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  1. The bigger issue is that they go into a shell instead of applying any pressure. Every player on the team except Kane is suited and plays in high pressure club teams.
  2. I wouldn't say I guarantee it's Vit or Schloss but I would be willing to bet money at a minimum at least one of them wants to talk to CDC after this weekend. It could already be done, just coach, agent and CDC know. It could be a convo still needs to happen and both say no and CDC has to go to a fall back who is no longer coaching so it looks like either Vit/Schloss said no or we weren't talking to them. But I cannot find any logic where Vit or Schloss are not in play as of today, I just can't see it.
  3. This is correct. They were teammates at HP, but Layne was older and already in Austin when Walker was deciding where to go. More importantly, Rusty Russell was still Highland Park’s head coach when Layne was at Texas and Walker was a senior at HP. Again, SMU hired Russell as a backfield coach in 1945 specifically so that they could steal Doak from Texas.
  4. This will be interesting to watch. That F-16 turned out to be a great plane. Go Ukraine!
  5. Very very surprised Bloss is getting the call. Front office must be very high on him to go ahead and start his clock and call him up over guys in AAA like Henley, Gordon, Blubaugh, and Lauer.
  6. No, that was YA Tittle (HoFer from LSU) Layne and Walker were HS buddies. Layne thought he had him going to Texas
  7. Yeah, that's legit. Well done. Speaking of bass guitars . . . OK, we weren't speaking of bass guitars . . . check out this performance by Lake Street Dive on Colbert's show last night. Their singer tends to get most of the attention, for good reasons, she writes quirky lyrics, sings well, and is oddly easy on the eyes, but this chick on bass has tremendous tone, and her guitar is beautiful, too. You love to see it. Not a bad song, either.
  8. This isn't about what the man wants, this is about what WE want!
  9. It boggles my mind that so many Surly posters and the mainstream media cannot see the 100% obvious parallels between the Nazis and MAGA. I know few will read this, but here are the parallels. No excuses. 1. Similar culture from which emerged Nazis and MAGA. -- We know about the German economic woes after WW1. But that’s only part of it. -- But both NAZIS and MAGA emerge in culture steeped in Christian religion, conspiracy theory, pseudoscience, astrology, widespread idiotic superstitions, yearning for a past of mythic purity, etc. All amid a culture experiencing rapid technological change. 2. Great Leaders: A failed artist and failed businessman NAZI-HITLER: Trash-talking failed artist enters politics. -- Seen as fringe loser. -- Few take him seriously. — Still builds fanatical following. MAGA-TRUMP: Trash-talking failed businessman enters politics. -- Seen as conman celeb, TV star. -- Few take him seriously. — Still builds fanatical following. 3. Great Leaders: Attempt failed coup/insurrection. NAZI-HITLER: Hitler attempts a violent coup that fails. -- Hitler is tried, tossed in jail, writes Mein Kampf, released from jail. -- Hero to the Nazis. -- Seen as brainy, virile, tough guy MAGA-TRUMP: Trump cheerleads an attempted violent insurrection. -- Televised live on TV to the world. -- Mainstream media call the event a “riot.” -- Trump is not prosecuted and remains total hero to MAGA. -- Seen as clever, manly man, tough guy. 4. Great Leader: Long rambling speeches, claim to make nation great again. NAZI-HITLER: Claim they will Make Germany Great Again (MGGA). -- Hitler gives long, rambling speeches at rallies and via radio. -- Nazis will retrieve and promote the “Aryan Man,” the pure and true German destined to rule for a 1000 Year Reich. -- These myths are celebrated and worshipped by the patriots, the “good people,” the true Germans. -- Install National Socialist-Fascist regime. MAGA-TRUMP: Claim they will Make America Great Again (MAGA). -- Trump gives long, rambling, incoherent speeches are rallies and via TV-social media. -- MAGA will save and promote the “Christian Man,” the pure and true American destined to rule the nation till the Rapture. -- These myths are celebrated and worshipped by the the patriots, the “good people,” the good Americans. -- Install Christian-Fascist regime, with a puritan theocracy as a bonus horror. 5. Identify enemies to blame. NAZI-HITLER: Central enemy: Jews. Secondary enemies: Communists, leftist intellectuals, modern artists, gays, etc. MAGA-TRUMP: Central enemy: Immigrants. Secondary enemies: people of color, LGBTQIA, leftists, educators, liberated women, various sciences/scientists, medical workers, environmentalists, etc. 6. Take control of courts and media; impose regimes of censorship. NAZI-HITLER: Nazis judges give favorable rulings to make all the Nazi/fascism “legal.” -- Nazi-friendly media crank out the fascist propaganda; other media eventually become compliant and go along. -- Censorship widespread. Book burnings. MAGA-TRUMP: MAGA judges give favorable rulings to make all the MAGA/fascism “legal.” -- MAGA-friendly media crank out the fascist propaganda (Fox, OAN, social media). -- Mainstream media, which enabled the takeover, eventually become compliant and go along. Hell, they will barely use the words “fascism” or theocracy to describe reality. -- Impose regimes of censorship; ban books in libraries, will ban porn and much more speech/expression. -- No doubt, book burnings are coming. 7. Get widespread business support. NAZIS-HITLER: Give huge contracts to industrialists, tax breaks. MAGA-TRUMP: Give huge contracts to industrialists, tax breaks, subsidies. 8. Take control of police, military, national law enforcement. NAZI-HITLER: Took control of military rather quickly, then took the police, secret police, and built Gestapo. -- Did various purges as needed to insure loyalty. MAGA-TRUMP: They will take control of the police and local LEO rather quickly, especially rural areas. The military will eventually follow. -- Bureaucratic purges, LEO-Military takeovers are part of the 2025 Plan. 9. Demonize, deport enemies. NAZI-HITLER: Demonize enemies such that they are deported to camps, their businesses and property seized by the Nazis and citizens. MAGA-TRUMP: Demonize enemies such that they are deported to camps along the border and elsewhere. -- This is part of 2025 plan. 10. Begin widespread violence, mass death. NAZI-HITLER: Begin the Final Solution, administered by the good and patriotic Germans. Six million Jews are murdered. Unknown quantities of secondary enemies are executed, worked to death. MAGA-TRUMP: Mass shootings galore, guns celebrated, politicians posing with weapons of mass death. -- What violence will follow the deportations, we do not know yet. 11. Invade nations, start war. NAZIS-HITLER: Invade Europe, Russia. Start WW2. 50-60 million die. Europe lay in ruins. MAGA-TRUMP: Invade, war? -- Would we be surprised if MAGA-Trump invaded northern Mexico “to stop the the flow drugs and immigrants” ? -- Or started shipping weapons to Russia so they can invade more of liberal, secular decadent Europe? -- If war breaks out in Europe, how can a fascist America even be the “good guys”? 12: High Noon for Worldwide Destruction and Catastrophe? TLDR: The NAZI-MAGA parallels are real. If Trump-MAGA get in power, the Nazi parallels will become self-evident. As Orwell said. "He who controls history … also controls the future.”
