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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. That is the only thing about this story about which I have 100% certainty.
  2. He's pulling his own strings. He's a narcissist. Narcissists thrive on slavish adoration. And it's less about the volume/number of adoring parties than it is about the degree of adoration among the adoring parties. So, narcissists seek out audiences/groups who are likely to deliver what they need. That slot is easily filled by the "redpill/incel/groyper" type crowd. Elon needed something: knob-slobbering adoration. He gets it by saying things that the knob-slobbering crowd loves to hear. And that crowd LOVES hearing someone more powerful than them say what they are thinking/believe, because it gives them validation -- "see, we're not stupid! ELON AGREES WITH US! That means we think just like a super brain genius does!" It's no much more complicated than a politician telling a crowd of UT students "It's great to be here at the GREATEST university in the state of Texas!" to get their adoring cheers....and then saying the EXACT same line to a crowd of aggy students later that afternoon. It's about getting the adoration. That you don't see yourself as one of the knob-slobberers is one of the least surprising things ever revealed on this board.
  3. I mean....that's an Airbus, not a Boeing bird, but ok.
  4. Liver paste/spreads are fantastic. This is the baseline traditional smorrebrod sandwich in Denmark: Liver paste, bacon, sliced beets, lingonberries, on rye bread. It's fucking great.
  5. Seriously. "SQUIRREL! I can think about a lot of things, all of them in an utterly ill-informed, half-assed way!" isn't the flex that he thinks it is. FFS, I'm a pretty smart guy. I actually do shift my thinking from subject to subject (from case to case or issue to issue), by necessity, on a regular basis. And....IT SUCKS. It is inefficient, and leads to incomplete thoughts and sometimes erroneous thinking. My thinking is much, much better when I stick with a task at hand and think it through. That's how all brains work. The fact that you can think about 20 things in quick sequence? Cool, I do that too. But what can you ACCOMPLISH with respect to any/all of those things? THAT is the relevant question. He doesn't answer it. Well, he has answered it. By his results. The Cybertruck. Firing masses of people actually essential for his core business, etc. Half-assed thinking yields shitty results.
  6. He is the führer. That's it. Full stop. There is no party but Trump, Trump is the party. And it serves no great end. It serves only Trump, his narcissism, his criminality. AND ALL OF THESE SPINELESS, WEAK, CUCKED, PATHETIC COCKWEASELS ARE ACCOMPLICES. If there is any justice in history (and I doubt that there is), every "Republican" of this era will go down in history as a new Himmler, Heydrich, Bormann, etc. Mar A Lago will be looked upon as we now look on Großen Wannsee 56-58 in Wannsee. That would be justice in history. Don't waste time hoping for that.
  7. This. Bring a packet of apple slices, you picky fastidious little bitch. We’re going to eat food.
  8. From your lips to God’s ears. Blood in the streets is how this ends. It was always going to be that way. Let’s make it theirs, delivered by belt-fed .50 cals from fortified rooftop positions. Stack these fuckers like cordwood, then maybe they’ll start to get the message.
  9. Seriously. This myth that Israel is just a bunch of civilized folks in Tel Aviv, sipping tea and enjoying their shakshuka, is insane. There is a sizable percentage of the Israeli population that is all-in on the “fuck every Palestinian” plan, and there has been for a long time. Israel has their own poison pill to deal with.
  10. Leopards eating people's faces, chapter eleventy billion. Almost every one of these aspiring fascists is thinking "this new reign of repression is AWESOME! I'm with you guys, let's repress like mofos!" Then....when the fascists turn on them....the catholics, the browns, the blacks, the women, the insufficiently loyal to Trump fundagelicals, really....everyone who is not in the tightest inner circle of the Dear Leader, they'll cry "but...but...I'm one of YOU! Don't you understand, I'm on your side!!" Which won't matter for shit as they're unceremoniously shoved into the hole.... Useful idiots. Every last one of them.
  11. Ok...what was the recommended path for plantar fasciitis? Been a long time since I've had it, but I'm pretty sure it's flaring up on my right heel again.
