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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/20 in Posts

  1. So, I'm here in Austin at a couple of hospitals in different roles, and respectfully, go fuck yourself. "PPE stores looking ok??" Again, come work some shifts with me in our ICUs that _are not close to peaking but are still growing in COVID patient numbers_. Reuse that single-use N95 for the whole shift and multiple patients. Reuse a shitty yellow paper gown that is designed to be ripped safely off the body, but instead we have to gently shimmy out of it so we can put in on again. Reuse a plastic face shield that becomes so streaked with bleach and chg that you can barely see what you're doing. And then remember that this stuff isn't even really enough to actually protect you from exposure. And no, neither bedside nurses nor advanced practice nurses are being offered any more money for doing this.
    28 points
  2. This is what happens when you pop in and out of a thread this busy and assume you’re the only person seeing it straight. There’s been a ton of discussion about what has been done well or poorly here, down to a city by city level, as well as overseas. The difference between the discussions of such matters on this thread and what posters with this kind of take think, which shows up bizarrely regularly from the same old lot of them, is that no one here is cutting themselves in anguish of how terrible the United States is. Some of us don’t share the same perspective that we fucking suck as a country and are the dumbest pieces of shit on the planet. The whoa is me that we should be more like the fucking bawlers in Europe or the subverted and submissive in southeast Asia is a perverted tune sung by bitches self-selected into the Surly Chorus of Fates.
    25 points
  3. I've never posted something linking to Fox News or "Epoch Times". What in the fuck kind of silly bullshit are you just flinging out there now? I called you out for inserting continued defenses of China into the subject of the origin and the cover-up regarding this virus, something you've been throwing shade on in this thread for at least 3 weeks. The "is this person a cloak room troll or aren't they" test is pretty straightforward on this site. Here's how it works in this instance: -One poster has posted two or less times in the CR combined on both sites in over a decade. -The other poster has made the majority of their posts on this site in the Cloak Room. Literally the fucking majority of your existence on this site involves political posting in a shithole corner of the website where you guys circlejerk yourselves with pos-rep fests and back slaps about your certitude regarding the abject stupidity of most of the country. Accordingly, go fuck yourself with your constant political droning. I don't like the political shit because it is fucking BORING and that's the way many others rejecting the political whining feel. We're not all of the sudden a wild pack of trumpers or whatever the fuck you dipshits namecall the guy and his supporters. I simply don't have the energy or interest to wade through all of the stupid fingerpointing and "my guy versus your guy" droning that has been happening for centuries. Current events, sports, business, funny shit, females, yes. Your political nonsense, that you insinuate or outright proliferate into every.fucking.page. on this thread? Nope. That shit is banworthy. And there's a whole crew of you dipshits doing it. The constant "but muh opinion on the president is important and you all need to hear about it"; and defending of the fucking CCP with obfuscations towards things like that origin story being pure myth; and telling us all how fucking stupid this country is and how fucking wonderful South Korea and Norway are is just pure, unadulterated political filth. You have been given a forum to freely go to and hammer those narratives. This isn't it.
    19 points
  4. Thread still a clownshow. Not sure why we can't shit on China for being complete and utter pieces of garbage while also admitting our response left a lot to be desired. And if stating that is CR shit, then this place is lost. Anyways, it was good to see this thread isn't celebrating the end of C19 due to the emergence of Remdesivir...unlike Wall Street who is in full cocaine/hooker mode. It may shorten the duration and help with severity but it's no cure all. It likely has close to zero effect on lockdowns which are absolutely crushing the economy. It's very likely that prone positioning and not being overly eager to place pts on a vent has done much more good. But a magic med always sells much easier...
    18 points
  5. We don't say that when we think nobody's listening. We say that out loud. In public. All. The. Time. Donald Trump and his supporters are enormous racists and xenophobes. I'll also add in misogynists, ignorami, and traitors. Everybody's a great escape artist until they drown in a glass box.
