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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. Surly is an emotional and overreacting bunch. Narrowly lose to Bama…the rebuild is ahead of schedule! Lose at Tech…fire Sark! Whip OU…we’re back! Fuck Vegas and their 15 point line, we’ll beat ISU by 30! Beat Iowa State by 3…we suck again! After the last few years, going 8-4 (likely) and hopefully a good bowl showing should be satisfying. Some of y’all that go too high and low should probably see a cardiologist.
  2. She made you wear a Peña jersey and mask, didn’t she?
  3. Did you put Big Bertha in your ass at band camp?
  4. Garuba seems like he sucks. That Spanish league where he was an MVP must have been pretty crappy.
  5. Dress for the job you want.
  6. Did Ricky Bobby’s dad design these helmets?
  7. Murfdogg21


    You asked why anonymous posters on surlyhorns.com were discussing him. I don’t give a shit about him, I was just answering your question. It’s a sports topic involving a guy in the news who used to coach one “rival” and could coach for another rival. Please advise the board on which non-Longhorn topics are acceptable for discussion. Kthxbai
  8. Murfdogg21


    Because he turns shitty college programs into double digits winners (one of which is 90 miles up the road) and he became available the same week that Venerables may have signed his death warrant at OU?
  9. It’s because shooting is backwards in Australia
  10. Murfdogg21


    @Spankytoes needs to be taken into the showers for rhythmic slapping.
  11. What is this shit? It’s like they don’t want the #1 pick. At least Cleveland lost.
  12. What is the interest rate on blankets and beads to finance his double wide?
  13. The taco subscription includes taco supreme and the Dorito taco!
  14. Since when did they recruit players who could read?
  15. He should make Kyler wear his son’s jersey for a photo tomorrow
  16. So which two of Curry, KD, and Klay were worse than Draymond during his oscillations? Or Curry, Klay, and Wiggins? He was a critical cog and also a punk bitch. Pretty soon he’ll be an old bitch. Tough times ahead to any franchise that pays him over $20M per year. No kidding. The Warriors made this like a national political story. When clearly guilty, deflect by attacking how the evidence was improperly obtained!
  17. He might have been 6 when the Empire took his sister to be a brothel space hooker, and for all we know he was running his own little theft and vandalism missions against Empire targets the whole time.
  18. As a Rocket fan, I hoped that Chet wasn’t the player to fall to #3 because I was scared he’d be frequently injured and may not be strong enough to match up with big 4’s and 5’s. I assumed the same position about VW until his last two outings. Now I’m all about the tank effort to land this French unicorn. Can we get John Wall and Russ Westbrook back to lead this noble effort? I will dream to myself of a lineup of Jalen Green, Jabari Smith, Wembanyama, Sengun, Eason, TyTy, and whoever they bring in with their mega cap space.
  19. Rik Smits looked like a sloth and wouldn’t have been shit if not for the extremely talented and deep roster he played with. That Pacers team in the 90s was sick.
  20. Draymond is like Robert Horry riding side car to real stars while winning multiple championships, except unlike Horry he is a arrogant piece of shit who believes himself worthy of max dollars. Maybe he’s the gay love child of Horry and Vernon Maxwell?
  21. I look forward to Episode 19 when they actually attempt the heist!
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