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  1. So, this is interesting. IIRC, the inside joke on Horns 247 used to be that we got commits whenever Mike went on vacation. I think in the note below, he means that Moore committed, but it's a silent (and Moore will go public after he's done w/ visits). In any event, it's a very positive hint from the Timorous One; he wouldn't throw this out if he didn't hear something significant.
  2. Fuck the Yankees! What a fun game to win the series.
  3. Some notes from the OTF/Gerry/Vodel/Rod livestream this evening: Kelshaun Johnson - A&M or Texas (may drop USC visit); Sark called him immediately after he returned from A&M (indicates priority); Johntay Cook hosted - also shows importance Tynook Hines - Notre Dame / Texas, will USC factor Dakorien Moore - Gerry's percentage 65%/70%; very comfortable with where Texas is in this recruitment; Moore specifically asked for Wingo, as a host Nick Brooks - Texas right there with Georgia Lots of early July commitments (Texas or otherwise) Smith Orogbo - great visit; parents didn't make trip; OK this week (I think) Kevin Wynn - in the game; good job w/ Culinary career stuff Brandon Brown, Marco Jones, Jonathan Cunningham - great visits Riley Pettijohn - A&M making a big run; will take a perfect visit w/ the Agroids, to pull him away from Texas Marucus Harris - Texas told him they don't really have a spot for him (shows what Texas expects in this class) Dallas Wilson - 5 star, one of the best, keep a watch on him, depending on how the others go Daylon McCutcheon - smooth route runner; not as fast as the other key targets Kaleb Edwards - Texas extremely impressed by Edwards on his visit (last week, I think) Nick Townsend - may be top of list of guys w/ whom Texas needs to make a move; likely Texas/Bama; elite skills' "certified dude" … lulz; may be top TE on Texas' board (someone asked about Townsend vs. Armstrong). Michael Terry - reminds Gerry of Niblack; these guys are better athletes than JT Sanders Winston - visited Auburn, visiting Bama this weekend And ... a lulz-worthy image (grabbed it from a Brooks video they showed)
  4. Holy shit, I got this for Father's Day, it is a monumental leap from the original mix (which sucked and we all knew it). I had no idea how good a recording was lurking beneath that original release: It was an iconic record as is, but if this had been the original mix, it might have launched them into Sticky Fingers level fame. Damn.
  5. Oops, wrong link for basketball opponents https://texassports.com/sports/mens-basketball/opponent-history And it looks like it’s only records since 2005. I checked the other years and Texas has not played men’s basketball against SMU since we were required to by the SWC conference. Unlike football, basketball is a sport where their arena is of a size comparable to ours, and they are only a few hours from Austin in an area with lots of Longhorn fans. So, … grudge?
  6. We did this one: https://www.getyourguide.com/osaka-l1204/osaka-shinsekai-food-tour-t315237/ The guide is awesome and knows all the locals. His heavy Australian accent threw me off at first but he’s been living in Osaka for a long time and knew the best places and dives.
  7. You guys are being too hard on Poe. If you take him at his word it's not hard to figure out what's going on.
  8. Funny thing about a professionals image. I’m part of a group that provides housing in Augusta for golfers who come in for the masters. I also rent it out for coaches who come in for the Nike Jam in North Augusta. Over the years I have met a lot of these guys. They are not my friends, it’s just business. But, part of the agreement is you must provide certain goods and services over the week. So some contact is inevitable. Very, very few are what you see on TV or in print when you interact with them in person. I would say it’s about the same in any work environment. You got your good ones, and you got your prima-donnas. Some just surprise the hell out of you. One example. The Nike group puts on a golf tournament at the River course every year. One time I played a foursome that included Bobby Knight, and Bobby Cremins. Up until that round of golf I knew what everyone else knew about Knights behavior and specifically his temperament. I was absolutely shocked when I saw him in that closed environment away from cameras or people. The guy couldn’t have been more genuine. Great fucking story teller, not a particularly good golfer (great card player however). But, he would answer any questions you threw at him. His language was colorful, but so is mine so that was no problem. My point is what you see from ANY celebrity in a public setting doesn’t really mean much. Some are just better at their PR. I think this week shows that Bryson has improved in that regard since his bravado after winning his first US Open.