    17 points
  6. It does seem odd. I know the numbers aren't perfect, but here are some numbers showing actual deaths per million people: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?utm_campaign=homeAdUOA?Si USA - 107 deaths/million population Netherlands 202 Switzerland 153 Sweden 139 Belgium 445 Spain - 417 Italy - 367 France - 276 UK - 215 Anybody can play the "look at this country, they did things so much better than we did" game. Heck, I'm playing that game right now. Only in reverse. Bottom line is all the western intelligence agencies, all the western countries had access to more or less the same data at more or less the same time. Is the Netherlands a backwards country run by buffoons? Switzerland? Sweden? I don't think I'm guilty of a straw man argument here. There really does seem to be a sentiment afoot that there was something atypical about the way we responded to this crisis compared to other western countries - something negligent which resulted in an unusually large number of deaths as a percentage of our population. This is not true.
    14 points
  7. Imagine a press conference on January 3 that we are going to shut down all non essential travel, non essential businesses, restaurants, bars, all sports, basically most of the economy. I am sure that would have been an easy sell in America. It would never happen. It wouldn't have been able to happen on February 3.
    14 points
  8. Wife just yelled at daughter for putting the broom somewhere she couldn’t find it. So I said, “Why, going somewhere?” Points with daughter. No points with wife.
    14 points
  9. 13 points
  10. I said this from the beginning. it had to be slow rolled to some extent. China fucked us, then we didn't shut down all inbound traffic, then CDC fucked up the test, NYC probably should have shut down the subway and quarantined early but I totally understand why it likely wasn't possible. the first 3 things were bad and 2 were in our control. we had to have the populace remain calm until we could intercept and bolster the supply lines. the OMG shit about not having 100K vents stockpiled, etc. was decades in the making. it was never going to be 2M or even 1M but it had a good chance of being 200 to 300K or so with multiple major cities/states overrun because they are poorly run and broke. we got lucky with Swine that the olds seemed to have some immunity and it wasn't as highly transmissive. this was bad because olds are getting hammered and by their very nature are going to be much more vulnerable. I truly believe everyone has done their dead level best(fed/state/city) and I also believe this will come in under 100K dead this year(which sucks but could potentially have been worse). I also believe the outcome would have been pretty much the same regardless of who would have been in charge because I believe in our smart guys to do phenomenal work under pressure.
    13 points
  11. 1 -- so, we have a model to follow. 2 -- we won't follow it. 3 -- because we are the stupidest stupids in the history of stupid, led by the Lord God on High of stupid.
    12 points
  12. Yeah, I don’t understand the “let’s not rush to conclusions” crowd in regards to the virology lab origin theory. Let’s rush to conclusions. That fucking lab is to blame. And fuck the Chinese government for trying to cover it up. And fuck the WHO too for their “don’t close your borders to China because that would be mean” bullshit.
    12 points
  13. But, as you see, it's a beautiful day, the beaches are open and people are having a wonderful time. Amity, as you know, means "friendship".
    11 points
  14. Not a popular opinion, but I'm giving everyone involved in this crisis a huge benefit of the doubt. I know the American Way is to get pissed at our government and point fingers of blame & armchair QB everything...BUT...making broad sweeping changes/orders early in the game would have been catastrophic. Imagine the panic that would have occurred if I told you on January 15th that on March 17th, you would be "locked in place" and this would have been going on for 4-6 weeks with little end in sight. The response would have been insane. Sometimes, shit has to hit the fan before people do the right thing.
    11 points
  15. The presumption that I just pop in and out of this thread without having read its content is insulting. Unfortunately, you seem to allow your emotions to get the better of you, given your tendency to reflexively lash out at others in a tizzy of hysterics and hyperbole. That said, you do have a way with words when you put them in others mouth during a fitful fantasy. I'm fully aware there were previous discussions, in which I also participated without hurling personal insults, about the nature of our national response. I also recognize they often spun out of control into full-blown CR arguments. But while reading last night, I noticed a trend in the tread toward no longer discussing "current events" but a conversation shifting into something entirely different: one of denial and blame. It's important to point that out because it directly affects our ability to respond to this crisis, leading into the next months, as well as potential outbreaks in the hopefully distant future.
