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  1. look yall, i don't really think this is hard. there are certain hard slurs that are going to get you the old suspension. everyone knows these. one of them: faggot, did not used to be bannable. as a matter of fact, i used it up until about 15 years ago (? somewhere around there? i dunno, i'm getting old) myself to express extreme displeasure at a person while driving. i rationalized it, of course, by saying things like "i don't mean that person is gay" or "i don't mean that being gay makes one a fucking terrible dumbass on the road" but the truth of it was i was using a hateful word in a hateful way. i had too many gay friends in my life to be doing such an immature thing. so i made a conscious decision to stop saying it. recently, i've made more conscious decisions to be more careful about gender language, like using the words bitch and the like. not everyone needs to do that, and i'm not trying to fish for compliments because fuck you, but it's a thing i'm working on. i think "retarded" is such a word. i used it for years and years, up until recently, even. probably less than a decade ago i stopped. why? because i knew too many other parents with developmentally different kids. it was the exposure and the personal connections that changed how i thought about that stuff. my dad was a racist with the known "good guys" caveat. he didn't mean nigger to mean all black people. just all the black people except the known good ones. and fuck the rest if they couldn't take a joke. that was his mindset. that is not a healthy mindset. it's okay to change. you don't have to resist all change. change can be good. you'll feel better if you stop using the word retard. i can't explain it, but it's true. i feel better trying not to say things like "stop being a little bitch." i don't always succeed, but i'm trying to be better. and i think that's worth effort, being a little bit better each day, if we can. if someone tells you that you've offended them, you can immediately do one of two things: 1) tell them to go fuck themselves you'll say what you want, which is okay, or 2) think about it for a minute, take the person at face value that they are offended, and say "ok, sorry about that, i didn't know that was offensive, i won't use that word for that again." the first costs a ton of emotional energy, the second costs a little tiny bit of effort and no other real energy other than trying to be more mindful of people around you. THE HORROR.
  2. And it is also about snowflake dip shits who are outraged despite being devoid of any context regarding the thing they are outraged about. They will do things like want to ban Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn because of it’s historically correct usage of words now found inappropriate. They want the book banned, even though Huck’s decision on the raft - “I’ll go to Hell then” - instead of a decision not to help his friend - the run-away slave Nigger Jim - is one of the most profound anti-slavery, anti-racist pieces of literature in our history. Yes, people want to ban Huckleberry Finn because of the N word. Fucking idiots! Boys and girls ARE good together. As are girls and girls - and boys and boys. Saying I like vegetables is not saying beef is morally wrong. Jesus.
  3. Nah. Whistle blowing nigger down the hall doesn’t fly anymore. You may not do that. But the R party sure as shit does. Sad.
  4. Not really. I mean if you think it’s not cool to yell nigger anymore or you are a homophobe, sure. Otherwise there’s plenty of ‘fiscally responsible’ idiots like me who are there…we are far from democrats but desperate times call for desperate measures. When 30% of the population thinks it’s ok to marginalize you based on looks/sexual preference etc…those are desperate times.
  5. As I taught my students at the college level, there is no word you can call a White person that holds oppression like the word nigger does. And there never will be. If there was, White peopled could use the n word without repercussion.
  6. the book is actually not so much about small southern towns. sure, vidor is mentioned as an infamous texas sundown towns, but most apparently were in the north and west. the traditional south just settled on segregation. they were fine with black folks across the tracks most of the time. sundown towns were "don't let the sun set on you in this town nigger" type towns with signs that say exactly that. it's striking because the methods to keep sundown towns white are pretty much in the wheelhouse of this allen story. it's actually about the racist force field that moves black folks into certain cities or suburbs as opposed to others. and it discusses the animus behind the racism, methods involved in going sundown, etc. it's really a fucking good read. allen would be a perfect example what would be a sundown town, except allen is integrated.
  7. The only times I’ve been called a “nigger” have been in Texas. - 5th grade by a white bro (who, now that I’m older, realized he was on meth) - reffing a basketball game in San Antonio and it came from the Castroville Medina Valley crowd - White bro in Jacksonville - some folks in the small ass town of Panhandle called me “Obama” so I count that. East Texas is just like Mississippi and Louisiana, and so is West Texas. You can love the state of Texas and be proud of it all you want, but you should also recognize you can’t whitewash (no pun) what goes on in this state with your state pride.