  10. alincoln

    Euro 2024

    Declan Rice is going to get frustrated trying to defend the entire MF against quality opposition
  11. We've all seen family members, neighbors, friends, and co-workers break over the years and fall for this ruse. Sometimes it's in person, sometimes it's in their emails or texts or linkedin feeds. Sometimes, it's a slow burn of a process, sometimes it happens in 24 hours. IMHO, we just be happening to see one play-out somewhere in the middle. Over the course of a few weeks, a seemingly normal and educated person just started succumbing to stupidity and is absorbing the negative feedback from other educated people as validation, instead of questioning the path taken and turning around. It has happened to hundreds of people that we know IRL. This is just a digitally documented case, that's all that makes him different.
  12. I hope Jake goes on another hot streak for the next couple weeks and we can trade his ass and end this discussion forever. But it can’t be so hot that we keep him. Just good enough to get him gone. Especially against Baltimore. Hope he goes 2-4 every game this weekend and we can include him in a package to pry a player from them. Hopefully their nerds believe the nerd stats too. They openly want a CF and they know him. Please come get him. I’m just so over the Jake talk. We need a new whipping boy.
  13. No, I can’t. It’s definitely a high-miss-rate strategy (as we see real time). I’m trying to think of guys that could have gone anywhere, going to small programs (not hidden gems excavated by small programs, which happens all the time). Robert Strait to Baylor and Micah Parker to TT are all that come to mind right now.
  14. We got 1.2" in NW Travis. Normally 10-12 hours of non-stop rain will result in more than that, but I can't complain.
  15. I wanted to see that, but I was outvoted by the family, which unanimously wanted to go across the street and see Six. It was good. Probably not my favorite. But I was entertained. Notwithstanding @PenelopeWitherspoon's sage advice, we ended up staying at the Ritz-Carlton in NoMad, and that ended up being a good decision as we ended up at Bazaar afterwards. That's a great place, and I'd definitely go back. All around, a fantastic property that I'd highly recommend.
  16. Don’t we have some former Quidditch players on here with derp ties to the athletic department, a source who is married to the cousin of CDC’s dog groomer, one that might have credible intel? Something overheard at the last shampooing? Anything????? No news at this point feels like we are stuck in DP hell…..
  17. I mean- that’s fine too. I’m engaged in a 6 week long show prep for the trade deadline if we don’t get it together in the next couple weeks. He’s a guy with 3 .5 years of club control left that should get a top 100 (ass end) type prospect and maybe a couple lotto tickets.
  18. There's a report out that USA could replace Kawhi with Derrick White I've been thinking they'd potentially replace Embiid with Chet or Draymond, and Halliburton with Kyrie or Brunson, but I wonder if they'd go Horford and Jaylen Brown?
  19. Shots take a long time to set up. Lots of assistant directors running around with light meters to check the lighting levels. They need to work out the blocking for actors, and how the shot is going to look and be lit, so they need people with the same height and build as the actors to stand in and to do all the set up.
  20. We moved our 1:30 tee time at Star Ranch to 3:30 to miss the heavier rain chances. It didn't matter. Rained .35" during our round, which may not sound like a lot in your rain gauge, but it will pretty well soak you on the golf course. (89, 3 hours 25 minutes) Even with that said, I won't ever complain about a 76 degree golf round in the afternoon in June in Central Texas.
  21. I have said Hunter brown is a potential cy young type for 2 years. He was utter garbage in April and I thought he might need a change of scenery to fix his pitch mix and get some confidence back. He did it at the major league level good for him. So- we only count a Meyer’s bad streaks and not his good streaks is that the deal? Look at his expected stats and his BABIP for the season and you will see there is nothing flukey about his offensive stats. He’s a gold globe caliber CF (with a rag arm) which you continue to ignore- that was expected to hit 8th or 9th. You are delusional.
  22. Monty Haul is a terrible coach and a fraud. He had one good stretch in Phoenix where Chris Paul essentially ran the team, but other than that he has been completely inept going back to the New Orleans days. Other than signing ridiculous contracts, the most impressive thing he's ever done in his career is deliver the eulogy at his wife's funeral.
  23. I don't think this is, uh, saying what you think it is. Exactly. Believe whatever the fuck you want. The second it crosses over into my life is where we have a problem.
  24. I’d try and get him off it peacefully first. He’s going to be a big problem once he knows what’s going on
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