    11 points
  16. China has reported 1290 new deaths for today. This after a month of 0,1,2,3 deaths a day reports. Lying sacks of shit they are.
    11 points
  17. It’s the Chinese govt. Theres good people in China trying to get the truth out and risking their lives. It’s sad that I would need to spell that out.
    10 points
  18. I’m sure China’s free flow of accurate information is just around the corner.
    10 points
  19. The concept is not political, but it is absolutely a political talking point. It's a mechanism to shift blame and attention. Even in your recap China (the whole country) is phrased as the dastardly villain while our utter ineptitude and attempts to hide/ignore the rising risk for a much LONGER period of time are cast as simple missteps. Who is the victim here anyway? It's amusing to see some posters' thoughts evolve perfectly in line and in time with shifting talking points... -It's like the flu -Everyone's panicking -Warm weather bro! -Quarantine China! Italy, you cool bro -Bat Soup! -It'll never make it here to BFE -Testing is ramping up -Testing is overrated anyway, it's too late for testing -Cases are under-counted, still just like the flu -Deaths are over-counted, flu bro... -My personal favorite... buy the dip! -They were going to die anyways -I'm not saying it's worse than the flu, but the olds had a good run -It's everywhere (I got the black lung pops) Even here in BFE! -Herd immunity... BINGO! -Cure can't be worse than the disease! -Open or riot!
    10 points
  20. Who the fuck says that? It helped reduce the severity of symptoms and duration of illness but it’s far from the miracle drug being touted here. They also did trials at NW and nobody there is doing cartwheels about a cure. It’s also an IV, meaning your ass needs to get sick enough to land in the hospital before getting it. I said elsewhere, prone positioning and being more cautious about using vents is likely showing more promise then this magic med but people wanna run with a feel good story. I get it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy this and other anti-virals are helping but we need to test a lot more and trace before we can see any light at the end of the tunnel. And I have zero faith in this administration.
    10 points
  21. Good thing the WHO, that everyone is so concerned about being defunded, was still telling everyone in the world on Jan 20 that there was no human to human transmission. Fuck China, and fuck the WHO
    10 points
  22. Throw in Estonia and Iceland too. Let's discuss the 5-6 nations that got step one correct, then act like the United States is the stupidest place on earth for whiffing on that piece. Right? It's all of you've really got that suits your narrative, so spit and polish that until it shines. You knew what my post was addressing, but you're attempting to pull at a little thread of it to sell your point that we've all gone crazy or are too stupid to understand the big picture. The big picture, of course, you're the preacher in the pulpit for and we just need to sit our heads back and nod and shout "amen, brother!" as you lament the inanity of man, the futility of it all, and the testing, my God the testing!
    9 points
  23. They didn't have to. He's the MAYOR of his city. He could have done it. He probably had the same general intel as the federal gov't. Why didn't Cuomo call for a halt to public gatherings, stop the subways, close restaurants when he knew those were factors ? You're damned determined to go political. The veneer of your argument is paper thin.
