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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/18 in all areas

  1. You’ve been a fucking idiot for a long time and I’m here to remind you. Trump told your stupid ass he was smarter than the generals during the primaries but sure, his ignorance of the generals is a total surprise to you. I put my life on the line for this country so FUCK your regret. My daughter was born while I was Afghanistan and that very day me and my boys still brought it to those taliban fucks. I’m proud of those sacrifices, but that also means I take the presidency and it’s duty to our nation very seriously. I won’t let you trumpers walk away from your vote with a simple “I won’t vote for him again”. I want you motherfuckers to feel shame. You put a con man and traitor in the office to “own the Libs” so you can not be trusted as far as I’m concerned. As man who has someone fighting for this country you should be beyond the “Left” and “Right” bullshit.
    43 points
  2. Were you sobbing as you typed this out?
    13 points
  3. I'm 41 and have been an alcoholic since my first drink at 12 or 13. I knew it and never really had the denial stage. All my friends knew it, but they were all heavy drinkers in high school, college and then into their early 20's, where most of them cut back to normal people drinkers. Probably 25% of us who were true alcoholics didn't and most stopped and started going to meetings because they knew and accepted what they are. I knew it about myself but didn't care. I, like you, was the fun guy at the party, until I got into my 30s and became completely reclusive and wanted to be at my house alone, with a bottle of jameson and a pack of cigarettes. That is what I loved. Every night. That is what I thought I loved, but I was in denial about that being my happy place. I was miserable and hated people. I would go weeks without seeing people besides giving someone money at the liquor store checkout. That is what I became after being a social person all my life. I didn't have friends besides the ones I grew up with, but I didn't live in the same state as any of them or any family and that was partly by alcoholic design even though I didn't acknowledge that part of the equation. Around 30 I started getting regular, routine check ups at the doctor and lied to him about my drinking. My liver counts were bad and an ultrasound showed I had fatty liver. I knew what it was and what it was from and I didn't care. I had a bottle waiting for me at home, so fucking hurry up doc, I gotta get out of here. This all continued for ten years with a couple half-assed efforts of stopping. So this past summer I fell a couple times and couldn't get up. I couldn't get out of bed for 3 days even to make it to the bathroom, so you can imagine what that looked like. Just 3 bottles of whiskey and covered in my own waste. My buddy, who is also an alcoholic found me and called an ambulance. I was straight with the ER people about everything. They did all the tests and I had a good idea what was coming next. It was full on cirrhosis. So there it was and I knew I was killing myself and I wasn't suicidal, I just couldn't and didn't want to stop. But I deep down knew my life would be so much better if I did because I wasn't myself and hadn't been in 15 years. My 7 year old niece told me she had never seen me smile and that crushed me. So oddly enough, when they told me I had an irreversible liver disease that would most likely kill me, I wasn't scared, I was strangely relieved because I knew that was the only thing that would make me stop and stopping was the only thing that would make me happy. So today is 228 days without a drink and I'm a different person. Completely different. I'm happy and energetic all the time. I don't get irritated with everything and everyone. It's almost like living in a happy, zen type place that I never knew was in my makeup. I love every minute of it and it's also terrifying. Terrifying because I know I'm still in the honeymoon phase with this and terrifying because I'm learning who I am as a person. It's the first time in my adult life that I haven't been looking for a drink and planning when I would be able to get to my alone time with my bottle. Every experience is different now because of that and I have no idea how I'm going to react to every situation, big or small, because I'm getting to know myself all over again. It is scarey as hell and exciting as hell. It's truly a new life. 4 months after I stopped, one of my best friends dropped dead of a heart attack at 41. I went up to Chicago to bury him. I didn't have any idea how I would handle it. My friends are all from my childhood and we are really, really tight, so it helped having them there. We all went to a bar after the funeral and it wasn't hard for me at all to not drink, but when I left and was alone again, I got a pretty strong urge. A month ago another very close friend of mine got married out in California, so this time the whole crew would be back together for a fun occasion. That wasn't hard for me either and I was very worried it would be. But some of us alcoholics didn't drink and the non alcoholics got drunk because it was one of those occasions for it. And every single one of them told me how proud they were of me and brought me diet cokes. So now I'm at my parents for the holidays and they really stress me out, but every day and every experience, I gain more confidence and a little less worry about picking up the bottle. Bottom line, if I drink I will die, and I want to take this ride as long as I can. Just 228 days ago, I didn't care. Now I'm all smiles for my niece and everyone else.
