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Everything posted by Brisketexan

  1. Iran is a pustule. There is zero fucking reason for Iran to be in hostilities with Israel, yet they have been for decades, because they are a psychotic islamofascist regime. They’ve been in FA mode for a long time. I don’t mind the FO. And collectively, we have embarked on a new era of global conflict. It’s stupid as hell, but stupid is humanity’s brand. Now lots of things go boom.
  2. I don’t disagree with questioning the strategic decision to really open the can of worms with Iran, but I actually think that taking the war to Iran would have been a wiser move to begin with. Iran financed and trained Hamas terrorists. There was a direct link between Iran and the Oct 7 attacks (even though Iran apparently didn’t fully know what its proxy had planned). An actual declaration of war by Israel against Iran would have been justified by most applicable principles of international law. Go after the specific terrorists in Gaza who committed the war crimes. And take the war to Iran. That would have been a more sound strategy. Iran has long wanted a full war with Israel. Seems they may be getting it. And it’s one Israeli war where I’m just fine with us supplying them weapons. I doubt they’re out getting shakshuka.
  3. The world is in flames…and ho’s gonna ho. This is the way.
  4. They didn’t “deliberately provoke Iran.” Iran has been waging a “proxy” war (and sometimes, really not bothering with the “proxy” part) against Israel for a long-ass time. Iranian backed strikes against Israel are a regular thing. Israel’s return strikes have NOT been to assets on Iranian soil. Objectively, Israel has been restrained with respect to Iran (note the qualifier - I am just speaking to Israel’s actions regarding Iran). They hit Iranian assets hard last week. Iran wants to hit back. This shit was always going to happen. Sorry, the fucking burden here is on Iran. It has ZERO natural reason to be at war with Israel. It’s a psychotic islamofascist war they’ve been waging for deranged reasons. Fuck em.
  5. The perfect encapsulation of the times we live in? The last reply in the string of posts about an unfolding war is from some chick with a “nudes in bio” message. Gotta love humanity.
  6. This…is jaw-dropping, and that it comes from a parent of one of the murdered students tells you all you need to know about the cult: “Although I know it would not be able to be a totally student-managed endeavor in the future like it was in the past, maybe it could be “inspected” by professionals as the students build it. That was one of the amazing things about Bonfire – the students did it all and learned tremendous management skills while doing it.” Learned. Tremendous. Management skills. What…THE ACTUAL…FUCK????? You know what the #1 “management skill” to be deployed in building a jillion ton 60 foot tall structure is? THE FUCKING SKILL TO CONSTRUCT IT SO IT DOESN’T FALL DOWN AND KILL PEOPLE. They totally omitted that skill. Know why? BECAUSE THEY WERE FUCKING COLLEGE STUDENTS WHO WERE ENTIRELY UNQUALIFIED TO TAKE ON A MASSIVE AND PERILOUS CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT. Am I taking fucking crazy pills? What is fucking WRONG with these people????
  7. My cousin was in town this week for several days after the eclipse. I let her borrow my old truck so she’d have a set of wheels. She spent much of the week at her half brother’s place in Allandale. She returned the truck this morning, mortified and apologized that it was out in the hail on Tuesday that hit their hood, and has dents all over it. We had a good laugh. It’s a 1999 beat up truck. The dents give it character. If it got a few more, it’d help its aerodynamics, like a golf ball. No glass broken, so all is good.
  8. The bonfire horror has always enraged me. One of MY state institutions, funded in part with MY public dollars, tasked with educating the young people of Texas…was so criminally inept and stupid, ON AN INSTITUTIONAL LEVEL, that it killed 12 of them. What happened wasn’t unfortunate, or negligent, it was fucking criminal. And what did the institution and culture learn from their actions that murdered 12 of our fellow Texans? Nothing. Not a single. Goddamned. Thing. Rage. The only thing you should feel for aggy, for eternity, is rage. They are murderers, and always will be, and they’ll hate you for daring to speak the truth to shatter their collective delusion.
  9. Humanity is in a phase of elevating the most ridiculous fucking people, and I just don’t get it.
  10. Know why it takes two poles to saw? Cuz they’re so darned stupid!
  11. All the “questions” you just asked about what European countries are doing have been answered. Collectively, they have a lower GDP than the US…and have contributed MORE in value than the US has. You don’t actually have questions. You just keep repeating them because you don’t like the answer.
