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Showing content with the highest reputation since 10/15/24 in all areas

  1. -2 more DTs and possibly a 3rd if it is the right one. -Top end LB or bust -Hilson and Terry are in unless something weird happened recently. -If they take K Johnson, it is strictly to piss on The Elk’s rug. They’re going to take a burner with numbers from the portal regardless. That’s allocated. -The 2026 S is reclassifying so they’re done after that position unless he screws something up late. -They might have to get obnoxious at CB and given that the competition is Oregon, Ohio State, Alabama and ATM, I have to assume they’d target Dijon Lee. This position remains a head scratcher. -Given that Terry is going to practice in the spring as though he’s Tyler Warren and one or both of the full time TBs are enrolling early, they’re unlikely to go after a portal TB unless he’s free and hungry. -At DT, it’s not so much about landing any single specific guy, and the market is set on what these guys will cost. Whichever guys mesh the best with the staff and want to come to Texas more than some other place, those will be the extra 2-3 guys with whom they close.
    70 points
  2. I put together a little edit of the 1st half of this season using only the Texas Creative Media team's footage. And to keep it on topic from earlier in the thread, the song is The Hardest Cut by Spoon, Austin's very own and arguably the greatest American rock band of the last 25 years. texashardestcut.mp4
    67 points
  3. 47 points
  4. Friend of a friend runs Canworks and here's a special can design they're rolling out for this game. No idea where it can be purchased.
    46 points
  5. Texans watching Allred fuck Ted Cruz on the debate stage tonight.
    40 points
  6. *****************BREAKING SURLY ITEAM NEWS EXCLUSIVE******************* Early turn out in Georgia is massive. My ballot, cast at approximately 11:30, was the 634th of the day, and there were 200 people in line behind me, and no signs of slowing. For reference, our precinct in 2020 had approximately 8000 votes cast in 2020, all manners of voting. Today is on pace to have at least 1000 votes cast on day 1. Also, unscientifically and just from observation, the crowd skewed markedly younger in comparison from 2020, I would guess down from an average age of 60sih then to roughly 50ish this time. Overheard in line behind several Republicans, "This doesn't look good." Lots of women, lots, by my guess approximately 2 to 1. So younger, more women, about the same amount of racial diversity. Lots less olds, lots. Observed, Republican poll monitor looking mighty unhappy about the turnout, Democratic poll monitor with a happy smile. I'm not under any delusion that Dems will win my area, but negate any advantage held prior looks very favorable. (Last time around 60/40 Republican-Dem. We've got a shot at 45% in my mind).
    40 points
  7. 38 points
  8. Now reprimand the refs for an objectively horrendous call so shit like this doesn’t happen.
    37 points
  9. My wife phonebanked for GA yesterday. Talked with three folks. One was a "the system is fucked, I'm not voting" millennial. After a 40 minute conversation, he said "I still don't know if I'll end up voting, but if I do it'll be for Kamala and it'll be because of this call."
    32 points
  10. Early voting started today in NC. Felt good to vote against all these pieces of shit.
    32 points
  11. It's the same issue as most of the other historic cheaters - they don't have the kind of money they need now to moneywhip the marketplace. Save Ohio State, the rest of them only had enough to play a closed game against 8-10 other players where the stakes were relatively low. Players were bought for stuff as stupid as a $4k visit, $5k commitment and $10k signing all the way over to a max of like $150k for a Marvin Wilson. Fisher and the aggies came along and doubled everything in order to get people to ATM, but it still wasn't a ton. The Bama allotment maxed at $800k for the 2020 cycle and LSU's was less than that. Now? The price of poker moved by more than a full magnitude shift. None of those idiots can come close to that consistently except for Auburn, which is wholly dependent on the commitment from one patron and his whims. Ohio State was never in a spot where they worried about the money. So OU wasn't very active in the bag game, even if they've always cheated. Now that the burden is 8 digits? They're going to be making a lot of excuses and pointing a lot of fingers, same as the other fuckfaces that can get relegated to also-ran status.
    30 points
  12. I hope we beat their ass so I can read next week how Georgia is down this year and Texas still hasn't played anyone.
    30 points
  13. 29 points
  14. Fuck that rotten brat and his horrible mom. I have no fucking chill about this. In 2020 my daughter (then 14) destroyed a neighbor’s Trump sign and I dragged her ass up on their front porch and made her apologize to their face and bring them a new one, too.
    29 points
  15. We had tall white guys, short white guys, fat white guys, skinny white guys, tan white guys, pasty white guys.
    29 points
  16. 29 points
  17. 29 points
  18. So the neighbor probably has everything on video and she is definitely in the landfill
    29 points
  19. Just cast my vote in Denali Borough Alaska. I'll be one of only 150 to 200 or so reasonable souls who didn't for for fascism.
    28 points
  20. Last election there were magatards trying to intimidate voters at the highland location. AFD cruised up in their big fucking fire truck and unleashed a fire hydrant right at them. It was glorious.