  8. In high school, we (Gainesville) would occasionally play Iowa Park in football. Their fight song is Dixie, or at least it was in 98-00. Any time we would play Princeton in anything, coaches would always warn us Princeton was notorious for calling Black opponents “niggers.” Princeton sure as fuck adhered to that policy. they lost—bigly
  9. “CRT” has become the new “nigger” for republicans.
  10. You're a lying fucking racist asshole. Here's Lee Atwater in 1981... Atwater: As to the whole Southern strategy that Harry Dent and others put together in 1968, opposition to the Voting Rights Act would have been a central part of keeping the South. Now [Reagan] doesn't have to do that. All you have to do to keep the South is for Reagan to run in place on the issues he's campaigned on since 1964 [...] and that's fiscal conservatism, balancing the budget, cut taxes, you know, the whole cluster... Questioner: But the fact is, isn't it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps? Atwater: Y'all don't quote me on this. You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."
  11. All we got on this team are a buncha Jews, spics, niggers, pansies, and a booger-eatin' moron!
  12. Go fuck yourself???? Of course it’s more complicated than that. Do not descend to the stupidity of MAGA-ism, where every complex issue is reduced to simple good/bad, black/white dichotomies. The intellectual sophistry that says to use our current science, culture and education and assume that all of it should have been injected into the minds of people born in 1807 - and accepted - is stupid. It is common for Surly posters to discuss older family members who have antiquated ideas - some rather loathsome - with a partial pass given to them because they grew up in the 1930s or 40s. It is often said how loving and nice they are save their attitudes on ____. Now imagine being raised in the 1810s and 20s. The concept of the “United States” as an entity was almost not considered - if primary allegiance to government was concerned. People were defined - by themselves - as citizens of their state. The fact Texans of all people seem to struggle with this baffles me. Mostly, I hate the anti-intellectualism that creates a simplistic modern evaluation of past events using a modern lens. The kind of stupidity that leads to the greatest anti racism American novel being banned because it has pre-civil war Southerners using “nigger” as a common term. Huck’s internal thought struggle (“All right, then, I'll go to hell” ) to turn in Nigger Jim or not is one of the great and freeing lessons of the masterpiece. Saying, “Ban Huckleberry Finn. He used the word nigger - It’s not more complicated than that” is about as accurate as your Lee thought process. It’s lazy revisionist thinking using modern metrics that at best are unfair, or at worst antithetical to the point you are trying to make. Lee was not without much deserved blame, but he was no evil cardboard character. If the men and military leaders he fought against held him in esteem, it might be worth a deeper look. That said, not a fucking statue of him should be in a public square. The UDC can go fuck itself. See again, fuck false revisionist history. UDC is the worst.
  13. LOL. I'd believe this whole 'protecting the unborn' shit if the R party (of today) didn't treat poor colored folk like complete garbage. I'm not sure what circles you run in but there's plenty of people doing quite well in the R world that have zero problem making jokes about poor black people - in front of me, a brown dude. I mean the worst shit you can imagine - BUT they don't say nigger. So welcome to the new R party. Because everyone knows if you don't actually say nigger, you can't be racist. But I digress, you really believe these people care about unborn colored babies, but somehow magically give ZERO fucks about BORN colored babies? WTF drugs are you on?
  14. also shouted to the the old lady who testified he said "im gonna kill [you] motherfuckers; motherfucking niggers; and hes gonna cut [our] hearts out... multiple times" but whos counting
  15. Lol. You can’t remember if you said ‘ban all Muslims’? And that other guy is the issue? Maybe you said ‘hang all niggers’. I mean, you probably didn’t. But if you did, you’d like to retract that statement. Wtf is wrong with you?
  16. MSNBC has been replaying the testimony from officer Dunn where he says he was called "fucking nigger", without bleeping anything. Amazing to hear.
