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  1. Foosters


    Pretty weird that Tom is so concerned about masculinity but decides to slink away like a little coward. Behavior of a beta cuck, no?
  2. hahah this fucking beta cuck bitch is taking his ball and going home. a no-show at the swearing in of his successor. what a bitchmade cunt. that's your boy, @Johnny Sack!
  3. Gatorubet


    My dead military family members can beat up your dead military family members. And they had better genes, ‘cause I’m slightly saner than you. Oh look! They are counting the electoral votes for Biden. So.... when your team finally gets beat by the Democrat beta cucks on 1/7/21, what does that say about your side? Seems like your family at Arlington would think you are - yaknow - a limp wristed beta. Just asking questions.
  4. And most were such condescending pricks when you would question anything. Such beta cucks using anonymous info from Twitter and posters claiming inside knowledge.
  5. Interesting even if Stewart Mandel is a Beta Cuck
  6. lulz. what a bunch of sad stupid fucks all of you are. dumbass beta cuck pussies. fuck all of you and don’t ever forget who has the real inside info. futureman, out.
  7. Already hedging. SMH what a beta cuck
  8. Ha. Look at that beta cuck Joe Biden actually giving a shit about Covid protocols, social distancing, and genuinely caring about people who come out to see him speak! What a low energy pussy! Doesn't even need Herculian life saving efforts to keep him off a ventilator.
  9. People should know this is a team of beta cucks. Look at last year how LSU straight up punked them before the game and they just stood there. It's a reflection on the coach. We don't have killers, we have guys who lay down scared.
  10. Problematic traditions were never an issue until 8 months ago. Take the L loser and go sit with Tom Herman on his throne of shit you beta cuck cloakroom troll.
  11. dcar00

    OU at ISU

    Riley is such a beta cuck bitch
  12. I meant the actual fundamentals of the company and not the STONK price. I know. Fundamentals are for Beta cucks.
  13. Stay safe you perverts. Hope you get some rain and Beta-cuck dissolves into nothingness.
  14. So glad the DNC showcased all those Republicans that are now beta cuck commie anarchists supporting Chairman Mao Biden.
  15. You really don't want to get into a pissing match here with Captain Beta Cuck at the helm of the USNS Non-Contender
  16. I meant it as the royal "we" for the whole U.S. All the damn distilleries switched over to making sanitizer for the beta cucks! No, I was actually thinking of something far worse, better left for the CR. But yeah, statistically speaking---a huge flaw in a plan to live outside the country for a few months is that other country just draws bad cards and you're stuck there for longer than you had planned/budgeted/or may even be legally allowed to stay. But the good news for 'Murica, is that the list of nations fairing markedly better than we are in a per capita basis is now in the triple digits...many of which have a very low cost of living and/or favorable to us exchange rate with the dollar. So we've plenty of options. Mathematically speaking, we could find a place to go for a few months that would likely not have a flare-up/lock-down scenario. But again, weather aside---I don't want to be in our nation for 11 weeks from Election Day to Inauguration Day.
  17. Hannity sounds like a basic beta cuck bitch. Poor people are going to be better off with Biden?!
  18. Also my thoughts: 1.) The fed bought all corporate debt and everyone then issued new bonds and took out new loans at stupid low interest. 2.) All that free PPP loan money with no real strings (because who's really going to check, right?) 3.) Easy excuse to stiff vendors and landlords.. and hoard cash on hand. What are they going to do? If we all do it, they're fooked. Hold steady and we win. 4.) And yes, being able to just do more with less headcount and overhead. What do we care. We pay them so low that unemployment is better for them anyway. After July 31st? Hell if I know. They aren't my employees anymore, remember? If only the virus would cooperate, those 4 things alone would send stock prices, CEO bonuses, and fees / $ for the street into the next galaxy... That pesky virus is just holding us back to historic highs. And historic highs are for beta cucks. I want Galactic highs. Supernova level DOW and NASDAQ #'s. If the DOW's at 27,000, why can't the NASDAQ be the same. And all this talk about DOW to 30,000 by end of year. Think 130,000! Are you as hard as I am right now?
  19. Fuck you bro. Don't be a beta cuck nerd with that 'math' bullshit. Grab life by the pussy, put your money in the market, and make some fucking money. You feel that? That's your balls descending.
  20. That beta cuck has been noticeably absent from BON recently. He's had his ass lit up repeatedly by a sizable amount of the BON community because he had been race baiting and click baiting for weeks. The backlash wasn't pretty, it was pathetic he had his brother who is an alum of UW write up one of the sorriest articles I've had the displeasure of reading in some time.
  21. This is gonna sound like a joke but I’ve seen that a lot of them are doing it for free, a group known as “beta cucks 4 lyfe”, working at the direction of online “mistresses” that feed their humiliation fetishes in exchange for going out and creating chaos.
  22. As a 46 year old white, liberal male who voted for Clinton x3, Obama x 2, Kerry, and Nader, I've never felt so owned as I do after seeing those pictures. I feel like a beta cuck loser. I'd hate nothing more than to have people like that continue to show me how pathetic I am by pointing loaded pistols at their groins.
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