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Anyone with a half a brain, which we can’t assume for David Dennison, knows that death toll by Islamic terrorists dwarfs those deaths by neo-Nazis, caused in Pittsburgh or NZ by lone wolves. I also get pissed at “both sides” progressives who like to pin NZ and Pittsburgh and act as if they were perpetrated by right wing Christians . If any of those fucking morons cracked open a book and learned the tenets of national socialism like I have, they’d realize how much contempt Nazis have for Christianity. How many murderous terrorist groups around the world exist that are driven by Islam. Compare that to similar terrorist groups inspired by Christianity to kill. It’s laughable to even have to make this point. Also, love the douchebags hating on EMAW for citing the source. That’s the Cunt Rules way. Lib asks for a source and then when provided the messenger is tagged for being stupid, a liar, etc

Edited by Iconoclast Texan
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26 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

Anyone with a half a brain, which we can’t assume for David Dennison, knows that death toll by Islamic terrorists dwarfs those deaths by neo-Nazis, caused in Pittsburgh or NZ by lone wolves. I also get pissed at “both sides” progressives who like to pin NZ and Pittsburgh and act as if they were perpetrated by right wing Christians . If any of those fucking morons cracked open a book and learned the tenets of national socialism like I have, they’d realize how much contempt Nazis have for Christianity. How many murderous terrorist groups around the world exist that are driven by Islam. Compare that to similar terrorist groups inspired by Christianity to kill. It’s laughable to even have to make this point. Also, love the douchebags hating on EMAW for citing the source. That’s the Cunt Rules way. Lib asks for a source and then when provided the messenger is tagged for being stupid, a liar, etc

Not in this country. 

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These guys are gonna be shocked when they look up “Hindu violence against Muslims.”

Or look up the Rohingya crisis.

Sectarian/nationalist fervor breeds violence. All of it does. Arguing in its favor because “Muslims are bad” is as clueless as it gets. Counting just one breed of violence misses the point entirely.

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5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

These guys are gonna be shocked when they look up “Hindu violence against Muslims.”

Or look up the Rohingya crisis.

Sectarian/nationalist fervor breeds violence. All of it does. Arguing in its favor because “Muslims are bad” is as clueless as it gets. Counting just one breed of violence misses the point entirely.

Are we even allowed to talk about Jewish errrrrrr Israeli violence against Muslims?

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23 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

These guys are gonna be shocked when they look up “Hindu violence against Muslims.”

Or look up the Rohingya crisis.

Sectarian/nationalist fervor breeds violence. All of it does. Arguing in its favor because “Muslims are bad” is as clueless as it gets. Counting just one breed of violence misses the point entirely.

Some historians have said that Muslims have killed over 100 million Hindus since their arrival to South Asia. Mohammad, your friendly neighbor and doctor, or Ali your convenience store owner might be the nicest people in the world. I don’t have any hatred towards Muslims like them. Pretending that the source of all of these problems don’t come from Islamic radicalism is just putting your fucking head in the sand. Read up about what the Rohingya and Uighurs have done in Myanmar and China to elicit the response by the governments of those countries. So yes, Muslims started it.

Edited by Iconoclast Texan
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2 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

Some historians have said that Muslims have killed over 100 million Hindus since their arrival to South Asia. Mohammad, your friendly neighbor and doctor, or Ali your convenience store owner might be the nicest people in the world. I don’t have any hatred towards Muslims like them. Pretending that the source of all of these problems don’t come from Islamic radicalism is just putting your fucking head in the sand. Read up about what the Rohingya and Uighurs have done in Myanmar and China to elicit the response by the governments of those countries. So yes, Muslims started it.

What's your ballpark on how many people Christians have killed since the first century AD?

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The British used divide and rule tactics in pretty much every place they colonized, and the legacy of that is some sort of factional/sectarian violence in just about every post-colonial Anglophone nation.  In some cases, there are Muslims involved, in some there aren't.  In Sri Lanka, it's always been about Tamil/Hindu versus Sinhala/Buddhist.  The Muslim community there, which is very mixed ethnically (a mixture of Tamils, Malays and even ethnic Arabs - and are mostly merchants that value peace and stability), has mostly kept their heads down until certain factions of the Sinhalese Buddhist community decided they were an easy target. 

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1 hour ago, David Dennison said:

Are we even allowed to talk about Jewish errrrrrr Israeli violence against Muslims?


1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

These guys are gonna be shocked when they look up “Hindu violence against Muslims.”

Or look up the Rohingya crisis.

Sectarian/nationalist fervor breeds violence. All of it does. Arguing in its favor because “Muslims are bad” is as clueless as it gets. Counting just one breed of violence misses the point entirely.

