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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by SydneyCarton

  1. I've sampled all of the Mi Tienda mexican style meats and most of them are pretty good.
  2. That has been debunked here on these threads, although I wouldn't expect aTm to be aware of that...Arch didn't take NIL money his first year at Texas. The second Ewers decided to return, things changed, and Manning is being taken care of financially.
  3. Ignore it, it's stupid. The Pancake Factory existed for one fucking year, and it helped us land an elite OL class that year. Wonderful. But for all intents and purposes, every year thereafter has been The NIL At Texas Factory, with attention being paid to all position groups. He's basically whining about there not being a press release for The Sack Lunch Initiative as if without it, the high school players would have had no idea there was money to be made playing at Texas. It's ludicrous to even ponder.
  4. I pick up the sarcasm, ur this 100% is a complaint some MAGA loon would claim biden did to them.
  5. Come on man. By demographics he meant black people.
  6. If you're a lady, as your username and handle indicate you MIGHT be, well, you can probably make a pretty good case that you insist on moving states because of reproductive rights and medical care for women that are increasingly difficult to get in Texas, assuming you're still young enough to have kids, which again, I'll assume from your avatar. They'd probably hear that can of worms and absolutely be supportive of your move. If you're a dude and already a partner, isn't the answer just that you do whatever you want?
  7. And everyone forgot within months that cunt promised not to run for re-election in the House when she decided to run for mayor. Then she fucking lost and did an about face. I fucking hate her so fucking bad. This is pretty much exactly where I'm at. My wife doesn't like politics and is in denail about how bad things are, and how bad things are going to get. But I don't want my son to have to make the hard chocies of living under a fascist regime, or worse, getting indoctrinated by it becuase it's the only thing around him. Wildfires in Colrado expanding concern me. Yup. I'm already priming my wife for "we're sending our son to the best program for what he wants to study, we won't be tied to state tuition." I'd love if that program is somewhere in Europe. They have their own fascist issues, but it will break my heart less to see it every day versus where I grew up. Yeah. I've made large financial committments to Texas athletics, and I can trace a line of my life path directly back to attending UT. And yet if my son got accepted to UT and wanted to attend, I'm pretty sure I'd feel sick to my stomach.
  8. I think it's hilarious how you talk about your wife being very devout and religious, but she's fully aware that "he comes as your friend" and she's apologetic for The Devil. Maybe you should lecture her on her behavior and it's implications for her faith as opposed to whining about all the democrats that didn't vote in the Republican primary, particularly those like myself who had a Kim Ogg to GTFO.
  9. You forgot social media. If anything, lead water pipes are reducing. You pose an interesting idea in regards to societies not generally "going backwards." I'm not sure I agree with that. In a marco level, humanity as one society, we're a sample size of one, so I'm not sure you can say definitely that we don't go backwards, only fowards, and hell "forwards" is apparently subjective to a fuck ton of people. On a more micro level, in regards to nation states, plenty seem to go backwards in spurts. Lebanon and other middle east countries arguably have gone backwards. Many countries in Africia, and places like Haiti, seem like they've never taken a step forwards. I just don't know, man.
  10. Tied at the hip here for at least another decade.
  11. That tactic works better when your response isn’t directly below my initial post.
  12. Sounds like you’re advocating for universal basic income.
  13. Where do we have Trump on tape trying to overthrow the government? Uh, in Atlanta.
  14. We have a friend who works downtown in the courts. She was adamant that you have to vote out Ursula Hall, as not only is she only there based on nepotism, she doesn't do her job. Like at all. Like she'll push cases down the road for years at a time and do nothing. https://texaslawbook.net/houston-judge-beats-the-buzzer-on-facing-contempt-proceedings/
  15. https://lwvtx.clubexpress.com/voters-guide#gsc.tab=0 Will they? Eh.
  16. It's your civic duty, and an important habit to just have. I guess the upside is if you can't get off your ass for 20 minutes to exercise your most basic freedom, you probably won't miss it all that much when it's taken away from you.
