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  1. Yep. I was a George Will/Ronald Reagan/Al Laffer conservative. I genuinely thought that if you cut taxes for the upper classes, then they would spend and invest and the economic result of that would be a net positive for the entire economy and everyone in it. I mean, it looks good on paper. And we tried it. Twice. And it didn't work. It didn't really increase economic activity. It certainly didn't trickle down to people in the lower socio-economic classes. It just further enriched the already wealthy. I'm not going to sit her and tell you that, having run an experiment twice and watching it fail, that we should continue running the experiment to see if one day it will succeed. That's stupid. I'm not sold on the Elizabeth Warren model. And I'm steadfastly opposed to the Bernie Sanders model. But it is correct to say that the Laffer model is a complete and total failure. And I don't even think that anybody actually even believes it anymore. It's just a bunch of rich people who want lower taxes for themselves and a bunch of rubes who have been suckered. And then there's something darker. I suppose I always knew that there were racists who made up part of the Republican base. I didn't think it was very big. But I knew they were there. And I was plenty happy to accept their votes because, hey--they agree with me on taxes. And, ultimately, I thought my view on taxes helped everyone. So who cares if they're racists if they favor economic policies that helps everyone? But in particular, me. That was a pretty fucking craven calculus. It was a morally culpable one, too. I'll get to answer for that one day. But as it turns out, I was wrong about that, too. The GOP wasn't a conservative party with a small racist fringe. It was a racist party with a small conservative fringe. I wasn't using them to enact policies I support. Because look at the GOP budgets since forever--they never enacted conservative policies. They were using me to enact the racist policies that they support. And they did promulgate plenty of those. So not only was I craven, but I was also stupid. So that feels real great. And that's what's left of the Republican Party. They're a racist party. It's fundamental to their appeal. And there are some people left who are like I was--"I'm not a racist, but I really like lower taxes." Those people--and there are plenty of them--are either craven or stupid or both.
    36 points
  2. how aggy sees head to head recruiting: reality:
    33 points
  3. Honestly, man, that dickweed doesn't deserve the fucking mention. He doesn't know shit and he frequently does more harm than good for the program. He's also not an additonal data point. Just fucking whiny noise.
    23 points
  4. My understanding is that it was a volleyball.
    23 points
  5. I hate that you can't edit twitter posts I forgot #ballstotheface
    22 points
  6. 20 points
  7. Greenland is your land, Greenland is my land From Upernavik Kujalleq, to Tukingassoq Island From the icy glacier, to the....... icy glacier Greenland was made for Donald Trump.
    17 points
  8. To be fair, no guns was a Charlie Strong rule, and look where that fucking got us. I hope Herman is handing out glocks after a good practice.
    17 points
  9. On the younger guys in practice: -The IT report mentioned Coburn not quite being there yet, or some such bullshit. I was told he's a potential DLOTY this season with what he's doing in practice. I'm confident in who told me that and I think IT is full of shit with half what they put in that write-up. -They think Ojomo has the physical skills, but he's not always there mentally, and they think it is a youth thing. -There isn't a 2019 signee that they're not excited about, although Caleb Johnson is coming along slower than hoped in knocking the dust off after his shoulder problems from his JUCO time. -Jake Smith is going to play plenty, but they think they're truly stacked at WR across the board. Guys are going to be fighting for time. Kennedy Lewis is very, very likely to redshirt as this level of play is pretty far above what he's used to seeing. Woodard is going to have a hard time ever seeing the field. -Braun's coming along on passblocking, but he's not going to be a plus guy there any time soon. He's truly elite in the running game though. -They love the FR TEs. Wiley's got a chance to play. He could be a LT by his senior year. They like him. -Sweat is whipping ass. If you're lining up at NT and you're name isn't Coburn, Ojomo, Sweat, or Wilbon, you'll be transferring before school starts. -Owens is freakier than Adimora, but Adimora is the better football player today. They like both of those guys a lot. -No one knows why in the fuck Boyce is playing with the 1's other than they don't want him transferring before school starts. Watson is better than they hoped. In times past, I wouldn't lend much credence to a lot of the excitement from preseason practices, but this staff is proving that it can evaluate well. Texas is young but talented. Anything less than the Big 12 title this year will be a letdown to the team and those around it.
    16 points
  10. Praise be! The local regulatory body has relented and I have been green-lighted to build my pit room. Shits about to get even realer down here on the island. Also....
