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Everything posted by HornOnTheBayou

  1. Did Hunter Biden open the door with his massive dong? A lot of people are saying he did.
  2. That's part of it. But also, they have the luxury of not having to worry about it. As long as you're not part of a marginalized group, you're going to be fine no matter which party is in power. However, if you're female, LGBTQ, poor, non-Christian, or a person of color, you don't get that luxury of pretending everything is A-OK.
  3. Does anyone know of any good World Cup betting pools? Once the US gets knocked out, I won't have a rooting interest, so I want to put some money down to have a team/teams to root for.
  4. I assume the dads are looking for recipes, but the moms are looking for a pipe layer.
  5. Which will be higher: goals in the US/England match or UT 2nd half points? Pretty depressing that I would have to think about that one for a second.
  6. So, the big cliffhanger is dead wolves and GPS devices on logs? Is saving wolves that big a deal in Montana? I must be missing something.
  7. Why does President Biden not support Americans with bone spurs?
  8. I took that as more she was mad that an underling made a really good point in front of the big boss and she couldn't take credit for it.
  9. I get the same message at least once a week and I don't have Tapatalk on my phone.
  10. This. I live off Mopac and traffic jams outside of rush hour are extremely rare. I can't remember the last time I got stuck on one there. On I-35? I always get stuck in traffic no matter the time of day.
  11. From mls.com So this means in order to watch games, I have to pay for a subscription on top of Apple TV? Will Austin FC games still be available OTA? If not, fuck all of this.
  12. How bad is the violence? I'm asking for my kid who is in 5th grade. He's been to Germany, knows a fair amount of German, and would absolutely love a movie about World War I. Is it worse than 1917? Because he hasn't seen that yet, but I would let him watch it.
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