  12. Occam's. Razor. I will never understand why people insist on preferring the belief that a sinister conspiracy, requiring complex action and perfect timing, is what happened, instead of....slipshod maintenance and operations and cheap-ass ownership and management. I mean, we see the second circumstance all the time, every day. The laws of mathematics tell us that every once in a while, those circumstances will combine to bite us in the ass. I don't rule out anything -- that's why investigations are done. Sometimes they find bizarre things in play. But the odds are overwhelmingly high that this was a stack of fuckups that led to a serial fuckup at the exact worst time. See Challenger disaster, see Titanic, see any number of other industrial accidents. If the brakes fail on a semi as it is backing up in a Love's travel stop, it doesn't make the news. And that happens. If the brakes on that same truck fail when it's at a highway speed and it plows through a school bus killing a dozen kids . . . we all hear about it. And in case 2, people like Zeus are asking "who disabled the brakes? DO THE RESEARCH!" When in reality, both failures were due to shitty maintenance and someone cheaping out on the proper care for the brakes.
  13. Just saw a blurb on this....and as an OG Houstonian raised there in the 70s and 80s, this hits close to home. Anyone still hit Timmy Chan's? That shit was GOOD. Of course, when I was a kid, they made full-on fried chicken, not just wings. I bitterly remember one time, it was a Friday night, and I had a buddy over, my dad was getting in on a flight from working out of town all week. The plan was that we'd pick up a big-ass box of Timmy Chan's on the way to the airport, pick him up, and then we'd have dinner right when we got home. We pick up the chicken. It's the greatest goddamned smell ever, my buddy and I were early teens, so we were hungry as hell. NO, we cannot have a piece in the car, we will wait until we pick up your dad, he's been working hard all week. Dad's flight is delayed. Like two freaking hours. So we just sit in that car in a parking spot. That incredible smell wafting all over us. And we couldn't eat it. We just got hungrier, and hungrier. If anyone ever asks me if I've been legit tortured, my answer is FUCK YES I HAVE. I'd rather be waterboarded than have to sit in a car with delicious Timmy Chan's that I can't touch for three hours.
  14. Yeah, there's definitely a foundational issue of parents living vicariously through their kids and their achievements (which, on some level, is only human and is to be expected). Whether you're bragging because little Johnny hit a home run or because he won a spelling bee, there's some "look at my kid" going on there. It's when it's taken to extremes, and/or at the expense of other more sensible things, that it's a problem. A secondary issue with living vicariously through athletics is the "so what?" factor. Your kid led his high school team in stolen bases. Cool. Seriously, that's cool. But is he gonna make 7 figures plus in MLB because of it? Odds are the answer is "no." So he might as well have just won his 10th straight hand of gin. It's cool that he's good at something, that he worked hard at it, and that it paid off. That's the takeaway. Oh, and that he's happy. I sure as hell loved watching my son work on a baseball skill and seeing it pay off, and seeing HIM take joy and satisfaction in the payoff. These days, I'm more likely to brag on my kids about the things I'm jealous of: dude gets to live in Scotland, he's a hit with the girls, he's turned into a damned good cook, he's a solid baseball player on a fun adult league team that has him bouncing around Scotland, he's studying cool central and eastern european stuff and doing well at it. The girl is living in London, finding her way, speaking four languages, building a network of friends and colleagues all over the world. But for both of them, the metric that resonates with me is "are they doing some things that feed them, make them happy, and advance them as people?" It sucks when they aren't, and I feel that for them. But one thing that's damned clear to me - as much as I will brag on my kids (and I will, I'm really proud of them), their accomplishments are theirs. I don't get to take ownership of those, and I'd be a dick if I tried.
  15. "You could look at the sky all day for a week, and it's clear blue skies. And then all of the sudden, you see clouds. So we're just asking the question -- who are these Vapor Creators, and why do they want to sap our manly essence?" These are the dumbest people in the world. And every person who votes Republican supports them. They support this thinking. They support an insane cult. Never let them deny it, because if they deny it, they are lying.
