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Everything posted by EE2B

  1. Her: I’d like to know where he gets his cotton from. Does he grown his own sheep? Me: [emoji23] [emoji38]
  2. I get into town on a Sunday so now I have to wait until Tuesday to get my BBQ on? What kind of shit is this?
  3. Please baby Jesus let them pick up Starkle(motion) and beat the shit out of Miami with Martell.
  4. Added: So newest update.... sorry for the pause he pasted the test and in the next half hour they will remove the vent, so let pray really hard that everything goes well and they won't have to put it back in. I LOVE ALL OF YOU AND DERRIAN DOES TOO. THANK YA'LL SO MUCH[emoji8][emoji8][emoji8][emoji8][emoji8]
  5. Morning update: Good morning, for two days Derrian has been breathing mostly on his own, today the said that today they will come down and check the air around the vent to make sure air is coming around it so that they can take him off so if not today definitely tomorrow. Added: So newest update.... sorry for the pause he pasted the test and in the next half hour they will remove the vent, so let pray really hard that everything goes well and they won't have to put it back in. I LOVE ALL OF YOU AND DERRIAN DOES TOO. THANK YA'LL SO MUCH[emoji8][emoji8][emoji8][emoji8][emoji8]
  6. Morning update: Good morning, for two days Derrian has been breathing mostly on his own, today the said that today they will come down and check the air around the vent to make sure air is coming around it so that they can take him off so if not today definitely tomorrow.
  7. Jesus Christ that shit is $38/case on Amazon. This kid’s parents have to be loaded the way he throws money away on bullshit.
  8. Another update for today: Update! Chest tube is out! Swelling is going down, he is mostly breathing on his own right now. The machine is set to only breath for him if he doesn't do it himself. But so far he is doing it! Praise God! #DB3 Strong!!!
  9. Another update for today: Update! Chest tube is out! Swelling is going down, he is mostly breathing on his own right now. The machine is set to only breath for him if he doesn't do it himself. But so far he is doing it! Praise God! #DB3 Strong!!!
  10. I can’t afford to change jobs and take that kind of pay cut.
  11. Update from this morning: Good morning, update on Derrian, he had a good night, swelling went down alot from surgery they will be removing his chest tube today along with trying to decide on removing the tube from his mouth. The test on his heart isn't showing anymore than what we was told about it which is a GREAT THING. He has those BIG bright eyes open and watching every move. Continue to pour on thoses prayers. #DB3 STRONG
  12. Update from this afternoon: Derrian continues to fight like the champ he is. His swelling looks better today. Still following commands. He is even blinking once for yes and twice for no!! They will do a procedure in the morning to check his heart out thoroughly. So prayers that all goes well with that!!
  13. Here is the last update from about 10pm last night: Update: Derrian is doing very good tonight. He made his momma so happy, I walked into his room to say goodnight and he was raising his arm, and leg. And those BIG!!! bright eyes was looking at me.[emoji7][emoji7][emoji7] just made my night!!! I love you DB#3 #DerrianStrong
  14. It’s CaringBridge. I logged in and there was another update on Darrian. Apparently he is responding to commands, but remains intubated. Sounds like he needs all the prayers he can get.
  15. Does light rail have a stop by the convention center? I’ll be at the Hilton America’s and was considering trying to get down there.
  16. It only counts if you made the pickles.
  17. Jesus Christ is that the fucking truth. My five year old is so deep in her mothers ass we can’t talk without her milling around. I love her but sometimes I would like to give her a mild sedative so she will lay down somewhere and be still.
  18. I cross the red river bridge twice a day going to and from work. One morning I’m coming into work right around daylight and this dumbass is stopped in the left lane on the bridge taking pictures of some fucking birds. I almost killed him and myself because he needed to get a few pictures.
  19. I think they moved on to bones.
  20. My niece is pregnant with her third kid by her third baby daddy. She thought she lost the kid after only a few weeks so she ran out and got another shitty tattoo. This dumb mother fucker now has another jail house tat done by some dumbass in their living room memorializing a kid she hasn’t lost. I keep waiting on the “I have hep” announcement, but it hasn’t come yet.
  21. Oldest kid went to two birthday parties last Saturday/Sunday. On Monday, my wife receives a text that one of the kids started running fever the night before and was going to the doctor. Turns out he had the flu. Tuesday afternoon my wife picks my daughter up from school and she says she doesn’t feel well. Checks temp and it’s 102. She goes to doc and tests negative for flu so they put her on preventative dose of tamiflu. She gets up Wednesday morning and still has fever-it’s the flu. Wednesday afternoon the 2 year old starts running fever. Yup it’s the flu (her second time to have it in a month). This shit needs to die in a fire and never come back. It will be a miracle if my wife and I make it through unscathed.
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