    9 points
  24. Testing. Testing. Testing. That is the difference. Norway, for example, has been very successful: Germany (and this article is almost 2 weeks old): Readily available testing, including testing of people with mild symptoms and people who have simply been exposed to known infected people, helps you do two very important things. FIRST, it helps you quarantine the infected so they don't spread the infection. This is huge. This is absolutely necessary for us to do in order to "open the economy back up," which I think most everyone agrees, we HAVE to do. If we have lots of testing, then we can isolate little fires where they start, and keep them from becoming huge wildfires. SECOND, it helps us understand the ultimate effects of the disease much better. We talk about case fatality rate on here all the time, and again, pretty much everyone has acknowledged that we don't have any good idea what it is. I mean, we all acknowledge that a 3% CFR is clearly not accurate, and is too high. We also acknowledge that the CFR is almost certainly materially higher than the seasonal flu. But how much so? That matters. There's a lot of room between .1% and 3%. Norway, for example, has a CFR of .45%, based on their data. Why is that? We need to know this. We really, really need to know this. If we can live in a world where these three things are true: 1 -- the CFR is something like .5% (so, 5X the seasonal flu, but not insanely higher) 2 -- we can test lots of people, and isolate outbreaks before they spread significantly, and to keep them from spiking and overwhelming resources 3 -- we can improve therapies to reduce the CFR even 20% (so, maybe take it from .5% to .4%)....... THEN we can develop a plan for opening up activities and getting society and the economy moving again, with some changes and restrictions that may feel weird, but will allow us to function and earn a living, and that plan can carry us until a vaccine becomes available. Make me America's COVID Czar, and that's my plan. Note that it all comes down to testing, testing, testing. And it's followed by bulking up CDC boots on the ground (most likely by "deputizing" or delegating to existing local authorities) to perform such testing AND the contact tracing that must follow. On a parallel track, pursuing great-guns (including full cooperation with everyone else across the world) treatment therapies and vaccines, including spending money to get facilities ready to produce vaccines (knowing that some of that money will be wasted -- that's the breaks -- I'd happily "waste" $100 million to fast-track a plan to save the country a coupla trillion). Testing. Testing. Testing. Chant it in your sleep. It's the key.
    9 points
  25. It's true that it had been going on for a while, but I had been keeping my mouth shut. And, frankly, the anger is justifiable. None of this would've happened whether it occurred in a wet market or a lab. But, last night, it felt like things were hitting a tipping point where the thread was no longer a discussion about ongoing events but one that was turning into full-blown political tantrum. That's surly though, so it shouldn't have come to any surprise on my part. Look, I'm pissed too. I'd much rather be in my office right now than sitting in an uncomfortable wooden chair at my kitchen table. I'm tired of worrying about leaving the house and feeling like Saul Goodman's brother when I do -- though that's dissipating. I'm very fucking worried about the devastation being reaped on the economy and what that means to my and my coworkers'/friends' ongoing and future employment. Because of the nature of what I do for a living, I'm very, very in-tune with what's going on with the state's economy and am having to revise reports, analyses, feasibility studies on an ongoing basis and never feel like I can ever actually complete them and get them out the door. Data is lagging, new data is coming in. Everything is uncertain and I can't reliably predict what's going to happen for my clients. I spend a great deal of my time during the day talking with community leaders around the state, trying to help them figure out ways to respond and help their local businesses. I'm frequently on conference calls/attending webinars with SBA folks, consultants, reps from the governor's office, TWC, and other agencies trying to get that information condensed and out the door. Believe me, I want this over just as much as anyone else. It fucking sucks, and I hate it too.
    9 points
  26. Don’t get him started. These CR types are all too eager to grab their cat-tails and flagellate themselves while punching their tear stained keyboards about the evil USA.
    9 points
  27. Leftover Rouses cajun, ronies, dill relish, Sandwich Pal, cheese, kaiser.
    9 points
  28. So in other words he spoke the truth.
    9 points
  29. My first sobriety date was Nov. 27, 1990, a few months after my 30th belly button birthday. Decided I needed a drink in late January of 2002 that I didn't finish until @BearSchlong had someone come take me to a meeting on January 25th of 2016. I know that as a rule we're discouraged from doing math here but give it a shot. You may ask "What could have possibly driven you back to the drink after so many years sober, Diablo?". Well, my dog died. True story. There was of course a lot leading up to that but that was my breaking point, putting my best friend to bed forever. @hundredTT I've been there bud. Please don't lose the next 14 years of your life like I did, k?
