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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UTCzech III

  1. I'll throw my shit out here (gulp), this is from about 5 years ago, not super happy with the way the sound turned out, but hadn't been in the studio in forever, should have mixed it with headphones on, but it's still aight.. and here's a rehearsal we did a couple of months ago, down at Space on Manchaca, enjoy my fat ass in all its glory...
  2. Both of these: Mrs. Baird's French Pastry and cinnamon rolls, but the original, in the metal pan you stuck in the oven to heat up:
  3. Brother from a diff mother... this right here
  4. There was very little spice to it, almost like a bock or Oktoberfest, very smooth, would drink again.
  5. Gonna enjoy this game no matter what, the 3 in 3-2-1 ribs down, halfway there
  6. A few of my brother’s favorite bands, would double rep if I could
  7. UTCzech III


    I know. Him and Kitty Carlisle can share a seat at the end of the couch. Next to George Goebel. Now move, Angie Dickinson needs to sit down and play with Johnny's pencil.
  8. UTCzech III


    Pluto TV has a Johnny Carson channel now. For all the funny stuff, man there is a lot of dead time as well. Fascinating though, I saw a show from 1974 that was taped on July 3. Nowadays talk show hosts take a minimum week or two off around any holiday. Also funny just to see that Hollywood crowd that all ran together, when somebody like Orson Bean was a major guest. What the fuck did Orson Bean ever do? Just that old Hollywood gang, probably just hung around each other's houses playing tennis and drinking.
  9. Good shit in here, keep it comin'... Gonna throw some curve balls at ya, but trust me, they work at full blast... (these definitely fall into the being drunk category... for me anyway)
  10. What a ghoul... (actual twitter post has a link in responses to AP photo, not a photoshop...)
  11. He is counting every second until he can get the ever-loving fuck out of there. You know how pissed he is having to pass up a round of golf for this shit...
  12. Was waiting to see if this thread would bring mofo out of his cave - (narrator) It did. (Although I suspect he's actually just a sock of one of the posters here...)
  13. Been so damn busy I haven't had time to start it yet, DVR-ing it for now, NO SPOILERS!
  14. I get that, it's pretty much common knowledge at this point that any Trump event is a covid free-for-all. You're not going to shame these people, they have none. Just announce where he is having a rally, and then say if you know anyone in that area, avoid them like the fucking plague for the next month or so.
  15. Why does anyone even care at this point? Let the lemmings follow their leader over the cliff, thin the herd. They bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. Stupid is as stupid does. And on and on and on and on......
  16. <not sure if serious gif> But IDGAF, I have blasted We've Only Just Begun and "Close to You", especially after the pause at the end where it explodes into about 6-part harmony.
  17. So I realize Conley and all the other doctors had to sign NDAs and basically are only reporting what Drumph wants them to say. But after Drumph is gone (<Norman Dale> and he will be gone<Norman Dale>obscure movie paraphrasing, I'm drunk fuck it), what the hell does Conley do? He'll have no shred of respect anymore, do they stick in the basement like Milton? Does the military take care of their own like Brad Pitt in Se7ven, "whatever he needs"...? So many people that have enabled and abetted this fucker, they should all wear scarlet T's for the rest of their days...
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