  16. The stupids are allergic to Occam's Razor.
  17. When you understand that for modern American "Christians," the list of the holiest of sacraments just has one item on it -- "be a complete fucking hypocrite" -- it all clicks and falls into place. Modern American Christians have managed to be, literally, everything the ACTUAL Christ warned and spoke against. It's amazing to watch. Up is down, black is white, lies are truth.....all of it. One of the most fascinating sociological phenomena I've ever seen.
  18. Yes and know. Unless the defense has significant additional witnesses they intend to call, the defense may well be presenting their case through their cross of the prosecution's witnesses. Unless Trump decides to testify, I'm not sure who they'd be calling in their case who hasn't already been on the stand? That is, when the prosecution rests, the defense may not have much more to put on.
  19. And this. I'm thrilled that the boy is playing baseball now -- not because he has any chance of doing anything with it. Rather, he's got a new set of friends, hits the pub and bullshits with them after a game, and gets to teach them how to order at McDonald's on the trip home from road games (he explained that roadside dining options in the UK are quite limited....it's pretty much McD's or BK off the highway, and they love them some McD's). It's something he enjoys, it feeds him, and hey, this Sunday, they won the game against their biggest rival, Edinburgh, so he's pretty pumped.
  20. "My junior year, I dedicated significant effort towards getting access to Mary Jones' chestal area. She ignored me, I kept devoting my efforts to the task. But one day, I stepped back and surveyed the situation, and thought strategically. I had been wasting my time on a 10 who was never going to give me the time of day, when Mary Jones' good friend, Betty Smith, who was a 7 but had huge tracts of land, was clearly interested in me. I made the call not to indulge in the "sunk cost" logical fallacy, shifted my effort and attention to Betty, and as a result, spent the spring semester of that year happily exploring certain hills and valleys. Leaders have to know when to cut their losses, and to shift their attention to other beneficial activities. I am proud of my decision, and the results I achieved." I presume I'm getting the scholarship, right?
  21. Bingo. 99% of parents who say shit like "all of this time and money is an investment to get my kid an athletic scholarship!" are very, very, very bad at math.
  22. And....it makes no difference as to whether your kid is going to get a scholarship to a good university or not. Sure, if you're marginal, maybe putting in exceptional effort bumps you up to get an offer from D2 or D3 U, congrats on your admission and free tuition to Bridgewater State U. But let's be clear: functionally ZERO kids who get a scholarship offer to a good D1 school (UT, Purdue, Michigan, what have you) got that offer because of the 6 summers they spent playing select ball or somesuch. When it comes to having D1-level talent, it's a lot like having pro-level talent: you either have it, or you don't. I remember reading about baseball scouts who could go to high school baseball showcases, with 100 players out on the field showing their stuff. The scouts commented that they could tell from watching around 30 seconds of a player's action whether he had the stuff to be considered a real prospect, and out of those 100, MAYBE 2-3 players would make that initial cut. And that's just to be considered a prospect, not a lock to actually make it to the next level. And I know I've told the story around here about my old law partner whose kids played youth sports with Drew Brees. It didn't matter if it was blindfolded Albanian Badminton they were playing, Drew was the best athlete on the field. At everything, always, since he was 5 years old. No amount of practice or clinics or select ball was going to turn my friend's athletic, skilled kids into Drew Brees. And Drew's family didn't even let him start playing "select" ball (which everyone else wanted him to do) until late middle school or something like that. He didn't miss out on any development because he missed several seasons of select ball. He's got an earned Super Bowl MVP trophy, because he was a god-given great athlete. That's what it takes. My son is a good baseball player. He loves it, played since T-ball. He's playing now, in an adult rec league overseas, and it makes him happy. He's one of the better players on a top squad, but he's far from the best. He gets the experience of being part of a team, meeting folks, travel for games, all the good stuff you want out of sports. Kids will have a pretty healthy attitude about sports, if their parents will get out of the way. Tying back to the thread topic: I think the kids are, all-in-all, alright. It's the adults who are fucky.
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