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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. I think yours might be the first that has anything to do with food by virtue of the lemon slices on the cover.
  2. Here are beloved right wing wit, Jesse Kelly, and the man Icono Macklemore thinks would make a great president showing that this cartoon is hardly an exaggeration. @GRHorn, Jesse makes a real knee-slapper of a feminists can't cook joke that you might want to post in the Comic Relief thread.
  3. I'd be tempted to fight Eric Trump except I'd rather not shred my fist on those teeth. I'd love to hurt Alex Jones somehow but would not want to see my fist disappear into that toxic ooze of cookie dough.
  4. If it's a fist fight, Charlie Kirk. After he's knocked the fuck out, I want to whisper "lil bits, lil bits." If it's verbal, MTG. I'd like to approach her and ask, "Anyone ever tell you look like Mr. Potatohead?" in a tone that suggests I'm making a flattering comparison. Then when she and her entourage act offended, I say something like, "I'm so sorry. I meant no offense. What's the new woke term for it? Genderless Plastic Potato Person?" as if they're taking offense at the Mr. part.
  5. That's a keen insight by Dr. Leakey but he still couldn't solve that geometry equation from Max Fischer's dream.
  6. Bojack

    Concept Albums

    This is one of my favorite records of the last 15 years. I saw them at SXSW the year it was released, literally in someone's back yard. They only played songs from Hospice.
  7. I wish there were a Jaguar fan, wtf +1 rep button. If some Surly CR poster is behind that, well done and good luck fleecing those rubes.
  8. Looking at this makes me want to rewatch Idiocracy for all the little details I've missed. The bench has some holes in it from some past court mayhem. There's a spotlight on the judge and what looks like a waffle iron on the table.
  9. They're burying the lede that Hunter Biden has 2 dicks.
  10. Well it ain't getting the creme de la creme of the chess world this time.
  11. Holy shit. I don't know all the details of The Love Guv but worse than Roy Moore? Could you and Canecutter collaborate on a Disgraced Alabama Politicians power poll? Not that I'm one to throw stones over here in Texas.
  12. Dumbest thing about all that was the customs officer wanted them to pay something like $80,000 to release their cargo. I guess their plan was for this guy to go there and say, "80,000 dollars? Would you settle for having your dick sucked by an average looking middle aged man?"
  13. I wonder how long they've hated their brother. Don't get me wrong, they absolutely should. I'm Paul Gosar's sister and he did not deserve a passing grade in his Chemistry class. I'm Paul Gosar's brother and he should be on the JV team if not cut altogether.
  14. There were some great spoofs of those ads.
  15. Reminds me of one of Alabama's finest, Dale Peterson. He was a cowboy that yelled, a man ahead of his time, not to mention a criminal.
  16. What would you like to see instead of public schools?
  17. I've heard they're boycotting Coca Cola also. What are they going to drink, water? Like from the toilet?
  18. I'm pleasantly surprised that in this impending national divorce our side gets to keep all the sports I like.
  19. Looking at Joel Greenberg's twitter and it's all MAGA bullshit and I imagine that's how he won the office in the first place. What the hell has any of that got to do with collecting taxes in Seminole County? Yo, Seminole County voters, next time just elect someone competent that you're pretty sure isn't a lowlife crook.
  20. This morning, Luke's friend: Luke, did you know you're still listed as communications director for Gaetz? Luke: Oh, hell no. Good looking out.
  21. I followed this rule a couple of years ago. Someone started the thread in January and I planted everything. It was a disaster.
  22. Thanks for starting the thread, Mrs. Whiggins. I've got 10 tomato plants, 7 mostly hot peppers, beans, basil, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumbers, an eggplant, supporting plants like marigold, sunflowers, and amaranth all going in north Austin. I'm hoping that this morning is my last possibility of frost. I've got all the vulnerable plants covered. I'll be planting okra and bitter melon soon. Good luck to everyone this year.
  23. I think a lot of these dumbshits, from office holders to Capitol rioters, thought they were about to skate on everything because Trump was going to be king for life.
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