  17. Lucky you. I’m adopted so I’m fucked. Good thing about Ireland is you can buy citizenship for 500k. It’s only list.
  18. You should have said "So if he's got the best lawyers in the world, and he's still convicted, does that mean you believe he was guilty?" I'm sure he'll say No, but on the off chance you says yes you can also remind him he's a convicted Rapist.
  19. Ironic is one word for it, illustrative is also accurate. I love my kid's school. I love that the fact that their mission statent has six bullet points, only one of them talks about religion, and that one bullet point highlights christian spiritual and moral guidance to help instill in children self-confidence, respect, and happiness. The other bullet points seem pretty fucking woke, though: diversity, develop emotional health and well-being, academic achievement, contributing to the social/cultural/economic fabric of Houston, sportsmanship and physical health and education.
  20. Lol, first, I want to say that this entire post is a load of bullshit. That's a lot of words, starting with "that's not a fair characterization" to literally demonstrate that what I said was, indeed, a perfectly fair and accurate characterization. You don't want your kids mingling with kids with PARENTS who are non-believers. Take note of the word in the capital letters, we'll get back to that in a second. Now, onto the specific bullshit. First, your notion that "most" christ-based private schools make you sign a statement of faith. I've never had to sign a statement of faith, and I'd never heard of statement of faith until your post, so I googled it. And what I learned is that there isn't a statement of faith required by all of the major, respected, and well known private schools in Houston. I may have missed a few, but I hit the big ones, and it was a big 0-fer. Google redirected me to all of their website's Missions, most of which talk about a balance between religion and science and reason. The ones that did show a statement of faith were most of the fucking quack factories I've never heard of, so rest easy, it looks like your children won't be rubbing elbows with mine any time soon. That doesn't change the fact that your "most" is a mischaracterization, and thus complete bullshit. It seems like the statement of faith is more of an outlier. Fun fact, the Texas Homeschool Coalition has a Statement of Faith. You folks can make of that what you will. Second, your entire notion that mixing children with different concepts of religion is telling...in an ominous way. You're already setting the table for intolerance and children living in a nice little snowflake bubble. Which, thankfully, is literally AGAINST the Mission of the school my son attends, it says so right on their webpage. Anyway, my kid is 6, and he's in kindergarten. Do you think we just popped him out agnostic, and are teaching him atheistic tenets at home so he can go to school and poke a stick in the wheel of Christianity...by having him cast doubts in the minds of other six year olds? If you think that's feasible, I'm questioning whether even have or have ever had children. My child goes to school, and learns, and plays, like every other fucking kid in the world should. Lol at the term closeted agnostic. It sounds like you have more of a problem with the children's parents. My child is going to do the same thing every other child does, and the same shit that I did as a kid. He's going to go to school, get a great education, go to chapel at school once a week, the same way I was drug to church on Sudays as a child, and he's going to have a religious studies class once or twice a week, the same way I had CCD and religious studies class, and then when he's old enough he's going to come to whatever fucking conclusions he wants to without me or my wife trying to indoctinate him into fucking shit. Becuase he's a child. He doesn't know what the fuck to believe except what he's taught, and what he sees, until he develops enough life experiences to make his own choices and come to his own conclusions. Which in my humble opinion, is what parenting is supposed to instill in children anyway. For the record, by what I can tell, this is a pretty liberal private school. It's liberal becuase it apparently still believes and practices the teachings of Jesus. It probably helps it's not a traditionally evangelical denomination. But we certainly agree on the voucher aspect. Of course, your reason is because you don't want your children to have access to diversity and experience difficult questions about faith potentially in the form of their classmates, and I don't think people should have to pay 25-30k a year on top of their taxes for children to learn in an environment with well compensated teachers, who have all the resources they need to teach our children, and have appropriate teacher to student ratios, teachers are required to have college degrees and often masters in education, and who actually care about the kids as opposed to taking the job becuase they needed a paycheck and it was what they could get.
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