  9. Their "agenda" is to make money from a diverse, global audience. Most people like to see themselves represented on the screen. You'll likely make less money if your primary characters represent only five percent of the total audience. Hell, even in America, less than a third of the population is made up of white males of all ages, and the majority of the kids don't give a shit about these identity grievances. The smarter play is to diversify your cast, even if it hurts the feelings of a few butthurt middle-aged white guys (and at least one stupid Persian) who want to go back to a time when they called all the shots and didn't have to share their toys action figures. These people need to grow the fuck up and stop whinging like little tittybabies because, SHOCKING, there are now lesbians and fat dudes in space. Of the hundreds and hundreds of characters in all the Star Wars shows, how many of them have ever been represented? Hell, one of the witchy lesbians isn't even human, but no one seems to have a problem with interspecies procreation or consider that her lady parts might work differently in this fantasy galaxy. As a straight middle-aged white male myself, this is all I give a shit about. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ On the other hand, they seem to have failed at this part of making the show so far. Let's see if the overall story comes along. Hopefully, it gets better, but I'm not optimistic.
  10. I was thinking about this yesterday and wondering why in the hell I thought Dallas was going to win this series in retrospect.
  11. He said even more on the live stream tonight. How many stocks do we really have in stock? 1,2,3,4,5 plus 5, eh.
  12. she worked at mar a lago https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped go read her testimony
  13. By the letter of the rule it isnt. Its most of the time the deciding factor in going from a 1 to a 2. Action before and after are almost always taken into consideration. Also if its not really a basketball play. The play by Reese was indeed a basketball play she was trying to get the block, CC moved the ball out farther in front and Reese got her in the head. It happens often on that type of block from behind/overhead.
  14. Just watched the latest episode. Pretty pathetic that two of the contestants didn't even know they severely undercooked their proteins till judge's table. Like I understand time gets away from you and a contestant ends up serving undercooked protein due to time management issues but that's not what happened. How hard is it to taste your proteins before to make sure they're cooked? Usually around this time during the finals, the judges are nitpicking and figuring out which contestant's flavor combinations are slightly off to send one home. Not this season. This season they're debating which protein is slight more edible. Extremely pathetic. I'm actually going to Milwaukee in a few months and usually go out of my way to go to a Top Chef contestant's restaurant whenever I'm traveling. Not going to bother going to Dan's spot. I'll watch the last episode just curious to see how bad the chefs fuck up but this season has been pretty bad.
  15. There’s going to be a special clause for immediate eligibility for everyone that has to deal with sanders dumb ass.
  16. We don't have a separate LSU thread so this will have to go here for now. We may have Lambos but LSU has ... candles. Holy shit this is embarrassing.
  17. Had a Jon Mills as a classmate for a few years, but he was a short, slight, hairy kid in middle school, so doubtful that we would recruit any of his offspring. UCLA’s NIL money goes to basketball. They have been buying players since the John Wooden days. You can ask Duke or Kansas and they will tell you that it is much easier to buy 6 to 10 basketball players than 55 to 85 football players. I don’t care how serious DeShaun Foster is about recruiting, if their BMDs don’t want to pony up enough money to cover a football team on top of the basketball team, they are going to continue to get out-recruited.
  18. This is a very unserious and trivial topic. That’s your warning. However, it is the offseason. I was looking at the SMU ON3 board, and was struck by the vitriol that their fans express for Texas. Crazy! How can they be so upset about someone they haven’t played in 28 years (football)? Since the breakup of the SWC, Texas scheduled all the other SWC schools except SMU, in football. Sure, UH pissed us off and made the blacklist, but we weren’t opposed to playing theM before bleacher gate. Does Texas have a grudge against the Mustangs? Does Texas have a reason? It kind of does. In the 1980s, SMU hired PIs to investigate Texas for NcAA violations, and Texas ended up on (mild, because the violations were misdemeanors and Texas didn’t fight the NCAA) probation. Old that drive a decades long grudge (I’m assuming here that it’s Texas that is balking on scheduling). I decided to look up and see if Texas had been playing SMU in basketball. Funny thing- the texassports website page, that shows all opponent basketball records, doesn’t list SMU (or Southern Methodist University). https://texassports.com/sports/2013/7/21/FB_0721135542 Huh. Maybe an oversight (we know plenty of games were played while SMU was in the SWC- twice per year, at least). How about the SMU AD page; maybe it has info- https://smumustangs.com/sports/mens-basketball/opponent-history Nope. Nothing for Texas, UT Austin or University of Texas. So, my original question (and thanks for hanging in there)- has Texas played SMU in men’s basketball since the SWC broke up (The women have played twice)? If not, is it on purpose or by chance? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  19. This post got me thinking... Is this...or what is the biggest/longest necro-bump in site history? Since I'm just seeing this thread, lets get it going again.. Anything black and white or old classics other than Wizard of Oz, Freaks, or It's a Wonderful Life. I've never seen Jurassic Park or 2001
