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Judge Roybeanbag

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Everything posted by Judge Roybeanbag

  1. You mean your avatar? Because that’s all I’m seeing. Sorry meemaw!
  2. Lol no shit. “Well we survived the hailstorm and blizzard. Tomorrow it’s going to be 107 and some wildfires will burn up the chicken coop. Don’t get pregnant though, we’d have to wagon train to Utah to get an abortion. And for god sakes, you girls don’t wear any trousers. We got enough problems as is.
  3. Not to mention Texas is subsidizing supposed crime in NYC by paying to send rapists and blood diluting migrants there.
  4. That guy that wrote “The Worst Hard Times”, well, he needs a do over, even worser hard times. Dust fire bowl with earthquakes, floods, hail and Hitler all at the same time. Grab the saddle horn and pucker your anus.
  5. Cross between serenade and marinate.
  6. Good grief. Sounds like a solid day in Williamson county. Props on recognizing the gaspergoo, I’ve gotten a few of those top breathers there.
  7. Gee your hair smells terrific! 😅 I get a ton of calls from small towns in Texas that I've never heard of. I don't answer them, but I'm learning more geography by looking each one up when they call.
  8. I read this like five times, and I keep picturing the gypsy wagon in the Wizard of Oz, except he’s a traveling proctologist with an unlimited supply of propofol.
  9. If it does, you better post video. Though I doubt it would be better than the rattlesnake den mess you had that one time.
  10. Good luck. I now have to write instruction letters and apply stickers when we ship stuff with lithium ion batteries. Good times.
  11. It probably made @Scheiss Meister flinch.
  12. Just curious, do you have to develop specialized firefighting plans in the event a battery barn catches fire?
  13. The Pearl on the Concho in San Angelo is also an old Holidome.
  14. Awesome man, thank you again. I'm pretty sure I have that same reel as a back up 5wt. I really like it just fine. Drag is smooth, only beef is the increments of drag pressure kinda go from free spool to way to much drag with only a few clicks. My kiddo cranked it up a few too many and lost a nice trout on Sat. (my fault for not managing that more with instruction) Other tips, if you leave your ride and hike, don’t leave anything of value or really anything at all in sight in your car. Look like you’re poor.
  15. Turtles are fascinating creatures! They have unique shells that serve as their protective armor, and many species can live for decades. Plus, they come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny pond turtles to massive sea turtles. Do you have a favorite type of turtle?
  16. Making stone tools with a copper penis looking thing.
  17. Appreciate it, I'm going to give that a go. Caught on February 1st at that spot by my fishing buddy
  18. Clarence the cross eyed lion, well, when I was a kid I was partly deaf from ear infections and it was a lip reading joke on top of a cartoon.
  19. Ugh. Was sorting through some paperwork and found a letter from my old man, circa about 20 years ago. Pops was an odd bird. He did undergrad at Rice, grad work and taught at UT, went to UT Law, and then became a schoolteacher in a small town. He was always an English teacher though. This letter was in response to a gift I had given him. The part that always struck me was “in the brief everyday existence of life, a belief that just “being” is worthwhile and justifiable, but only if we make it so.” RIP pops. Hopefully you see me being “Pops” to my grandkid. Someday I’ll tell him stories about you being the desegregation bus driver, getting rocks thrown at you while you smiled and said “everyone can use some education, whether they want it or not. I’m just driving the bus.”
  20. Go here if you can. Not a bad hike. The hiking dude is where you start/park, sandbar to NE is where to fish.
  21. You know Thomas Dolby is now known as Alton Brown, right?
  22. That's really cool - it basically looks like a core rock and a bunch of stuff someone flaked off and worked on a little. One of the coolest things I found on my property was similar - there was a core rock, a large piece of chert that probably came from Flint Knob a few miles away: https://www.texasbeyondhistory.net/plateaus/images/ap2.html Someone had broken off pieces, but left a bunch there with the core. A few hard rains exposed it, and the core and all the pieces were just laying there, like whoever it was left them however many years ago. I left it, marked it with a piece of rebar and gps.
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