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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/19 in Posts

  1. Per Super K, Milton is staying another night in Austin.
    27 points
  2. Texas Broke usc just like these fools.
    25 points
  3. I can do the next 5 pages of this thread in one post: Poster One: "I hate the post office whenever I go there they fail to address me with deference and tell me I have to put an address on the box then they LOSE IT every time!" [x100 posters] Poster Two: [putting down pipe after thoughtful pause] "I don't know, Old Bean, I've shipped 14,000 package via the USPS, and they get there quite promptly, sometimes even a day before I mail them." [x 5 posters] Poster Three: "I delivered a package to your mom."
    17 points
  4. No one in any decision-making capacity or at A&M, or position of influence, wants the game played again. Until they actually win something of consequence, and we're going on 80 years of waiting there, they are currently already in the best possible position for that program. They never have to play the actual program they measure themselves against and they're no longer in the same conference, so even if they have an equivalent or slightly worse record, they can claim to have the better team. They never have to back up any of their bullshit. In the SWC and Big 12, the cycle was the same every year. Our recruits are better! Our coaches are better! Our roster is better! Our team is better! Then, in most years, we'd beat them in November, and the response was Y'all was lucky! That don't prove nothin! Classless sips, our fans are better! Our facilities, they's better! Our band is better! Our school is bigger! No one who could choose between the two would pick Texas cause we's better in every way so Y'ALLS CHEATIN! Leading into February, and back into our recruits are better! Our coaches are better! Our roster is better! Our team is better! Now that they're in the SEC, that ridiculous fantasy never gets punctured by the reality of losing on the field. They get to spout off their ridiculous bullshit all year long with no interruption. Why would they want to play us? They already think they have bragging rights. They certainly already act like it. If you really thought a supermodel wanted to suck your dick, and you were legitimately happy telling everyone "oh yeah, she wants to suck my dick" and no amount of ridicule from other people could dissuade you from the absolute certainty that a supermodel you've never met would go to bed with you, why would you go to any effort to actually meet her and try to fuck her? That is the Aggie existence in a nutshell. They are literally, legitimately happier not having to ACTUALLY PLAY US as part of the rivalry, because now they never had to live with the fulfillment of the universal Aggie suspicion that they're objectively inferior to Texas. They are literally happier because now they can run their mouths and there's no on-field "scoreboard" to shut them up. And best of all, they've got the Fake News axis of evil of Texags.com, Texas A&M's actual outbound communications department(s), and Aggie Twitter to convince them that ANY affront to their hope of superiority is in fact illegitimate and untrue. Basically, for the tl dr crowd, any Aggie that actually cares about football and Texas A&M University is fucking crazy, can't be reasoned with, and shouldn't be allowed in your home. Fuck every one of them.
    16 points
  5. Hire Jim Boeheim. He would kill in Austin.
    14 points
  6. Right wingers complaining when capitalism doesnt go their way is one of the highlights of the entire internet.
    13 points
  7. It's weird to read a thread that looks like it's from an A&M site and encounter decent English and dissenting opinions.
    11 points
  8. fear, unfounded victimization and anger, lack of accountability, getting theirs at the expense of everything and everyone else, complete and utter lack of moral compass, racism, the enjoyment of cruelty and the suffering of anyone not on their “team,” hypocrisy, the hatred of anyone who looks or thinks “different,” the use of the state to impose shitty “religious beliefs” upon others, and selling out the country to own the libs.
    10 points
  9. Yeah. From his 247 transfer portal profile:
    8 points
  10. Trump’s lack of knowledge or experience or solutions would be bad enough. But what he’s doing here is more sinister. Trump is reinforcing harmful stereotypes and offering a dog whistle to his most hateful supporters. It’s a disturbing preview of what kind of President he’d be. This is what I want to make clear today: A man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far reaches of the internet, should never run our government or command our military. If he doesn’t respect all Americans, how can he serve all Americans? Now, I know some people still want to give Trump the benefit of the doubt. They hope that he will eventually reinvent himself – that there’s a kinder, gentler, more responsible Donald Trump waiting in the wings somewhere. After all, it’s hard to believe anyone – let alone a nominee for President of the United States – could really believe all the things he says. But the hard truth is, there’s no other Donald Trump. This is it. Maya Angelou once said: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Well, throughout his career and this campaign, Donald Trump has shown us exactly who he is. We should believe him. When Trump was getting his start in business, he was sued by the Justice Department for refusing to rent apartments to black and Latino tenants. Their applications would be marked with a “C” – “C” for “colored” – and then rejected. Three years later, the Justice Department took Trump back to court because he hadn’t changed. The pattern continued through the decades. State regulators fined one of Trump’s casinos for repeatedly removing black dealers from the floor. No wonder the turn-over rate for his minority employees was way above average. And let’s not