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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Speaker City tee was my go to for many years.
  2. That’s probably Campbells and Cow’s Face in the background. They are fun. It’s a great bag and I’ve done the same periodically when I want a sense of humility as my sea-level lungs watch kids blaze by me trucking up the track. Bag gets more use carrying my water bladder, sandwich, two beers, and an extra layer tho 😎 First four days on my new Nordica Unleashed 98s. Digging that ski.
  3. Snow has been good along I-70 past few days. However, spent all day in back bowls yesterday and it was getting a little cooked. Really warm today (40s). Colder in Denver.
  4. Can’t get to Mammoth, so Vail it is
  5. Close. The dude in the cab is Howard Jarvis, who was the front man for California Prop 13 tax initiative (capped property tax in at 2%). He was in a cab though, so you got that correctly.
  6. I’m down to my last block of Kerrygold. Can’t find anywhere in CA due to some packaging bullshit
  7. Armor of God is a good band name. Trying to figure out what type of band.
  8. ^Guadaloopy 2 weeks and 5 days into his laryngitis
  9. Sure as shit beats $0.41. I had no issues getting solar to pencil.
  10. Nor did I. Might have if I was in an area with higher probabilities of power interruptions, but that’s rare in my part of San Diego.
  11. I think you have the carbon capture of concrete backwards
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