White zombie Great white White lion White stripes Whitey on Leave it to Beaver Et al
  16. I’m watching this and trying to recall if I’ve ever seen the Horns cut down a net before
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