  12. “Start?” Dude. You’re in night 3 of this two week epic. Shit’s already gone plenty south.
  13. This. Animal Tobacco is a dumbass motherfucker, spouting propaganda. He's an idiot or an operative, or both. 1 -- There are minimal "cash" contributions happening here. They are almost all in-kind contributions of mostly outdated hardware and weapons. 2 -- The comparison of value of contributions makes him look like even MORE of a fucking dumbass. Compare the contribution as a percentage of GDP: in 2022, the GDP of the EU and UK was around $20 trillion....the GDP of the USA was around $25 trillion. The EU and UK GDP was 80% the size of our GDP, yet they contributed 12% MORE to the war effort. You just made yourself look like a complete dumbass -- per dollar of GDP, they contribute substantially MORE than we do, you fucking dumbass. It IS disproportionate.....THE OTHER FUCKING WAY THAN THE ONE YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT, YOU IGNORANT, LYING, BAD-AT-MATH PIECE OF FUCKING EXCREMENT SPEWED FROM PUTIN'S ANUS. 3 -- The ONLY reason that Russia and its allies are able to "out produce and outgun" Ukraine is because....and follow me here, this is really important....Russia and its allies are pumping everything they have into the war effort, whereas the West is having its armament apparatus held hostage BY FUCKING POLITICIANS WHO ARE COMPROMISED BY THE FUCKING RUSSIANS. If the West simply poured in the resources that we have and that Ukraine is asking for, Ukraine actually fucking outguns Russia. The ONLY disadvantage should be how much meat they have to throw at the effort. And when it's an existential crisis, you find the fucking meat. In summary, fuck yourself to hell, and I hope that one day your family finds itself in a Bucha and that when you cry for help....it is as forthcoming as the help you would have us withhold. If you are okay with atrocities, may you have them visited upon you so that you may fully enjoy them.
  14. This. And a "Ukraine can't win" conclusion is uninformed by history. Army v. Army, Russia has had an advantage in a shitload of wars. Yet....Russia regularly loses or collapses as a government/state. Russia's one great victory, WWII? It was fought using a shitload of western materiel. Otherwise? You don't beat Russia by straight head-to-head matchup. You beat Russia by humiliating it, bleeding it, and causing a crisis within Russia and Russian leadership. The Ukraine strategy is to fight to a point of either Putin declaring victory of some sort to save face/save his ass, or collapse of the current Russian regime (either by actual collapse or Putin's death/incapacity). I regularly advise smaller clients in fights against much larger, better-funded adversaries. I tell them "we don't have to beat them head-to-head right now. They are going to throw everything they have at us. All we have to do is survive the onslaught, and outlast them." That strategy works. It works a lot. Because a lot of the "big boy bullies" in this world only have "bully" in their arsenal. When "bully" fails to achieve the desired result....they become confused, vulnerable, and lose their will to fight. Which creates the opportunity for a negotiate resolution that is much, much more favorable for the smaller adversary than you would have thought at the outbreak of hostilities. All that BeardIP is telling us is that either 1) he is fucking lying about supporting Ukraine, and/or 2) he's a shitty strategic thinker who has minimal experience in adversarial engagement.
  15. Is "TL;DR" in it? Because...TL;DR.
  16. WTF? The effective opposition to aid to Ukraine is coming from ONE faction of ONE party being driven almost entirely by ONE leader of said party. Fucking seriously, it's not "Qanon conspiracy theory" shit when they literally say out loud what they are doing and why. What the fuck are you even talking about?
  17. What HASN’T been going on your entire life is one of our two main parties becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Russia. And the party that did so used to be stridently ANTI-Russia. That’s been the most shocking shift in American politics since the Civil Rights era. It is having a global impact, and is causing deaths in Ukraine right now.
  18. You know what fascists understand? They understand one thing. And only one thing. Cruelty, pain, suffering, and death is the only language they speak and understand. They speak it loudly and fluently. But that means that they also hear it, crystal-fucking-clear. Y'all keep thinking that there's a way out of this that doesn't involve a massive body count and unspeakable suffering. There isn't. This is the path, this is what fascism brings. Every. Fucking. Time.
  19. And with that culminating sentence, I bring you this live image of Thetexashammer:
  20. Perhaps he was just diverting livers to another location....where they could be served with some fava beans and a nice chianti?
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