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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/21 in all areas

  1. New poster, long time lurker from Llano TX I feel much better about Christian Jones being on this roster with banks and Campbell to come 🤘🏼 Just signed up for burnt ends
    52 points
  2. I can’t believe I’m participating in this absurdity but here we are.
    32 points
  3. I gotta say re: Sark. I really think he got hypnotized during August ball. It's tough to know how good you really are when it's your 1s vs 1s. They might bash each other's brains out but there's no objective measure for how good they actually are. The hits are just as hard, there's just as many standout plays as August camp at Bama. But it's fools gold because all your players are at a lower level than those at Bama. I think just as Charlie realized the Mack roster was woefully under skilled when games started being played, so did Sark. There was one game where the camera's caught Sark doing a Torbush ("Wow") on the sideline after we got our dicks punched for the umpteenth time. I truly don't think the coaches realized how bad we were. And that became a vicious cycle: The coaches thought we were fine going into the season and that carried over to the players attitudes and effort. Everyone was miscalibrated for the realities of the team they were. It's not an excuse. That's on everybody. But it is fixable once you see it. And by all measure, it's very clear to Sark now what the reality is. Apparently it's been reported that in team meetings he's told them that this offseason is going to be an absolute beating. That tells me he didn't come in and lay down the law so to speak, when he first arrived. Again, on him--but a mitigating factor is that I think he assumed (wrongly) that this roster was full of football players who wanted to play football and not *play* football players for six days a week, then phone it in on Saturdays. He doesn't strike me as a guy who won't change ala Chuck and Herman. I think Sark is smarter than them and it is showing during this offseason with the moves he's putting down. Even though he isn't in Mensa.
    31 points
  4. While we bask in today…just a PSA. Gentlemen….Please wear your masks!!! Wearing a mask saved a friend of mine from dying yesterday. He was at the bar with his girlfriend and his wife walked in and didn’t recognize him behind the mask! Proof that masks save lives!!
    30 points
  5. 27 points
  6. In NYC right now, gents. Did not have CFS today but did just pound a Nathan’s hot dog and heading to McSorley’s to toast the day. Here’s a CFS with mashed potatoes and fried squash & zucchini I made myself and British in-laws on Thursday in prep. It was fucking delicious.
    25 points
  7. 25 points
  8. I think this is what makes me really thinks Sark will get shit headed in the right direction... he as the "It" that kids want to play for. Fix the culture and dump the shit on the roster and lets fucking go!
    23 points
  9. In my ‘youth’, couldn’t wait till mid-July for ‘Dave Campbell’s Texas Football’. A SWC legend.
    19 points
  10. The length of time that id spend eating that ass cannot be measured with today technology
    18 points
  11. Murphy was injured and had to leave the game, but his teammates held on, and MM is a champion.
    17 points
  12. The Girl (6) had her dance recital today and said she wanted CFS after. Well hell yah, Baby Girl! At Cathy’s in Port O’Connor
    17 points
  13. Stepping up to do my part today - Cowboy Breakfast at OST in Bandera….and my wife got pancakes.
    17 points
  14. Left the ranch so I could do my part. Lyssy and Eckel Feed Store in Roosevelt, Tx,
    17 points
  15. Looking from my front yard at the stadium just now. I take this as a good sign.
    16 points
  16. 16 points
  17. 15 points
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