    12 points
  11. Denmark coming in hot.
    11 points
  12. Is it possible to build up a tolerance to aggy misery? I've had so much over the past few days that it's taking larger and larger doses for me to even feel anything. I'm chasing the fucking dragon. Somebody is going to have to break out the uncut shit for me to even get half a buzz.
    11 points
  13. 10 points
  14. Lance: “This is Panda, from Mexico. Very good stuff. This is Bava, different, but equally good. And that is Choco from the Hartz Mountains of Germany... But when you shoot it, you'll know where that extra money went. And this here is Karen Key Largo mocking the size of aggy's genitals after bad recruiting news."
    10 points
  15. And Princely broke the nose.
    10 points
  16. We need an update and where this Gif is showing up on Twitter, and more responses from the aTm sites. @texifornia needs to cut off his motherfucking truffle hunting expedition or whatever the fuck he's doing this morning and start being a team player, the dark piss having motherfucker.
    10 points
  17. Like that aggie grad with a masters from Johns Hopkins?
    10 points
  18. There was a flat earth society documentary on Netflix which highlights part of the issue. Facts are not the issue. They need to feel like they are apart of something, and Fox's hate machine is pretty accessible. It is designed to make you feel like you are superior and once you accept that, you start nodding along for other shit, because you are superior. You are part of a group that is there 24/7. It becomes familiar. Those kids of yours leave, have families of their own, and sometimes call/visit. But Tucker and the hate machine are there every day. Reliable as always. D = bad. R = good. You are a good American for knowing that. The Founding Fathers would love you. Our military heroes thank you for your support. You are a real American. God loves Americans most of all.
    9 points
  19. 100. Yard. Landlord. Hey Big XII... Hook 'em! EDIT: Omg Phil Collins in the video. Fucking stellar.
    9 points
  20. As you can tell from the late decision announcement, this one isn't close to over. While he made a soft commitment to our friends on I-35, it is pretty clear that he is going to take his visits and my sources say an OV to Aggieland is in the works. As it should be obvious by now, Jimbo is a relentless recruiter and I expect this one to swing back and forth over the season. If I have learned anything, it is to never count Jimbo out. That being said, after reviewing his game tape, he is going to fall just out of the Luicci 44.
    9 points
  21. Alright it's bedtime and the A's won. I have tomorrow off from work - going on a babka-hunting expedition in East Williamsburg in the morning but I'll be ready for Alford/QJ tears in the afternoon.
    8 points
  22. He's in. https://247sports.com/Player/Xavion-Alford-46051445/ http://www.espn.com/college-sports/football/recruiting/player/_/id/233961/xavion-alford https://n.rivals.com/content/prospects/2020/xavion-alford-210613 https://www.hudl.com/video/3/8462558/5bd5f24d4df5c206ec1fd50f View full article
    7 points
  23. 7 points
  24. He should be bumped up to a 5 star for seamlessly fitting Young Jeezy and Phil Collins in his video.
    7 points
  25. Georgia doesn't wanna be in the top 5
    7 points
  26. W̶e̶ ̶b̶o̶t̶h̶ ̶k̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶i̶t̶’̶s̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶t̶r̶u̶e̶.̶ ̶D̶o̶e̶s̶n̶’̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶w̶o̶n̶’̶t̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶y̶ ̶a̶l̶o̶n̶g̶.̶ This story is 100% true
    7 points
  27. Olin could’ve just typed, “Reveille barks. Practice dismissed.” Aggies everywhere would have understood.
    7 points
  28. jimbo telling Eaton that aggy doesn't have room
    6 points
  29. If she picked Warren Buffett as a running mate, the ticket would be Warren Buffett.
    6 points
  30. Peak. Fucking. Roller. Coaster.
    6 points
  31. Scene: Hospital room some decades ago. A baby has just been born. Doctor: Congratulations, it's a boy! Mother: Oh my God he's beautiful! Honey look at our baby boy. Father: ... Mother: Honey, isn't he beautiful? Father: ... Mother: What should we name him? Father: For Christ's sake, woman, he looks like a total douche! We might as well name him Wescott or something. Mother: What a wonderful idea! Camera pans to focus on mother's morphine drip as we fade to black
    6 points
  32. This better be the most upvoted post of the day.
    6 points
  33. I enjoyed the part of the broadcast where they thought they were on a commercial break but were actually still on air, and the dude complained about a text he got of someone saying he sucked on the broadcast.
    6 points
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