Then why did they attack Christians then? What was the reason. 

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11 minutes ago, workswithseed said:


Then why did they attack Christians then? What was the reason. 

Considering that the group responsible is a low level, local bunch who were only previously known to Sri Lankan authorities for vandalizing Buddhist temples, they first have to figure out which outside group helped train and coordinate these guys.  I would assume the motives would follow from that. I think I read one of the guys they caught had ties to Pakistan, which is the closest place to SL where you can find proper jihadi activity (and is our strongest traditional ally in the region).

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Massacre Of The Innocents: Whereto From Here

That the massacre is the work of an Islamic terror group is now certain, a conclusion made inescapable by the involvement of several suicide bombers. The attacks on the hotels are barbaric, but part of a comprehensible, global pattern. You want to hurt an economy dependent on tourism; you attack places where tourists congregate, from beaches and ancient ruins to hotels. 

Not so the targeting of Catholic churches in Sri Lanka. That is where the utter incomprehension stems from. In Sri Lanka, there has been no history of violent animosity between Muslims and Christians/Catholics. Both communities have been targeted by Sinhala-Buddhists on multiple occasions. They were both victims of majoritarian violence, but never responded in kind. 

Had the suicide bombers targeted state institutions, places of entertainment, Buddhist temples or even Hindu kovils, it would have made sense in terms of vengeance for a real or imagined wrong. 

Why churches? Why only Catholic churches?

Churches have been targeted by Islamic terrorists elsewhere in the world, including Asia; the Surabaya bombings in Indonesia and the Jolo church attacks in the Philippines are cases in point. But every one of those attacks could be placed within a national politico-historical context. There is no such context here in Sri Lanka. Attacks by a lone gunman or a lone bomber might have been comprehensible, the work of a clinically deranged man. But an operation of this complexity and magnitude, involving the willing and knowing cooperation of hundreds of people, is unfathomable. 

The killers, the human bombs, are believed to be Lankan Muslim men. For any terror organisation, suicide killers would be a valuable possession, something you don’t expend in vain. A suicide killer must be trained and groomed right up to the moment of murder, handled with meticulous care, kept on the pre-prepared path, shielded from every human emotion. Why use such valuable and not easily replaceable weapons on targeting a community that had not done you or your local co-religionists any harm?

Were the churches targets of opportunity? In Sri Lanka, churches (along with mosques and kovils) are relatively unprotected and vulnerable. But so are many other institutions and structures, both secular and religious. Was it to gain maximum publicity – bombing churches on Easter Sunday? That would have been a credible explanation had the authors rushed to claim responsibility. But so far, no organisation has claimed responsibility, another unusual occurrence. Generally, after a successful operation, the claim to own it is a race. Terrorists love publicity. That is how they gain new recruits and new resources. 

So here we are, in a hell both familiar and unfamiliar. How not to plunge from this to a worse hell is the hardest challenge ahead, much harder than identifying, apprehending and punishing the guilty.


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Just now, David Dennison said:


Really? Forgetting 911?

"The attacks are estimated to have killed 3000 people making it the deadliest terrorist incident in human history."

So you have statistics showing US terror attacks by DrUmFkInS comes close to that?

Please post it, or just continue to name call and lazily switch socks.

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7 minutes ago, Zavala said:

Really? Forgetting 911?

"The attacks are estimated to have killed 3000 people making it the deadliest terrorist incident in human history."

So you have statistics showing US terror attacks by DrUmFkInS comes close to that?

Please post it, or just continue to name call and lazily switch socks.

I'm saying right wing domestic terrorists have killed way more people than Islamic terrorists in this country. Just read about what happened in the South after the Civil War.

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On 4/22/2019 at 3:55 PM, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

Another Gary Johnson voter on Surly. Who would have guessed it? 

If you post a meme that Trumpkins have been posting all over the internet to express their faux outrage over the use of a term to describe people who are worshiping at Easter, you shouldn't be surprised if somebody mistakes you for a Trumpkin. 

As far as going back to my cubicle, I'm preparing to go to a Palestinian refugee camp ------ the third one I've been to ------ to work on a water project, so screw you. 


Good afternoon fuckface.  You had one job in the last 24 hours...to produce this meme that I posted all over the internet that clearly demonstrated I was a "Trumpkin"  And just like trying to make sure your immediate family wasn't constantly tempted to veer into oncoming traffic to escape the suffocating reality of knowing you...you failed at this to.  You say I post memes as any other Trumpkin would, so produce a link or quote or embedded whatever that shows where I did it here on this board, or anywhere on the web for that matter.  You said I did it, and you're 6 ambiens short of a full house, so produce the connection of me to Trumpkin-esque memes that show how much I love him and how faux my outrage is or get your shinebox---you absolutely unnecessary use of carbon.  

