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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Felix

  1. Well that should take about 3 years and come to no conclusions.
  2. Took my girls there for the first time spring break. We had a blast and they loved just walking the quarter. My youngest is into visual art and ended up buying 4 or 5 original pieces from street artists and galleries. They loved the food. We rode the street car through the Garden District and walked through the park to the Zoo one day. It was a very tiring day, but it was pretty damned fun too. Voodoo museum was a big hit. We didn't do the WWII museum but that's on the agenda for next time. We were there for five nights and didn't have any problem filling 4 full days.
  3. I'm not sure extrapolating votes in early voting is as simple as people want to make it this year. I voted yesterday and I've probably voted R 95% of the time in the past including in the R primary. While I didn't go straight party D this time voted for exactly 1 R (a county judge who had done good things infrastructure wise for the county) and 2 Ls in races where a D wasn't running. I'm not sure I'll ever vote R again consistently. I'm center right by most metrics, but the daily actions of the Republican party today has completely alienated me.
  4. When I was at Ft. Knox in the early 90s there were standing orders stating a list of places black soldiers shouldn't go when off post due to a high likelihood of violence. Shelbyville was the only town I specifically remember. It was a little town about 15 miles northeast of there if I remember correctly. There were several others. Let's just say this doesn't surprise me.
  5. If any of them can get a plumbing license or do drywall or concrete, send them this way. That shit is out of control.
  6. Sounds like whistling past the graveyard.
  7. Scared people are scared their whole lives. It has nothing to do with age. There are just a whole bunch of chickenshit busybodies out there.
  8. Are y'all saying the attorney is lying?
  9. Our locker room (chemistry) is one of the big reasons we're 6-1. These guys are bought in and genuinely like each other.
  10. There seems to be a world out there I just don't understand.
  11. I don't think that's correct. Passenger trains get priority over almost all freight except certain weird shit like orange juice. Military can jump priority but it's rarely done.
  12. Rollleft with major bitch status in this thread. He may be wrong, but he'll still act like a condescending little cunt.
  13. I don't know if we'll win, but based on what I've seen so far, I'm pretty sure we'll be the more physical team. That bodes well for us in this match up.
  14. Tampa doesn't seem to be missing his play very much.
  15. That's the boat I'm in. Neck and throat are the culprits. Surgery is an option but I've known three people who had the surgery and all told me it was a mixed bag and if they could have just used a CPAP they would rather do that.
  16. A lightning strike took out my Uverse router on Tuesday, so no internet or TV at the house. Called AT&T and they shipped a new router that day to arrive yesterday (Thursday). My wife was there during the entire episode. We've talked about at least 35 times. She stays home Thursday from work. At around noon on Thursday I get this text. "The thermostat says its been disconnected from the internet for more than 24 hours. Can you check your phone app and see if it's ok?" I pondered this for a few minutes, considering and discarding several possible replies. I finally went with. "Baby, you're so pretty!" A few minutes later I get. "Damnit! LMAO! Blond moment." You're so pretty is my go to response when she says something patently stupid.
  17. You got a mouse in your pocket?
  18. To echo Chewy, your test should be a good indicator of which machine you need. Even then there are options. I've had 3 over the years and I'll just suggest getting the quietest one possible. Also consider portability as you'll want to take it with you when you travel and the easier it is to haul and set up, the better. Mask is key. When you go for your fitting, try on as many as you need to find one that's as comfortable as possible. How you sleep will be a big factor. I use a nose only mask like the first one on Chewy's post. It works for me as i'm primarily a side (80%) and back (20%) sleeper, but lot's of people don't like them. Take your time when you do your fitting and try each kind. You can get a new mask fairly inexpensively if you need to, but insurance generally only pays for 1 per year. I does take a week or two to get used to it, but stick to it. It really makes a bid difference in your quality of life it you use it every night and will benefit your heart greatly over time.
  19. I have a couple of class A in the bedroom/hallway areas. A class C+B in the kitchen and a big class B in the garage. No basement in Texas.
  20. Felix

    Would it be wrong if...

    My folks live on 3 acres and the house is a good 75 yards from the street down a winding gravel drive. You can't see the house from the street so they don't get too many unexpected visitors. They had a red heeler named Buster that pretty much roamed free. He never bit anyone but he was pretty damned scary if you didn't know him. One day my dad heard him out in the driveway barking and growling for a few minutes so he went and looked out the window. Buster had 3 Jehovah's Witnesses standing back to back in a triangle while he slowly circled them barking and growling. After he stopped laughing he opened the door and told them to run when they got a chance and he called Buster. Buster came to the house and the last he saw of them they were shagging ass down the drive, ties flying behind them. I wish we had cell phone cameras back then.
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