  17. There is a lot of interesting research surrounding fraternities and sororities and Whiteness. A lot of them are qualitative, which is my wheelhouse. You can find a few of them for free on Google Scholar. Some of the research basically is White frat members believing while they may make a "little racist joke" here or there, they don't consider themselves racist. (Like with some White people, they only believe themselves to be racist if they openly use the word nigger or if they advocate for the rise of slavery of Blacks. But because they don't do that, they don't think they are racist.) And to their credit, there are some in the focus groups of the research who believe their White frats could benefit from more diverse memebers. A lot of research I read in my doctoral program centered around fraternities and sororities enhancing "brotherhood and sisterhood" so that is one influence as to why they may not appeal to someone of a different race. That doesn't mean they don't want someone of a different race and wouldn't be accepting, but their experiences with someone of a different race doesn't scream "you're my brother/sister" like someone else who is also White and wealthy/semi-wealthy. This is what BT was saying with the bourgeois. I don't know that I'd connect the bourgeois to Black fraternities and sororities and instead argue their connection centers around similarities in racial experiences as well as economic status. (The anti-bourgeois) I actually think an all-White Greeek frat would be more open to accepting a Black member than an all-White Greek sorority, and I'm surprised I'm making that assertion honestly considering what we know about communication styles between men and women. I just don't think I would ever see a Black Chi-O, but I also don't know that I would see a White AKA. I feel like I've seen White guys in Black frats before, but not at UT. I know I've definitely seen White guys in Black frats at HBCUs, but that's a totally different story.
  18. Wasn’t in a frat myself, but roomed with a Delt & an SAE (who I think they wanted specifically because he was a drug dealer). A couple of them were cool/nice people. I’ve told the story before but a few SAEs were chilling in our living room and I asked one how his intramural basketball game went. He said they had lost to “a bunch of fucking niggers”. No one in the room batted an eye. That was 5-6 years ago. One thing I remember is all of their music taste was exclusively bro country and hardcore trap rap music. Nothing else. It was a weird dynamic.
  19. Here’s the 6 pages search results for the use of that word on this website. And yes I did criticize Grand Kleagle Byrd for using that word. Lots of familiar faces on this list. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/search/&q=Nigger&quick=1
  20. We finally have the opportunity to openly discuss, between conservatives and liberals, the failed public health response by the former administration to a global pandemic that has resulted in 580,000+ dead Americans and... we’ve let GRHorn successfully turn it into a referendum on whether JJ said ‘nigger’ or not? I am disappointed in you, Surly Liberal Cabal. Nevar Forget!
  21. This would make way more sense if the top plane said 'fuck niggers' and maybe throw in 'muh peepee room!' And for those of us who are less literate, paint a tiny orange hand grabbing some vag - on the tail, of course. Don't get me wrong, I like the concept, and what they did with the Dems plane but we sure as shit can't leave the R plane unmarked.
  22. Just admit you’re pissed you can’t say nigger in public anymore without potential repercussions and move on. I’ve met hundreds of guys like you since I look like I’m a safe guy to say that to.
  23. One guys racist rant. So I was, I think about 10 years old or so. This would have been around 1975, I guess. I went to school with a bunch of black kids, the only other school in town was St Mary’s catholic school, although my family was catholic my dad was a schoolteacher so I went to public school. Anyway one of my classmates was a kid named Kenny Johnson. Half of his face was a scar, because we burned trash in barrels and a hairspray can or something had exploded and burned him. The town I grew up in was divided, blacks were on one side of the canal, whites on the other. Kind of like I-35 in Austin in the old days. Anyway one day I went with Kenny to his house to play football. We had a good time. I went inside. There were bunk beds in there to the ceiling where he and his brothers slept. Cramped as fuck. His mother brought me a drink of water, in a tin cup, that looked like it had been shared between everyone, because it had. That was all cool. I had a good time. The next day, when I was walking home from school, i got the dreaded shit. “Hey nigger lover, I heard you spent some time in shantytown “. A belt got pulled out. I got hit in the head with a basketball, whipped with a belt, and kicked with some shitheeled boot. I went on home crying, got over it, and I won’t repeat what my old man said to me about those boys. He drove a school bus during integration and didn’t brook any bullshit. I wish sometimes I had his patience.
  24. All right... we'll give some land to the niggers and the chinks. But we don't want the Irish!
  25. aggy gotta aggy. They defended Manziel was he was arrested, along with his buddy "Nate," after the two of them got into a fight near Northgate with a man whose only offense was objecting to the two of them yelling "nigger" at the man. But Kellen Mond, whose only offense was not being born of pure Aryan blood. Once an aggy, always an aggy....
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