    9 points
  30. it's really terrible how the seatbelt makes my clothes all wrinkly and i didn't even need it! -GRHorn, probably
    8 points
  31. I’m going to need to look up who was in charge at that point in time so I can determine whether our leadership failed us or not.
    8 points
  32. Well, I mean, the one thing we know FOR SURE is that demanding that one government seek reparations from another - a geopolitical tool that hasn't been used since Versailles - is DEFINITELY not "political," because in the very next post, that same poster decried any mention of politics. Gotta admit, I find the cognitive dissonance amusing. NO POLITICS AT ALL!!! NOW LOOK AT ME DEMAND UNPRECEDENTED POLITICAL ACTION AND PLACE POLITICAL BLAME! There is no way to have a rational discussion about this issue, because the only way we can talk about any political leadership making any decisions that result in actual action and real-world effects is fawning praise*. How in the blue fuck can we talk about how to make adjustments to come back and win this football game if we can't discuss any coaching decision that either has been made or should be made? * Huge exception here -- you can criticize the leadership of any OTHER country or state. Just not our own. They can only be praised, and excused from any responsibility because see the political blame heaped on literally anyone else they can heap it onto. Seems like this thread should just be reduced to a single point from Greenspoint saying "we're all gonna die" and CTJ saying "it's a big nothing," and then lock it up. Anything else is fucking pointless.
    8 points
  33. I especially liked the part in her post where she told you to go fuck yourself.
    8 points
  34. These kids don’t have a normal college experience. It’s a fucking job. Might as well get paid for it. The complete disconnect from some of you and how most people view $400,000 is eye opening. And by the way, the G League contract includes a full ride for college for Green.
    8 points
  35. I've never been a fan of Abbot - but this "plan" seems OK to me. Mainly because he declared all schools closed for the remainder of the year. Monday State Parks reopen, but you must wear a mask, not be in groups over 5, and not be within 6 feet of people outside your household. April 22 - non-essential medical and surgical April 22 - non-essential retail can go to a to-go/delivery model April 27 - more orders to continue re-opening "Strike Force" (OK, that made me actually laugh) list of doctors, politicians and business chiefs was half his speech. Does this violate the "no politics" thing?
    8 points
  36. That isn't true at all. I see discussion just above your comment that is doing just that. Talking about actions, and questioning actions, is appropriate. Talking about your suspected political motivations behind those actions, is not appropriate. If that's what you want to do then there's another thread on another forum that is dedicated to that. It's really quite simple.
    8 points
  37. If you spend anytime on the football board you will see most are the same with UT. The attitude of "We are Texas!" is pretty similar, we will criticize our own institution because we expect it to be head and shoulders above the rest. The richest college football program in the heartland of high school football should be outperforming everyone else not running at the same level of land grant schools in BFE. The United States with all it's resources should be held to the same standard. Basically, we hold our institutions to a higher standard.
    8 points
  38. My guess is that you're reading this into the tenor of posts, most of which are just pointing out interesting information that challenges the current theories about the origins of this pandemic, because you're all-too eager to bring politics into this. There has been plenty of discussion of the US failures and few people deny them, but these failures in no way are discounted by the discussion of evidence in support of a theory that is different than the current prevailing theory. China can suck really bad and the US can have failed in many ways too. It seems that you read these posts and a fire alarm goes off in your mind that directs you to urgently send out the firefighters. The only problem is that there is no fire.
    8 points
  39. Captainant has shown himself to be little more than a fellow traveler when it comes views on the Chinese. To say he’s a sympathizer and an apologist would be an understatement. He actively bawled and campaigned for this thread title to change and remove any reference to China for weeks until the admin capitulated after being tired of his whiny shit. If he can undermine the position that China played a role in all of this, he’s damned sure going to do so. Also, bolverk can fuck right off for pushing the same bullshit.
    8 points
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