forget Trump first gained political prominence leading the charge for the so-called “Birthers.” He promoted the racist lie that President Obama isn’t really an American citizen – part of a sustained effort to delegitimize America’s first black President. In 2015, Trump launched his own campaign for President with another racist lie. He described Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals. And he accused the Mexican government of actively sending them across the border. None of that is true. Oh, and by the way, Mexico’s not paying for his wall either. If it ever gets built, you can be sure that American taxpayers will be stuck with the bill. Since then, there’s been a steady stream of bigotry. We all remember when Trump said a distinguished federal judge born in Indiana couldn’t be trusted to do his job because, quote, “He’s a Mexican.” Think about that. The man who today is the standard bearer of the Republican Party said a federal judge was incapable of doing his job solely because of his heritage. Even the Republican Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, described that as “the textbook definition of a racist comment.” To this day, he’s never apologized to Judge Curiel. But for Trump, that’s just par for the course. This is someone who retweets white supremacists online, like the user who goes by the name “white-genocide-TM.” Trump took this fringe bigot with a few dozen followers and spread his message to 11 million people. His campaign famously posted an anti-Semitic image – a Star of David imposed over a sea of dollar bills – that first appeared on a white supremacist website. The Trump campaign also selected a prominent white nationalist leader as a delegate in California. They only dropped him under pressure. When asked in a nationally televised interview whether he would disavow the support of David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, Trump wouldn’t do it. Only later, again under mounting pressure, did he backtrack. And when Trump was asked about anti-Semitic slurs and death threats coming from his supporters, he refused to condemn them. Through it all, he has continued pushing discredited conspiracy theories with racist undertones. Trump said thousands of American Muslims in New Jersey cheered the 9/11 attacks. They didn’t. He suggested that Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the Kennedy assassination. Perhaps in Trump’s mind, because he was a Cuban immigrant, he must have had something to do with it. Of course there’s absolutely no evidence of that. Just recently, Trump claimed President Obama founded ISIS. And then he repeated that nonsense over and over. His latest paranoid fever dream is about my health. All I can say is, Donald, dream on. This is what happens when you treat the National Enquirer like Gospel. It’s what happens when you listen to the radio host Alex Jones, who claims that 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs. He said the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre were child actors and no one was actually killed there. Trump didn’t challenge those lies. He went on Jones’ show and said: “Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down.” This man wants to be President of the United States. August 25, 2016
    8 points
  11. You’re missing the fact that on-field scoreboard never did shut them up. They have always run their mouths all the time for any reason. There is no reason to play them. Ever.
    6 points
  12. Just out of curiosity, is your friend a bit of an iconoclast?
    6 points
  13. “He’s doing a great job” - Johnny Sack “He doesn’t understand how contracts work” - the rest of the world
    5 points
  14. This Kate vs. Sommer shit has got to stop. Sommer is hot, yes. Nobody is disagreeing with that. However, speaking as one of the "olds" born in the 70s, girls like that used to be called "strippers." Some of us have fond memories of those types at The Men's Club, Treasures, Colorado Club, The Rose or even Sugars. Now they can make a million a year on social media. That doesn't mean we need to replace the woman who has been a part of back-to-back top 3 recruiting classes because she is over 40. Kate is and will always be the total package. She is a 5-star. Sommer is a rising 3-star with potential (and she is a coach on the field, duh).
    5 points
  15. Chris Plonsky has made a career out of neutering our men's athletic programs at the expense of her fucking lifestyle angry advocacy, with the vindictive, implicit "title IX consequences" recklessly thrown about. She and her fucking "Garbo's Hair Salon" pals (the Lopiano,/Conradt mafia) have made many lesbians wealthy in this town doing exactly that...at the straight line cost to our men's teams' efficacy. Fuck her. Not a mother fucking thing "homophobic" about stating what the fuck is obvious and not tip toeing around it so as not to get sued....she has careered on the threat of lawsuits. She absolutely cannot be gone soon enough. Fuck her.
    5 points
  16. There is quite literally nothing to be gained from playing aggy. Nothing. Not one single, solitary thing. The value of a win over aggy is no greater than the value of a win over Rice. At all. And the cost in irritation, vaccinations, and earplugs is just too high.
    5 points
  17. This. The GOP is loading up the Titanic’s lifeboats with booze they stole from the bar, while blaming the hull breach on the poor folks stuck in steerage. Their platform is basically grab-what-you-can-and-fuck-everyone-else. Republicans are outraged when some Lib burns a flag; meanwhile they’re taking a torch to the whole country. It’s a selfish, deluded, fanatical party of lies.
    5 points
  18. Says the dude with a guy in blackface as his profile photo.
    5 points
  19. And you didn't even fuck up the formatting beyond all recognition. Good job, buddy.
    5 points
  20. Guy 5 - Hillary Clinton got her mail at a private mailbox instead of at her State Department P.O. Box and nothing worse has ever happened ever.