  20. Editorial... As a serious basketball fan, I regret to report that all this mean girl stuff following Caitlin Clark’s professional debut has persuaded me to return to my longstanding policy of total indifference to the WNBA. Maybe I’ll be back, maybe not. It depends. I’d like it to be about basketball, not gender politics, not race and certainly not electoral politics. I get enough of those things everywhere else, thank you. Like most relatively normal sports fans, I tune in to ballgames partly to get away from all of it. As a major follower of the NBA playoffs, it’s occurred to me that one of the best things about the emergence of European stars like Nikola Jokic and Luka Doncic in the league is that people don’t talk about race the way they used to. Nobody can blame a Slovenian player like Doncic for America’s racial divide nor a Serb like Jokic — although his own country has known its share of ethnic hatred. I hear Doncic giving interviews in confident, idiomatic English — his fourth language — and I wonder if maybe the 25-year-old hard-court magician isn’t an intellectual genius, too. He certainly plays like one. But even Doncic couldn’t have led the Dallas Mavericks to the NBA Finals without his teammate Kyrie Irving, a Jersey Black guy with a history of espousing truly mad opinions. (He’s flirted with flat Earth theory, to choose a merely silly one.) But who cares? The dude’s a wizard with a basketball and plays the role of elder statesman on the Mavericks. He’s not running for office. Play ball! Which is pretty much my opinion of Caitlin Clark, the most remarkable female shooter and passer I’ve ever seen — although there are a lot of players I’ve never seen. After witnessing her moving with the strength and assurance of Steph Curry early last season, I watched every Iowa women’s game I could find on TV. One aspect of Clark’s game that’s been overlooked is what a terrific teammate she is. It’s not every high-scoring point guard — Clark broke the all-time NCAA scoring record during her four years at Iowa — who’s beloved by everybody on her team. Or so it appeared. The Hawkeyes played like a team of friends. Partly that’s because with Clark doing the handle, the ball went where it needed to go pretty much every time. Credit, too, Coach Lisa Bluder. So why diminish Clark’s accomplishments by referring to her, as one New Yorker profile did, as “a white woman from a red state”? Or as Washington Post columnist Candace Buckner did as a “white knight galloping in to save the Dark Continent known as the WNBA”? (She was being sarcastic.) Red state/blue state, let’s call the whole thing off. Media-enhanced political tribalism is bad enough without having it invade every corner of American life. It’s undeniably true that Clark’s surprising celebrity is partly due to what I call “Taylor Swift syndrome:" the newly awakened zeal of young American women for female role models. So far, I’d have to say that Clark is handling it awfully well, her newfound fame. She didn’t run to reporters for a good cry when she was left off the U.S. Olympic team; she said she could use the rest and looks forward to the 2028 games. Laid low by a nasty cheap shot delivered by Chicago guard Chennedy Carter, Clark simply got back up, dusted herself off and got back in the game. In a men’s game, such a foul might have triggered a bench-clearing brawl. (We had a couple of those in high school.) In the NBA, veteran Washington Post columnist Sally Jenkins pointed out, players get ejected, fined and suspended for that stuff. Clark limited herself to anodyne comments about basketball being a highly competitive and emotional sport. Seeing the big picture, tennis great Martina Navratilova tweeted, “The players in the WNBA need to realize that Caitlyn Clark is helping all of them. Now and in the long run, Caitlyn is the tide that will raise all boats!” NBA motor-mouth Charles Barkley said pretty much the same thing — 100% correct, both of them.
  21. He said he saw it on his visit. That’s when he decided to go there.
  22. If Clark's teammates were worth a shit, they'd go 80s NBA enforcer on Reese.
  23. Caitlin: "It's just a part of basketball," she told reporters. "It is what it is. Just trying to make a play on the ball and get the block. It happens." Reese offered a similar take on the situation. "It was a basketball play. I can't control the refs. They affected the game obviously a lot today," she told reporters. "I'm always going for the ball. Y'all are going to play that clip 20 times before Monday." Upgrading the call to a flagrant 1 was clearly the right call. Reese may have been making a natural basketball play, but she made clear contact with Clark's head in the process.
  24. Someone calling in bomb threats in Omaha. Go Vols.
  25. WNBA kinda like WWE Women's Wrestling?? Chicago Sky rookie Angel Reese recently told reporters she will "take the villain role" if it helps grow women's basketball, and she is dressing the part for Sunday's game against Caitlin Clark and the Indiana Fever. As Justin Tasch of the New York Post noted, Reese will wear custom-painted Reeboks with a Joker design for the highly anticipated contest: "I let Marvin do whatever," Reese said of the shoes that were painted by Marvin Baroota, per Tasch. "He drops the shoes on me at 10 o'clock the day before we leave. He brings the shoes to me and I'm just like, 'All right, I'll wear these.'" She isn't the only one with head-turning shoes paying homage to a famous villain in Sunday's game. Clark broke out the Kobe Grinches for the contest:
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