    28 points
  21. I didn't even find it that heartbreaking. You know what I've found heartbreaking? The overall irrelevancy of this program from 1984 to 1997 and then again from 2010 to 2022. You know what I don't feel any more? Like this program is irrelevant any more. Hey, the OU game sucked last year, too, but is there anyone on here who can't feel like we've turned a corner? I know many of us feel snake bit. I do. But talking about last year as if it left a bad taste in your mouth. I don't get that. Last year was awesome. This year is more awesome. We're trending in the right direction by nearly every metric. I've watched a lot of football in my life, and it's amazing to me that with all the resources we have and the emphasis on fielding a winning football program so many people around the university share with me, that we've been so underachieving for so long. I'd watch our team and then I'd watch the best teams out there, and I'd so often think, "Geez, we're not even playing the same game they are." Now I watch us play and then I watch other teams play - including Georgia - and I think, "I'm not sure they match up at every position. I'm not saying they couldn't win, but they have glaring deficiencies I don't think we have." We're bigger. We're faster. We're more clutch. Our receivers rarely drop the ball. Our schemes play off of one another without getting so enamored with how tricky we can be, the way we did under Mackovic. We get receivers the ball while they're on the move, something I thought was written into the NCAA rules that Texas wasn't allowed to do. There's no more asinine Greg Davis play calling, or a high school coach having to come in and convince Mack Brown to maybe put Vince Young in shotgun and try running a little zone read. Our wide receivers are the best downfield blocking unit in the country. Our defenders never give up on a play. Our reserve wide receiver who is allergic to fair catches to the point I think he's going to get his head ripped off someday beat all 21 other players down the field to recover a critical fumble in the end zone. This team is really easy to root for. This coaching staff is really easy to root for. We have absolutely no quarterback controversy other than what's been manufactured by outsiders. We're recruiting lights out in the high school ranks and out of the portal. We have what may be the single biggest recruiting weekend in the school's history, which is hard to even imagine is possible. The student section is finally one contiguous group and isn't consigned to the corner of the east upper deck. The athletic department seems to understand the difference between making more money so the football team can win more rather than the other way around. NIL has completely negated the worst competitive disadvantage we've faced in our history by allowing us to have one of the biggest payrolls in college sports. This is our time. When is Washington going to be relevant again? Who gives a flying fuck about that game? Well, I do, admittedly. But it doesn't eat at me, because it feels like we have an opportunity as a program to possibly be in the mix every single year. Washington can't even keep their coach. OU can't keep their coach. Notre fucking Dame can't keep their coach. I'm so pumped for this game tomorrow. I feel like this is our time to shine, as a football program, as a fan base, as an institution. I'm going to revel in it. And Quinn Fucking Ewers is going to ball out and so is everyone else around him.
    28 points
  22. Fuck all of them. I hate the SEC and I hope the SEC hates us back. I'm glad to be a part of the conference. In many ways I'll admit we needed them more than they needed us. College football is now going to be centered around the Big 10 and the SEC in all kinds of ways, and without a membership in one of those two conferences we wouldn't have a seat at the table. But I'm glad we didn't join this collection of hillbillies sooner. I've watched/listened to so many SEC centered internet shows over the last two years, and you can just feel the sense that we're outsiders oozing out of everyone. And it's not the same kind of outsider vibe a school like Missouri gets, because they're not really seen as a threat. Or A&M, which everyone understands is just a little different, even if like the Aggies love to brag about, no one really understands why. We do, but they don't. There's a sense we just think we're better than everyone else - which we do - without really deserving to feel that way - as if that has ever really mattered to us. There's also a sense there's something inherently wrong with the football program that we've underachieved for so long. People love to bring that up over and over again. Not just SEC fans. Big 12 fans loved to do it. College football fans loved to do it. If you don't have the right coach all the resources in the world aren't going to help you. And if you do have the right coach, sometimes they can make a huge difference in not having as much resources as everyone else. We have never had a coach we fired or forced to resign go on to great success anywhere else. Not Akers. Not McWilliams (who never went back into coaching). Not Mackovic. Not Brown. Not Strong. Herman is still a little bit up in the air, but I'm hoping for his abject failure as well. We've made bad hires. That's it. Now, some of that can be blamed on the hiring process, but I've seen completely borked hiring processes manage to get the right guy. Pete Carroll at USC is my biggest example of that. But you have to get the right guy, and we haven't on a regular basis. That's it. That's the issue. In any case, I'm going to enjoy thoroughly being the heel in this conference in a way this conference has never seen. Not Florida with Spurrier. Not Alabama. Not Georgia. Because we literally think we're better than all these other cocksuckers, and that's going to rub people the wrong way the same way it always has. Especially when we win big. I'm going to enjoy all the discounting so much. But we have to win, and eventually we have to win a national title. I just like the general direction the program is heading in under Sarkisian. Regardless of the outcome of this particular game, which I do think we're going to win.
    28 points
  23. why would murderers and rapists want to take jobs picking vegetables? i mean, there’s only so many hours in the day.
    28 points
  24. While this is all completely logical, one thing I learned from our bowl with them is that you just really can't tell if Georgia wants to be there or not until you see how the game goes. If Georgia comes out and gives us a tough game or wins, then everything you said here will be true. If Texas comes out and dominates, that will be a clear sign that Georgia did not, in fact, want to be there. We'll just have to wait and see.
    28 points
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