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mr. sunshine

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Everything posted by mr. sunshine

  1. I eat the pussy. I eat the butt. I eat every motherfucking thang
  2. and haven’t played football for 7-8 years but hey
  3. Maybe it’s you that nobody still gives a fuck about but that would mean somebody gave a fuck in the first place
  4. Holy fucking shit. Kyrie Eleison was my “brother in the struggle” all along
  5. I got pulled over by Austin PD in the late '80s for running a stop sign. I was drunk and high as a pine tree. Lied to the cop that I was just around the corner from home (didn't even know the address) and was just a general all-around asshole. Fortunately one of my passengers was much more clearheaded and diplomatic and talked the cop into letting him drive to a buddy's house nearby where we'd all spend the night. The cop reluctantly agreed but promised he'd drive by that address every hour until his shift ended and if my vehicle moved, he'd come and pull me out of bed and beat my ass. Not a chance in hell of anything like that happening these days. There but for the grace of God...
  6. Easy. Just replace the Big XII patch with it
  7. I started out in Nacogdoches, mostly defending SFA students against DWI, PI, assault (fighting) charges, etc. The county attorney at the time had a soft spot for “young folks just starting out in life” screwing themselves over long term by engaging in knucklehead behavior. In those situations he’d offer to reduce a DWI to obstructing a roadway or reckless driving, unless it caused a wreck or the defendant was an asshole toward the cops. This was pre-internet so the only bad publicity he’d receive was the occasional letter to the editor from a MADD member
  8. Pleading a DWI down to obstructing a highway is so early ‘90s man
  9. My favorite Coen brothers movie and I think it’s damn near perfect. There, I said it
  10. All That Jazz. Lots of Dexedrine, jazz hands and dancer poon
  11. I watched it after a day of dove hunting, but had to do so by myself because my host and fellow hunters all went to Tech so they couldn’t tell me enough how they didn’t give a shit. It was by way of one of those old, big ass C-band satellite dishes. They didn’t cut away for commercials so you could hear the announcers comment on any noteworthy tits as the cameras scanned the crowd
  12. Good call particularly the Leftovers. IIRC season 3 had a different theme song for each episode
  13. When I got home from this game I was hired by a pipeline worker from Louisiana to defend him against a DWI charge. Seems that although born and raised there he loved the Horns. Unfortunately after watching the game in a bar in Beaumont he was pulled over by a DPS trooper in Jasper County. The video of his field sobriety tests just amounted to him repeatedly yelling “Hook ‘em Horns!”. Case dismissed
  14. I guess I understand it as a kid when for us it was Mid South Wrestling out of Lake Charles - Dusty Rhodes, Junkyard Dog, the Fabulous Freebirds, et al. My cousin and I ran the camera at the Methodist church on Sunday mornings and discovered the monitor got channels other than the church feed. Also the Million Dollar Movie out of Houston was usually Godzilla so we’d usually get dozens of complaints
  15. We used to have to drive five hours to home games and pay more and more for our craptacular seats so we let our season tickets go years ago. CDC definitely doesn’t have my email address. Just curious if any of you who have heard from him have suggested he needs to cut the dead wood in the athletic department first and what his response was
  16. You can toggle between AppleTV and other content - Netflix, Amazon Prime, AT&T TV Now, HBO Max, etc. You even change channels and control the volume. My parents are nearly octogenarians and can use the damn thing. Not sure what you’re looking for unless it’s that whole ass play thing suggested above
  17. I laughed but then I felt bad about it so it all evens out
  18. Would have been more than happy to swap him for a bunch of assholes with Texas license plates, Roll Tide stickers and absolutely no fucking connection to Alabama
  19. Suppose Catwoman sees me coming out of the shower and decides to come on to me. I’m looking good. Got a luscious V of hair going through my chest pubes down to my ball fro. She takes one look at me and goes “Oh my God! I’ve had the old bull. Now I want the young calf” and grabs me by the wiener. Shut the fuck up.
  20. It appears $75 million doesn’t buy anywhere near what it used to. Damn you inflation
  21. I’ve got some UA camo, which Nike didn’t offer. I took that as Phil Knight doesn’t care for hunting, except Asian children of course
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