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Very cool video: Alshon Jeffrey visits school kids who wrote him letter of support after his drop

Goo Punch

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I despise the Eagles, but that’s a great story. It had to make him feel at least a little bit better about what happened. I’m at the point in my life where I really hate to see people fail like that. I don’t mind when they get beaten, it’s part of sports. I just hate to see people make huge mistakes like that and then have to deal with the repercussions from idiot fans.

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1 minute ago, Hate said:

I despise the Eagles, but that’s a great story. It had to make him feel at least a little bit better about what happened. I’m at the point in my life where I really hate to see people fail like that. I don’t mind when they get beaten, it’s part of sports. I just hate to see people make huge mistakes like that and then have to deal with the repercussions from idiot fans.

Username doesn’t check out.

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I think we all feel bad for Jeffery because he immediately took responsibility and tried to shoulder the blame for the team's loss. He demonstrated accountability above and beyond what was actually his fault (obviously the rest of the team could have made dozens of different plays that could have tilted such a close game).

Lots of athletes, especially at the wide receiver position that is full of divas, would have avoided the press or given terse one word answers or blamed something or somebody else. He acted like an adult about it and people appreciate that.

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2 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

I’m a cynical shit, but that’s a lot of eagles jerseys for a random school day, and those kids in the classroom seemed to recognize his face pretty quickly when he walked in the room. 

But, even if the videos were staged the idea is great, and hat tip to alshon for taking the time. 


If you listen at the beginning of the video, the school admin says that Facetime isn't working.  That would explain all of the Eagles jerseys.  


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