    12 points
  4. Hopefully not the last time this pun gets used Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    10 points
  5. This is some of the most cowardly, disingenuous bullshit, and I can't fucking believe people STILL have this mindset. 1. This mystery "palatable" D candidate you're wishing for? It's actually a Republican. Your party has gone so far off the fucking deep end over the last 2-3 decades, that you're actually just wanting what you think a Republican should be. 2. I love that Republicans always recommend to liberals that they should nominate a "centrist", all the while they just fucking voted for the stupidest comic book villain ever as POTUS. 3. Calling Beto an "extremist" shows how clueless you really are. People on the left are already eating him alive for not being progressive enough. Pay attention, please.
    10 points
  6. This shutdown is just a distraction from all the treason
    8 points
  7. 8 points
  8. Keep in mind, most Republicans have convinced themselves (and a good portion of general public) that universal healthcare is extremist. We are the only industrialized nation in the world who doesn't have it. We spend more per capita than any other country on healthcare. But, somehow, the idea of universal healthcare is extremist. It's not just that they think it is unwise and that they are against it, they have convinced themselves that it is extremist. Calling Beto an "extremist" means absolutely nothing.
    8 points
  9. I assume you just starting watching football what, since last Thursday?
    7 points
  10. Whereas W and Obama sometimes made well intended but ill advised military missteps, Trump has neither the capacity nor curiosity to comprehend the human impact of his actions. Our President profoundly lacks humanity. Damn you Republican voters. Look at what you have done. You have shamed this nation, and the stain continues to spread.
    7 points
  11. https://twitter.com/texasboyQ We need to add his brother to the staff as designated pregame speech coach
    7 points
  12. Doesn’t know the American diplomat leading the anti-ISIS coalition to own the libs.
    6 points
  13. Chris Simms wouldn't be losing this badly.
    6 points
  14. Major to file war crimes charges against Army at the half.
    6 points
  15. Me: Thanks He: You bet.
    6 points
  16. I'd like to reiterate this. Nearly a consistent Republican voter here, until Palin and the Tea Party morons gained acceptance and influence. Now it's gone from "Yeah, I am not so sure about these people" to "Fuck no, anybody but them."
    6 points
  17. Okay....but look what you just posted. You characterize him as an "extremist." The reasonably hard left/progressive movement thinks he's too centrist. I have a feeling that every single human who doesn't have an (R) next to his name is a "wacko leftist extremist" to you. There IS no such thing as an acceptable Dem to you. Thus, you will do just what I said -- "hold your nose"....and vote for Trump again.
    6 points
  18. What you mean is, we should have closed out games against Tulsa, KSU, OU, and KU better so we could have found time for the backups to play.
    5 points
  19. speaking of stupidity and ignorance
    5 points
  20. 5 points
  21. We didn’t start the fire, it’s been always burning since the world’s been turning...
    5 points
  22. Yes it is a beautiful day in the Hill Country. Absolutely perfect.
    5 points
  23. Beautiful day at the ranch. Got a couple pork butts that have been on smoker since 7 am. Just cracked a Keystone tall boy. Got a little Don Williams going.
    5 points
  24. Amazing how Republicans will stretch the bounds of reason to make this a democrat shutdown. R: "Give me a billion dollars so I can buy these magic beans!" D:: "No. Those are stupid." R: "Sign this bill or I will shut down the government! That will create all kinds of havoc and hurt Federal employees!" D:: "You're being ridiculous." [Mitch McConnell addressing Congress]"...Now we have a government shutdown, all because the Democrats refuse to support a commonsense magic bean buying policy."
    5 points
  25. If dems give one fucking penny for the stupid ass wall they should all be lined up and shot.
    5 points
  26. 4 points
  27. We had a banana republic look with W calling his brother in Florida and other questionable election results after that. I believe W stole the re-election by altering the Ohio vote through the Diebold voting machines. It happened in lower races, too. We have districts gerrymandered so that the majority of Americans are not represented as intended by the Founding Fathers. We have politics of personality cult and vilification of real people (those dangerous transexuals! your nigras is gettin' a little uppity!) and vilification of a bogey man called the liberal. The GOPs were setting up party domination by these means. What does that tell you? Little did they know that they were setting the stage for a real banana republic tin god like D. Trump. The GOPs got owned by their own out of control hate engine. Now the tin god is trying to go full autocrat. That's some real Caudillo shit there, mi amigo. We may rebound. We may not. We're a long way from where we thought we were.
