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  1. Bryson has at least made an effort to change publicly. I think Brooks is who he’s always been but when he’s not winning majors it looks a lot more douchey.
  2. They may or may not think Trump will win, but I don’t think that’s a material part of their decision to gargle the orange balls. They are doing it because all GQP voters are slavish members of a cult of Trump. If you do anything less than acknowledge him as the One True God, then you are an apostate and will not have their support. If they want those people to vote for them, that have to show them “I’m in your cult too!” It’s pathetic, they’re simps who would swear allegiance to Satan and buttfuck a baby if they thought it would get them elected. There is no group in American history more spineless and pathetic than modern GQP politicians.
  3. It’s certainly possible that it goes down that way. I honestly don’t care as I am getting more than my share right now, but it’s weird how much shifting seems to be happening right now. I’ve been fired more in the last 30 days than in my entire career combined, and pricing was solid on all those deals and we were conditionally approved on like 3 of the 5 so it wasn’t like files were gathering dust or the team wasn’t performing. I had a VA cleared to close in 8 or 9 days the other day and agent asked me why docs weren’t at title yet (like 12 days before closing) and I was like- what the hell is going on here in this market- I don’t get it. People moving. People not happy about 10 day CTC’s- I think everyone needs to get busier so that we don’t have time on our hands to nitpick over stupid shit or something. I can’t figure out what’s going on, honestly. on 6/28 I will have closed 10 more units than I did in all of 2023 so I’m not complaining at all, but none of this shit makes sense.
  4. It's funny how a few years ago when that whole Koepka vs DChambeau thing was going on, Koepka was portrayed by everyone as the cool guy and DeChambeau was the annoying self-centered nerd. Now as they opened up their lives more and you get to see more behind the scenes and interviews, Brooks looks like an uber douche who surrounds himself with douchebaggery and Bryon seems like a pretty normal guy and kind of funny.
  5. Not really relevant for us but still thought I’d share. (Although if JV is hurt, we may be at the point we need to see if the mariners will be open to a cheap deal for DK…)?
  6. That’s not going to happen. I don’t really understand the PE thing but it’s not going to be a way to lose money. The terms would be safer, but I think ultimately nothing will happen there. The naming rights thing is dumb but clean infusion of cash. Talent disbursement isn’t going to change. The five star programs will still get the five stars and the rest will get the rest. But ultimately like @Okie State said fuck all this shit. secsecsec
  7. I remember seeing the promos for those but it never synced up when we were down in Austin. I remember some of the more experimental programming like that from back in the 4th and Colorado days like Owen screening sex ed films, the series where they had the audience bring in their own short films, the very limited series where they showed bad movies and actually encouraged the audience to heckle and in addition to the original iterations of Weird Wednesday and Terror Thursday
  8. Meyers is .172/.200/.207 last 15 games. He is who he’s always been. He’s a couple good catches and two good weeks at the plate from being on the bus next to Abreu. I won’t stop whipping this horse but he has no business starting for a team that has World Series aspirations unless the other 8 guys are killing it. And we left that behind in 2019. Chas is one good month last year from getting double occupancy rates. If you can’t pick out your starters then you have no starters. We’ve been playing musical chairs with left and center since Brantley got hurt. We may have bigger needs but OF is a black hole also. Getting rid of Abreu knocked the fever down but the patient is still sick.
  9. No College Football Hall of Fame for the Pirate https://www.si.com/fannation/college/cfb-hq/news/college-football-hall-of-fame-mike-leach-decision To be eligible, a coach has to be a head coach for ten years, coach at least 100 games, and have at least a .600 winning percentage. The Pirate's winning percentage was .596
  10. I like how a thread about a crazy person saying crazy things instantly became a thread about something completely different. We didn't even get one reply about Howard.
  11. I'd take all these front office stories more seriously if they didn't all start out whining about Click being fired. He was too passive and needed to go regardless. *one more And I tend to agree unless France can somehow renegotiate the deal with the devil he made last year.
  12. If we lose one starter, it’s all over for 2024
  13. A few Thanksgivings ago, in False River, LA, I met a cousin by marriage’s dad. His Tshirt said “We Dont Rent Pigs” and I chuckled, knowingly. He died of cancer a month later and a month after that his grandson Gus was born. Gus and his brothers Bear and Charlie already have their own horses, their dad was a pro rodeo guy for a while.
  14. https://climbingtalshill.com/posts/astros-insider-hints-at-power-struggle-in-front-office-ahead-of-trade-deadline-01j08zq65cep?utm_campaign=FanSided+Daily&utm_source=FanSided+Daily&utm_medium=email&sc=1649d2be2e9ecea9a706f971ed3f0e485561941cae254a1294094f2c732ef877 Not surprising at all. I'm guessing Brown is gone after this year, either being let go or leaving on his own.
  15. I want to believe this, but the fact that so many GOP politicians are enthusiastically falling in behind Trump makes me think they believe Trump will win. Of course, maybe they are doing that because they think he has no chance of winning, thus they know their support doesn’t mean risking another Trump presidency, so they’re just keeping his base in their corner for the future.🤷
  16. I would love to see what Loperfido, Leon, Wagner, Bastidas, and Whitcomb could do, unforunately we are promoting Cabbage, Hummel, Amaya, Kessinger, and Salazar instead to go along with Singleton.
  17. I’d be surprised if we added anyone besides Dana promoting our own dogshit AAA guys. We should be selling like fucking crazy so we’re not in a 3 year phase of denial and go down in flames into another 5 years of trying to rebuild. Start now.
  18. Been reading several articles and watching a few videos -- criticism of Lakers not offering at least $100mill are numerous. Some saying if Lakers weren't serious, why did they even go after Hurley -- embarrassing. Lakers front office 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  19. Allred's commercials are awful. He's basically a sentient cardboard cutout, with less personality. Cruz, unfortunately, can do what he wants and still win.
  20. And this present darkness is peak evangelical fiction. And frankly concocted from that very verse. Literal demons have territories and are actively trying to sabotage Christians and heaven on earth through Christian government by tempting the people to sin. the demon of the Austin suburbs (?) got to me with “you can be who you are” temptation, he (?) told me I could have lesbian sex and I was like “PUT ME IN COACH!! I mean Mr. Demon?” reminds me when I was on the fast track for pastor hood at a non-denom church at the fucking age of 19 Jesus Christ - and a nitwit leader told me (they called it prophesying) in front of a large group I was going to be a star for Jesus but I had to watch out for ALL sin, demons were coming and they would use everything they could, even masturbation to stop my rise. i was like “girl, if you only knew! Whacking off twice a day is the least of it.” UT student watch group called the well respected Austin church’s student group a cult. We celebrated the label then. Glad I got out, glad I was kicked out to be more accurate. weirdos.
  21. I think we were talking about early signs, but for sure you’re right on that. Flipping off cameras in national signing day was a highlight as well. I’m guessing Herman wins his way out of Florida Atlantic at some point and lands somewhere with more visibility. When that happens, I am going to enjoy watching him embarrass some other program on their dime.
  22. surprised aggy hasn't put his LM wins up on the wall
  23. They’re going to smash your hand with a hammer.
  24. We haven't played each other in years. And bitch fuck you for putting my business out there lol. Definitely won't be any lopsided score again. Revenge in one month.
  25. So, I tried Col E H Taylor earlier this week while on the road. I didn't care for it. It was a bit peaty like a scotch, which I also don't care for. I picked up another Booker's yesterday as a gift for a buddy.... That way, we can drink his instead of mine.
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