    5 points
  21. I wish we wouldn't get so publicly butthurt over this type of stuff.
    5 points
  22. In the meantime, in news that the Trumpkins will find to be either fake news, or completely unrelated to Trump, Putin has been funding the far-right in Italy using illicit oil and gas deals to fund "manipulative online persuasion". That's the exact same MO for he used for Trump, selling shares of Rosneft and siphoning off the commission for illicit use. Add that to the gold deal Putin gave Arron Banks (lead donor for Brexit and conduit for Russian cash) and Putin's support for Marine LePen and it is an obvious pattern that the Trumpkins will continue to ignore. Putin is funding the far right and running social media misinformation campaigns to manipulate the West. He is trying to break up the EU and Nato. All of his moves fit this. https://www.thedailybeast.com/an-italian-expose-documents-moscow-money-allegedly-funding-italys-far-right-salvini
    5 points
  23. A roti truck on every corner.
    5 points
  24. I don’t. Not that Shaka’s better, but Rick wasn’t going to take us back to the Final Four. He was like late-era Mack Brown: he wasn’t going to work any harder than he had years before. Still can’t believe we never had a good free throw shooting team under him and it cost us so many wins. He was stubborn to a fault.
    5 points
  25. That's a shame, you seem like a real people person.
    5 points
  26. See, he is framing his argument around the number of "winning teams" Texas played prior to bowl season...so you don't have to count Baylor or TCU or Ok St (who all finished with winning records); plus he can word it such that it glosses over the fact that we played the same top-5 team twice. Alas, the dumb aggy still gets it wrong, because OU, WVU and ISU all finished the regular season with winning records. Of course, this is classic aggy - setting arbitrary parameters to best suit them. Because if you add in the bowl games...the number of "winning teams" we ended up playing goes up to 7 distinct teams and 8 distinct games, including 3 against teams that finished in the top 7 nationally (Texas went 2-1 in those games). The best part of this guy's post is that 2 "non-winning" B12 teams that finished the regular season 6-6 went on to have winning records by beating mighty SEC teams in bowl games. So implicit in his post is that Texas did not deserve to be in the Sugar Bowl...and he subtly credits Texas's "positive press" to the fact the it got an undeserving invitation - completely ignoring that Texas won the goddamn game convincingly against the 2nd-best SEC team.
    4 points
  27. Well... one was a defensive tackle. But never mind that. And Malcolm was in a different class
    4 points
  28. I’m waiting on my wife to drop something off at a friends house. Sitting in car watching neighbor kids play. They have a mini-bike. The old school little motorcycle you pull cord start. Older kid about 15 showing them all how it’s done, gonna teach the younger kids proper operation technique. He just crashed the fuck out of it into a parked car. Funny - it dragged him down driveway and across street accelerating all the way. no serious injuries, shorts ripped and some skin lost but that’s it, I’m happy now, this is the best thing I’ve seen all day.
    4 points
  29. I think shitting yourself during a marathon is pretty standard. One of many reasons you shouldn’t do it, not to mention the first guy who tried it died.
    4 points
  30. Well it really is the anti-science party now, so starting there you're going to have some problems. Personally I wouldn't call myself a former Republican. I've voted Republican and in theory I would again. But it would have to be someone really reasonable, who didn't hide behind the church and always believed in science first, and most of all someone who never supported or had anything to do with Trump or his administration. ...Shit, I guess I'm a former Republican.
    4 points
  31. Feel like someone is about to get negged
    4 points
  32. Should have posted this as your response.
    4 points
  33. Oh it's always been like that too. I cannot for the life of me comprehend why there was such open hostility towards, of all people, the fucking Irish in a country that comprised mostly of immigrants from the British Isles. It's maddening, but it does happen. It's not about legal/illegal; it's about ethnicity. My extended family, for example, is predominantly Celtic-blooded genetically (Scotland/Ireland/Wales), and some of them do have these anti-immigration views, but I'll be goddamned if any of them would be hostile towards illegal Scotsmen or Irishmen. When they prattle on about "illegal immigration," they're really just talking about Latin Americans. And forget my family, just look at your own prejudice. When you see someone of Chinese, Korean, or Indian descent, do you ever question whether or not they're illegal? In Icono's case, given that it was during the reign of the Shah, I'd chalk that up to "refugee," which is what the Salvadorans/Guatemalans/Hondurans are trying to do right now especially since they live in far worse conditions (which, like Iran under the Shah, we imposed). I guarantee you Icono has no issue whatsoever with Iranians coming here illegally today, even if he trolls that he does here on Surlyhorns. That question that you posted is just a pretext.
    4 points
  34. That john denver is full of shit, man
    4 points
  35. You guys realize that drake is an anagram of derka.
    4 points
  36. So fucking tired and not funny. Get a new schtick for fuck’s sake.
    4 points
  37. This.....is magnificent. The "younger generation" is going to have to work double-time to fund YOUR Social Security, which YOUR generation of elected officials raided the fuck out of. And which, by the way, is a government social program. They're dumping a huge percentage of our taxed earnings into Medicare to pay for YOUR generation's medical care. For college, they're paying over two and a half times what someone could pay just 30 years ago. So, they are starting out life saddled with a crapload of debt that you (and I) didn't have to carry. For their health insurance, they're paying three times what it cost just 20 years ago. Their cost of housing has gone up more than the inflation rate over the last 20 years. So, for pretty much every big-ticket item, the "new generation" is getting bent over a barrel that your generation didn't have to deal with. But hey, you got yours, so fuck them. But let's be real about how this country has changed for the worse. Queers can galavant out in public and get married, and the browns and blacks have the audacity to act like they're regular white folk.
    4 points
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