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  1. I mean, he just called her a nigger and tried to beat the shit out of her after pulling a gun, what makes you guys jump to the hate crime conclusion?? It’s preposterous.
  2. also shouted to the the old lady who testified he said "im gonna kill [you] motherfuckers; motherfucking niggers; and hes gonna cut [our] hearts out... multiple times" but whos counting
  3. You have to wonder about the white guys so anxious to find a loophole to allow them to say nigger. To me, it's very strange. Or it's something far worse than strange. I'll actually acknowledge the parallel strangeness of a word having so much power, but there it is. White people (I'm one) should resolve to never think the concept of nigger let alone feel the need to use the word. I italicize the word to be clear that I think it is a special word that ought to be separated from other language.
  4. As I taught my students at the college level, there is no word you can call a White person that holds oppression like the word nigger does. And there never will be. If there was, White peopled could use the n word without repercussion.
  5. All the way back? He used the term nigger on tv in the 2000s. Not one Democrat cared. Your last presidential nominee was a piece of shit. You fuckers are delusional. Neither side is clean. It’s all about realpolitik.
  6. Just admit you’re pissed you can’t say nigger in public anymore without potential repercussions and move on. I’ve met hundreds of guys like you since I look like I’m a safe guy to say that to.
  7. Have you ever read a book you fucking idiot? "The Nigger of the Narcissus" by Joseph Conrad is a great book that I've read. It's about a guy but I couldn't tell you what race because I'm colorblind like that.
  8. Barrett's argument seems pretty weak. It rests upon the notion that if you make an employee feel shitty enough, and then you call him a nigger and he fails to prove that this made him feel even shittier, then you can't prove a hostile environment. When a supervisor calls you a nigger because you filed an EEOC case, I think it might be incumbent upon a judge to allow that case to go to trial. That's a whole hell of a lot different than cases where a supervisory employee jokingly calls someone "nigga" or says "nigga please".
  9. Thread brought to mind an SNL skit from the mid 70's. Captain Kirk (after watching the token black crew member being turned into a cube by the aliens)- "Analysis Mr. Spock?" Spock - "That nigger is a CUBE, Captain!" Newsletter is $9.95
  10. Slorch, surely you acknowledge that racism does exist. Here's a question that I hope you'll answer: Of the folks angry of at the NFL players who take a knee, what % of them have used the word "nigger" recently. I'm guessing it's 75%+
  11. But the hate towards, Jews, Spics, Niggers, might combined with the booger eating moron contingent get him over the top. Damnit, I forgot the pansies. Those butt fuckers are definitely going to vote Cruz / Cotton / Dotard / Haley, whoever.
  12. I’m not a cancel culture pussy who negs in the cloak room. But I will respond with negs since you negged several posts of mine. Byrd was so remorseful about racism he used the term nigger in a derogatory manner on CNN in 2001.
  13. The sack is above all that. If someone at the club says nigger he ignores that and hears bigger. if some roughneck in the oil patch says something similar he logs on to surly and starts blaming illegals for something. Like not properly cleaning his socks.
  14. Lol. You can’t remember if you said ‘ban all Muslims’? And that other guy is the issue? Maybe you said ‘hang all niggers’. I mean, you probably didn’t. But if you did, you’d like to retract that statement. Wtf is wrong with you?
  15. Here’s the 6 pages search results for the use of that word on this website. And yes I did criticize Grand Kleagle Byrd for using that word. Lots of familiar faces on this list. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/search/&q=Nigger&quick=1
  16. Trump supporter at a town hall asking a question: "PRESIDENT TRUMP CAN WE BURN ALL THE NIGGERS AND FAGGOTS?" Trump: "Yeah sure whatever" Surlyhorn Democratic Caucus: *Continues arguing about whether or not Warren was too wishy washy in support of trans rights*
  17. Which is which? /no racist. I heard "nigger in the white house" only 5 or 10 years ago. I heard much much worse from my cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents when I was a kid. Never heard it from either parent, to their credit.
  18. This. She didn’t even let the question go to the jury. Because there is apparently no way (not unlikely, but NO WAY) a reasonable jury could have found that Colbert’s use of “nigger” at the end of the road was the open culmination of a process of race-based hostility and animus. It’s horrible reasoning and an embarrassing opinion.
  19. Yeah, how dare people get pissed off about being called nigger and spic in public. If they'd just keep their mouths shut and know their place, they wouldn't have raised the ire of their betters. Oh, and as for the bolded, we THOUGHT that was correct. But it ain't correct any longer.
  20. Oh I know. Like I said, I’m way too forgiving sometimes. The worst racism I’m guilty of is saying nothing when my friends said nigger, of course not around any black people since they would have been way to cowardly to do that.
  21. I'm guessing Bash Riprock as he's the only poster who calls me a "race-baiter" which I still don't know what that means or what radical right wing folks think it means. Well and Dr. Beeper/Rex calls me that. I've been called worse--like a nigger.
  22. now THAT"S sending in the wolf to chill them niggers out. if there is *anyone* that can breakthrough the bullshit capitalist and oligarchical impediments to this bitchass virus, it's the goddamn BOYZ WITH THE TOYS. DARPA, Los Alamos, SAIC, Lockheed, Northrop, that group. If you need shit done, call the guys with the wallet that says BAD MOTHER FUCKER.
  23. Fucking Frats need to go away immediately. Who's the douche that tried to justify the "there never be a nigger SAE" shit? Was it Rex Kramer? (If it wasn't "SAE" I apologize. It was something similar, but I don't want to pin that on the wrong party) Take all the frat douches out and shoot them, and the planet will improve immediately.
  24. In high school, we (Gainesville) would occasionally play Iowa Park in football. Their fight song is Dixie, or at least it was in 98-00. Any time we would play Princeton in anything, coaches would always warn us Princeton was notorious for calling Black opponents “niggers.” Princeton sure as fuck adhered to that policy. they lost—bigly
  25. We finally have the opportunity to openly discuss, between conservatives and liberals, the failed public health response by the former administration to a global pandemic that has resulted in 580,000+ dead Americans and... we’ve let GRHorn successfully turn it into a referendum on whether JJ said ‘nigger’ or not? I am disappointed in you, Surly Liberal Cabal. Nevar Forget!
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