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Judge Roybeanbag

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Everything posted by Judge Roybeanbag

  1. Here’s what’s left this morning, fixing to pull the meat and eat on tortillas.
  2. Yeah. Cooking ribs right now on the provided smoker. Highly recommend this place particularly if you want kids to catch trout. The bite at nite is crazy.
  3. Last night under the lights was ridiculous. I personally must have caught 20 trout in a couple hours, some sandies we kept for ceviche, only a couple keeper specks, but the redfish and drum were hitting plastics and top waters. gonna do it again tonight.
  4. Noach with HEB jalapeño refrieds, leftover grilled chicken thigh and queso…
  5. Same here, I missed you by about an hour I guess. No line when we got there a little after 1pm.
  6. Was just out in my backyard in south Austin, and a C-47 flew over pretty low. That was unexpected, but cool.
  7. I’m stoked for next week. Got a nice RV setup, private pier with lights and a kayak, going to spend a few days on Keller Bay. Staying at this place. https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/43986372?source_impression_id=p3_1667051850_Oq084OeWD4T4ovVL I’ll be sure to give a review of the place, one of our crew has stayed there twice and says it’s great, except for the mosquitoes.
  8. My buddy took this nice 7 (8 without busted brow tine) at my place in Hays County with his bow. Lung shot.
  9. Her name on my phone translates to Ashli Babbit. Gee what a shame.
  10. Wheelhouse. Still see Claire Danes with the Cranberries playing in the background….
  11. Technically Poland is Central Europe, but I’ve been wanting to make Bigos, except I’m worried I’ll be the only one that will like it.
  12. Thing is, within the context of the game, sanders could either just run or throw a ball downfield and get a guaranteed first down.
  13. Tattoo ink, and the body hair weight. When you look like a carnival worker you tend to play like one.
  14. Yeah the push was legit, even though he couldn’t have caught the ball. But most of the others were crap.
  15. I will say on most of the pass interference calls, our guys had their heads turned toward the ball. Basically the B12 is saying if you touch a receiver and you’re a Longhorn, penalty. Half their yards were PI. That’s some bullshit.
  16. We’ve sucked for 10 years. We sucked slightly less today
  17. This right here. Everyone can blame Sark all they want, but mullet just completely missed half his passes.
  18. If every pass results a penalty, not a lot you can do. Zero penalties on ok state.
  19. That’s the politics of my forefathers, not me. Yes I understand it’s easy for me to say that. But here’s the thing, I can and will say that BECAUSE I can. That’s what those motherfuckers died for.
  20. We aren't going to make any progress at all until we get over the "tribe" mentality. John Lennon had it right about that. Jews, Muslims, Ukrainians, Russians, Comanches etc. The only hopeful sign I've seen in my lifetime is the ability of numerous nations to come to the defense of a country that has been invaded and provide for some freedom. Problem is here at home, people don't seem to understand what the fuck "freedom" means. It's not oppressing anyone opposed to your views.
  21. Suck a grifters short mushroom dick, to be accurate. Most popular mushroom dick among Jews, ever. Many people are saying.
  22. Crazy is crazy. It’s our mental health system on trial.
  23. This is an underestimated aspect. Iran is providing terrorist weapons, I think we should go all in on fomenting every bit of shit we can against both them and Putin. Fuck those guys.
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