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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Upgrayedd

  1. Lulz. Like dev fees are going away
  2. They are all going to die. Except Teddy. He lives. Postscript will say he’s running Gitmo. Just my hunch.
  3. I believe you can redeem your 10k points, plus a $1.50, for a Costco hotdog.
  4. Tell the contractor to go pound sand. Never should’ve left a line for future use buried behind cabinets and inaccessible.
  5. lolololol <hyper-ventilating>lololololol <texts AU buddy that they have failed like this twice> lolololololo
  6. Lololololololololol <breathes> lolololololololol
  7. Nope. Put that together myself with the help of a few Societe Pupils.
  8. That was a big FU to the committee. Shouldn’t have had to play in Dayton.
  9. x, x, x, 1, x, x, x, x, x, x
  10. Should I watch this high? Feels like I should watch this high.
  11. Cake in San Diego June 20th
  12. Truth. I know it may be unpopular, but I almost prefer spring corn to winter skiing (pow days excluded). Sun. Sleep in (let that sun get on it). Warmer temps. Soft bumps. Gravity still works. I’m in.
  13. You’ll be able to hit Mammoth in either June or July most likely if you miss May.
  14. Jfc iced tea out of my nose. Thanks
  15. Nice. Hitting Squaw end of the month. Mammoth in April and probably Memorial weekend.
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