Edited by Lobo
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That starts at 1970. That's silly. It completely disregards the history of this country.

Well when Christians kill it isnt cause of Christianity. See they are flawed by their creator so they get a pass, plus its usually for racist and economic reasons....
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1 minute ago, Nivek said:

Well when Christians kill it isnt cause of Christianity. See they are flawed by their creator so they get a pass, plus its usually for racist and economic reasons....

Christians have killed a whole lot more people in the United States than Muslims ever will. 

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Most (not all) of the U.S., British, and Russian soldiers in WWII were Christian.  And most of the soldiers they killed from Germany and Japan, were decidedly non-Christian.  

So in the bloodiest war in human history, in the last true battle of good versus evil this planet may ever know...non-Christians were the real victims then?  Based on some of the outstanding leaps of logic I'm reading above anyway...

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6 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Good afternoon fuckface.  You had one job in the last 24 hours...to produce this meme that I posted all over the internet that clearly demonstrated I was a "Trumpkin"  And just like trying to make sure your immediate family wasn't constantly tempted to veer into oncoming traffic to escape the suffocating reality of knowing you...you failed at this to.  You say I post memes as any other Trumpkin would, so produce a link or quote or embedded whatever that shows where I did it here on this board, or anywhere on the web for that matter.  You said I did it, and you're 6 ambiens short of a full house, so produce the connection of me to Trumpkin-esque memes that show how much I love him and how faux my outrage is or get your shinebox---you absolutely unnecessary use of carbon.  

He must have confused you with Cheeseweasel.


No offense.

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1 minute ago, Lobo said:

Most (not all) of the U.S., British, and Russian soldiers in WWII were Christian.  And most of the soldiers they killed from Germany and Japan, were decidedly non-Christian.  

So in the bloodiest war in human history, in the last true battle of good versus evil this planet may ever know...non-Christians were the real victims then?  Based on some of the outstanding leaps of logic I'm reading above anyway...

Japan maybe, but the Axis soldiers in Europe were very much Christian.

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Italy maybe.  By 1944, most of the Heer was Christian in heritage only.  Practicing Christians Germans from the Lutheran and Catholic faiths were roughly just a third of who was left.  

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14 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

Oh, please. Germans were Christians. 

You have a big, beautiful operative in there.  You realize they and their families were also threatened by the barrel for continuing their previous existence....

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1 hour ago, David Dennison said:

I'm saying right wing domestic terrorists have killed way more people than Islamic terrorists in this country. Just read about what happened in the South after the Civil War.

I don't think we have to worry a lot about attacks from 140 year old terrorists today.  Typhoid killed a lot of people back then too.  Are you worried about catching typhoid today?

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8 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

I don't think we have to worry a lot about attacks from 140 year old terrorists today.  Typhoid killed a lot of people back then too.  Are you worried about catching typhoid today?

well with the anti-vac movement more today than 10 years ago. 

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30 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

I don't think we have to worry a lot about attacks from 140 year old terrorists today.  Typhoid killed a lot of people back then too.  Are you worried about catching typhoid today?

You don't have a lot to worry about from Islamic terrorists today, either, but that doesn't stop the hyperventilating. Are you worried about being killed by an Islamic terrorist?

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3 hours ago, Lobo said:

Most (not all) of the U.S., British, and Russian soldiers in WWII were Christian.  And most of the soldiers they killed from Germany and Japan, were decidedly non-Christian.  

So in the bloodiest war in human history, in the last true battle of good versus evil this planet may ever know...non-Christians were the real victims then?  Based on some of the outstanding leaps of logic I'm reading above anyway...

Bullshit. The Nazi soldiers were overwhelmingly Christian, mostly Catholic.

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10 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

It's awesome that a bunch of churches getting blown up is turning into a "well the Nazi's were Christian" exchange.  Onward cloaky soldiers. 

The Nazis were Christians with pieces of flair I bet.


Lindbergh was a Nazi,  I mean Lundbergh......

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It's awesome that a bunch of churches getting blown up is turning into a "well the Nazi's were Christian" exchange.  Onward cloaky soldiers. 

Yeah. Heaven forbid we should have an intelligent conversation about the fact that sectarian/nationalist zealotry is a common thread and a common poison, and has been throughout history. It’s much better to have the conversation that lots of folks want to have: the planet’s problem today is mooslems, and they oughta be destroyed.

That’s clearly the way to go.
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