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2020 Democratic Nominee


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4 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


How the media takes Biden’s bullshit and attacks Warren without Biden doing it himself. He’s just asking for it now.

Pretty insulting to suggest Liz is only offering plans. Good luck with that one, Joe. Setting up a home run response for her in the debate.

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As an annoyingly rabid supporter of the candidate with the best, boldest, and most clearly-spelled-out plans to tackle the major issues facing us -- all of which you can read about in detail on his website and in the Senate bills he has sponsored/co-sponsored -- it is ABSOLUTELY true that plans alone aren't enough.

Buttigieg and Williamson make the same point.

A candidate has to be able to answer a general "How do we pass it?" AND they have to answer the front-runner's challenge, "Why should anyone think your position is stronger for getting results than mine?"

Biden is the frontrunner. A few hopeful polls show either Liz or Bernie ahead of him, and I adore those polls with all of my black heart, but he's not really falling away. I want it to happen soon, but it's not happening yet.

I think Bernie has a clear and convincing answer to both of the above questions. I think Liz is developing hers. I don't think Harris or Pete have an answer to either.

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2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

The trend and long term trend are the only things of value in these polls.  Where the numbers are right now are not nearly as important as where they’re going. 

Biden is falling, Warren is rising, Bernie is hanging in there. Biden losing the nomination is going according to plan. 


Edited by Hank Kingsley
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2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

Even you have to admit she committed political malpractice by taking Wisconsin and Michigan for granted. 

Against Donald Trump?  I’m pretty sure the people that chose him are far more to blame than Hillary.  

The Wisconsin narrative is weak shit and just a talking point excuse to scapegoat Hillary.  Yeah she should have gone there, she probably could have done a dozen other things too. 

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12 minutes ago, Larry T. Spider said:

This week warren passed Biden on my sportsbook as the favorite. Great sign.

Warren's been leading the Dem candidates for awhile on predictit. I bought contracts for her to win the presidential election at .14 and she's been hovering around .23/.24 for a couple of weeks. Trump is at .42, but as the other Dem candidates drop out the odds will continue to increase for Warren, Biden, and Sanders. Dotard should stay around .40-.45 for the foreseeable future.

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3 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

If you assholes get trump re-elected because someone not palatable to the Arizonas and Wisconsins of world is put up there I won’t forgive you.  

Just wait until the convention when AOC gets a prime time speaking spot and she leads the crowd in a Shout Your Abortion.

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17 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

If you assholes get trump re-elected because someone not palatable to the Arizonas and Wisconsins of world is put up there I won’t forgive you.  

Get ready for it. The far-left progressive wing of the party would rather lose with the"right" candidate than win with the "wrong" candidate. Never mind they are actually a small minority of people that actually vote Democratic. Shit, with Warren's pledge to completely shut down the O&G industry on Day 1, my left-leaning ass will probably end up having to vote third party. 

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18 minutes ago, Storm the Field said:

Warren's pledge to completely shut down the O&G industry on Day 1,

Link?  She planned to ban fracking but that also can be interpreted in different ways such as a ban on new fracking and/or setting a future date where all fracking will be prohibited. 

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

Bernie does better against Trump than anyone who isn't Biden. Bernie always wins the head-to-heads.

We can win with the right candidate.

From latest NPR/Marist poll:


55% of voters say they have an unfavorable impression of Sanders, while just 38% have a positive one.

Trump is at 41% approve/54% approve. Hey remember when Donald Trump won in 2016 because his opponent was one of the few people on the planet viewed as poorly as him?

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13 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Link?  She planned to ban fracking but that also can be interpreted in different ways such as a ban on new fracking and/or setting a future date where all fracking will be prohibited. 

She said she would institute a freeze on development offshore and on federal lands and would ban fracking, nationwide, on Day 1. 

That would be a massive blow to O&G, which is the point. It's essentially the most a President could possibly do to cripple the industry. 

Call me no better than a Republican or whatever you want, but I have trouble seeing myself really rooting for the person that wants to pro-actively end my career.

Edited by Storm the Field
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She said she would institute a freeze on development offshore and on federal lands and would ban fracking, nationwide, on Day 1. 

That would be a massive blow to O&G, which is the point. It's essentially the most a President could possibly do to cripple the industry. 

Call me no better than a Republican or whatever you want, but I have trouble seeing myself really rooting for the person that wants to pro-actively end my career.

Okay cool.  Vote for the Nazi party that wants to destroy the earth.

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
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Well, we didn't capture every German man, woman and child and execute them after the war, so I guess we really didn't hate Nazis.

For the same reason, you are going to lose votes if you want to blow shit up, rather than come up with more nuances attacks.

I realize she wants to win the nomination but just about everyone I know is a suburban conservative/moderate who hates Trump and gave us some wins in 2016.


Red meat is bad for the environment.  Should a candidate seek to ban all red meat or should a candidate prior to being elected discuss ways to discourage the consumption without banning red meat?



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Warren’s tactic is very clear. Any issue that is a core concern for a left of moderate dem is going to be addressed not by making sensible goals but by absolutely attacking the connected industries. 

Climate change: destroy fossil fuel industry and companies regardless of what it does to the economy. No time to transition. Just destroy ASAP. 

Bankers didn’t go to jail: destroy banking industry regardless of the harm it will cause every citizen with even a modest amount in the stock market. Cause havoc with inflation because the ends justify the means day one. 

When you look at her approach to getting what she wants you have to wonder why we even have congress or senate. Of course, you have to wonder the same for about 18 of the last 20 years. I mean at least the worst legislation in the last 50 years went through all chambers. She wants to take “pen and phone” to a level beyond what anyone else has. 

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25 minutes ago, Storm the Field said:

She said she would institute a freeze on development offshore and on federal lands and would ban fracking, nationwide, on Day 1. 

That would be a massive blow to O&G, which is the point. It's essentially the most a President could possibly do to cripple the industry. 

Call me no better than a Republican or whatever you want, but I have trouble seeing myself really rooting for the person that wants to pro-actively end my career.

It would also result in $100/bbl oil, $7/mmbtu natural gas, which will crater the economy.  It would also increase our use of coal, thereby increasing CO2 emissions.  Just a truly awful, counterproductive position to take, especially one that will ensure Texas stays out of play for the foreseeable future.  It was likely, at the very least, that the Rs would need to spend resources in TX to make sure it stays red in 2020.  If Warren is nominated, that no longer happens.

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3 minutes ago, ryskey said:

It would also result in $100/bbl oil, $7/mmbtu natural gas, which will crater the economy.  It would also increase our use of coal, thereby increasing CO2 emissions.  Just a truly awful, counterproductive position to take, especially one that will ensure Texas stays out of play for the foreseeable future.  It was likely, at the very least, that the Rs would need to spend resources in TX to make sure it stays red in 2020.  If Warren is nominated, that no longer happens.

Whatever,  Nazi. Get on the Bernie or Warren train or GFY.

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