    4 points
  28. This is an example of why I can't let myself get too emotionally involved in US politics and policy. My guess is that this man, McGurk, can't stomach trying to look supportive of a treacherous change in policy as he faces our allies. I can only imagine the gut punch of having your whole foundation ripped away in a tweet from a bumbling twit. Immediate pullout likely means we betray people who have bled with us (more than us in Syria). We are shit. Trumps foreign policy whimsy is too often what our war policy has been since WWII. Show up. Side with somebody. Get a lot of people killed. Then leave our allies to the dogs. Trump didn't invent this. He has refined the callous idiocy to a fine point that stabs anything we touch. We're not the leader of the free world. We're not an example of anything worthwhile. We're a banana republic. Maybe a junta will save us. Just great.
    4 points
  29. You don't know that and probably neither does anyone else. This is a young man who is 17 and being pulled in different directions by grown ups. Maybe he doesn't have a good support system like many kids so. Maybe his school doesn't have great resources to give him extra academic support like many schools do. We have had kids suspended. Are they flakes? You have had kids in college and the pros that have committed crimes. Is this kid that bad. Why is he a drama queen. Because he hasn't picked our school yet? Some kids honestly don't know what to do. This may be the young man's first major life decision and all of this is new to him. Why don't we give this young man a chance. Regardless of where he goes, lets see if college works. Lets see what he does when he has a support system. Lets see what happens when he has academic support and lets see what happens when he is around teammates and coaches that will give him a hug when appropriate and will kick his ass when he needs it. Having said that, if you or anyone else actually knows the young man well, I will defer to you.
    4 points
  30. Fair enough. Glanced at fairly quickly and saw the Lil'Jordan at the top and assumed it was the guy with that name, not a nickname. You'll have to forgive me for assuming it was typical futureman post rather than an actual observation. My apologies to alphahorn for leading him astray.
    4 points
  31. Anyone claiming the other "side" has some monopoly on fear mongering and paranoia operates well in a world of unintentional comedy. No one's swimmin' clean in this bowl of Wolf Brand.
    4 points
  32. We tried to tell you Trumpers how fucking dumb you were and you didn't listen. Now eat that shit sandwich while we fix the shit you idiots messed up.
    4 points
  33. LOL at slorch dropping the “extremist” label for Beto and then only responding with “you libs just wouldn’t understand” when asked to defend it.
    4 points
  34. If you never thought a border wall was something that we needed until Donald Trump came along and proclaimed that it is, you might want to consider the possibility that you're a complete fucking moron. (Btw, if you thought a border wall was something we needed before Trump came along then you're still a moron. Just so there's no confusion.)
    4 points
  35. I always thought he was well spoken.
    4 points
  36. USF: Hires the worst coach in Texas history Charlie: *Crashes USF program in the ground* USF:
    4 points
  37. I’m here until Wednesday. Might shoot a red stag tomorrow morning. There are a few spikes that need to be culled. Other than that, I’ll eat, drink, and be merry for 4 more days. Little Hate will be fishing before I wake up tomorrow morning. I’m so goddamn happy right now. God bless everyone.
    4 points
  38. Watching Slorch and the other Trump voters here claim that good and high character isn’t a part of the job description - all the while claiming they’ll never vote for him again (because of the decisions he made in line with his character) - is fucking hilarious. Why won’t you vote for him again? He’s literally done everything he said he would do when you voted for him, well, except make Mexico pay for shit. What’s even more rich is that the men you claim to admire, like Secretary Mattis, you clearly admire FOR their character.
    4 points
  39. As I type this, there is a graffiti artist in the playroom painting a mural on one of the walls.
    4 points
  40. No it wasn't. The Dem had serious flaws but wasn't near the craptacular fool that Trump is. But nevertheless, if you put out a candidate like that, you deserve what you get. Where I am coming from is frankly not understanding the kind of idiocy that would label Beto O'Rourke as an unfit radical unworthy of a vote in comparison to Trump. It's just an objectively ludicrous position. You're miffed at Trump, a person who extols positions that appeal to racists, who favors policies that would destroy the environment, who is a danger to American security, yet Beto is a wacko. You're waver isn't worth shit unless you become active in the Republican Party to find an alternative or unless you stop swallowing the partisan crap.
    4 points
  41. if you are white, you are obligated to start with "I love Charlie, he is a great guy but...' it shows you aren't one of those other whites, you are one of the good ones.
    4 points
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