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  1. three weeks ago now...Florence was crowded but it wasn't prohibitive, Rome was much more packed and hectic in our experience. Florence was our favorite stop! we would definitely consider returning...it was just so small and condensed, so easy to get around and see so much incredible art literally everywhere you look. we found it magical! 😊 Rome was incredible in a wholly different way. several times i'd get this feeling in particular, like 'holy crap this is the oldest manmade thing i've ever laid eyes on!' i felt a bit overwhelmed in spots. it's incredible, and a lot to take in! 😮 but...well...the trash was a thing. pretty offputting and i didn't understand it 😕 all over the streets, the gutters, dog shit on sidewalks, trash cans in all the parks were overflowing and not emptied in the three days we were there. twice i'd identified a park where we were going to just sit a bit and cool off in shade...and both times it was literally just overflowing with trash, to the point we kept moving. it was like every street was Bourbon street at the end of the night...but they at least come thru the FQ with street sweepers and such nightly! it didn't ruin anything, it was just an unattractive backdrop in a lot of spots, unfortunate. thought 'eh, big tourist city' initially, but when we met up with our friends in Dublin who had just spent a month in Sicily... they said the same thing about some places there. weird. i was thinking about it...one, with that many tourists, there really needs to be a robust public works system to clean/clear nightly (like the aforementioned NOLA, or Vegas). or just more receptacles in general. Paris arguably has as many visitors and its gardens/parks were pretty pristine from what we saw. also, between the cigarette butts and the dog shit... that's got to be mostly locals? maybe some sort of public awareness campaign might help (like a 'Don't Mess With Texas' equivalent?) 🤔 also, in high tourist areas, maybe fine people on the spot for littering... seems to work for the RATP enforcers in Paris! 😄 i dunno...we just really marveled at how one could live in such an incredible place ('my apartment is just passed the 200 BC Roman ruins, the ones on the left' 😮😆) and let it get like that regularly. i'm sure there's lots of variables, from public funding/taxes to local corruption, hell maybe even organized crime racket lol.
  2. The fact that winner of TN/Aggy will be sixth different SEC team to win CWS since 2017 should be enough reason for folks to understand how needed a change from Pierce prior to SEC play is.
  3. Windthorst has Wemby on record of saying he wants to win now. Trying to find the exact clip
  4. I got bad news for you, hombre. The gold Trump butt plug has already been done: The scenario is pretty clear. Follow A Handmaid's tale. The plan actually gets out in front of the leaders, and becomes bigger than even their vision, and then they can't stop it. What does it look like? Imagine Texas run by Ken Paxton with unlimited and unchecked authority (by the way, you don't need to merely "imagine" that for much longer. The Gov and Lt. Gov bend the knee to him, and all of our courts are afraid of him and will do whatever he demands, lest he loose his MAGA minions on them and primary them out of office). Your blue city/neighborhood feels otherwise? Tough fucking shit. The AG's shock troops (have you, ummm, noticed the massive militarization of the DPS?) will show up, occupy the fuck out of you, and impose what looks exactly like martial law. Spot checks of your daughter leaving the neighborhood, to make sure she's not pregnant and maybe going to get an abortion somewhere? Yep. All of the shit. Your choices will either flee, submit, or fight. That's what your civil war looks like. Texas, punished and purged. They're running the play right now. Not later. NOW.
  5. Yeah I posted it in the other thread. She's getting into her groove but has to do better with the TOs She's had 29 in the last 5 gms. She has been shooting better though with them looking to feature Boston more and letting CC get shots off of that vs her just being out top and hoisting whenever she gets the notion. More importantly, they are getting wins
  6. Was going to say you never saw Janice Joplins but after searching for pictures - it's a 356. Obviously you meant factory color not her psychedelic paint job. On the other hand it sold for a armored car full of money.
  7. Watched it again. Savannah was a mess and spent no time in her unemployment actually preparing. I don’t get the recent infatuation with plantains, especially for folks not familiar with them. She picked out ones that won’t be ripe for a month. All three had questionable sous chef choices picking buddies . Dan had some odd choices but seemed to have better execution. He also seemed less prepared. Missed on salt on his first dish. As much as they harp on seasoning every dish should get a toss of coarse salt at the end. Danny’s mousse in the qualifier should have whacked him. The raw lobster should have killed him along with the weird stacked cabbage dish. Where did he win? His story. Tom is a sucker for personal stories about food and cooking careers. And Danny’s stories resonated with Tom especially the final one where he talked about getting a Puerto Rican ice from a street vendor with his grandfather and made a fancy dessert echoing that. Tom nearly started crying. There was no extended discussion at judges table. It was like they had to get off the boat. So Danny won it there.
  8. Well put, and as usual, put more succinctly than Lobo. I've dealt with a lot of powerful people in my lifetime, but the guy I fear the most is the guy with nothing to lose. -Trump has no expressed plan to move beyond our borders. Hitler literally wrote a book about it since the first two Reichs had been compressed beyond all recognition. -Complacency is almost as powerful a drug as being validated politically, in the case of the bottom tier of MAGA nation. -Then there is the obfuscation of Civil War. Germans had some internal populations they didn't want there anymore. But more than that, they wanted back everything from the Rhine to Prussia, North Africa to Moscow. Trump doesn't even know what he wants, he just wants more adulation. MAGA nation keeps claiming there'll be violence, but they've yet to clarify who and where? Do you attack police, brown people who may have voted for Trump, women who may have voted for Trump, the military, civil servants, left-handed people, who? And where does this all play out? Which battlefields? Which lines of demarcation? What is the theater of this Civil War? What borders are you wanting to conquer? You want to 'conquer' a swing state like Pennsylvania that broke for Biden? Good luck taking Philly or Pittsburgh. There's no plan, just angry rhetoric. Say what you want about Lee, he had a geographic theater of war plan that actually worked for a short while. Say what you want about Hitler, he had a multi-continental plan that actually worked for awhile. MAGA is just "we gotta buncha guns and we ain't gonna take no more shit. This is our country." And then they nod off to reality TV after a bucket of chicken. The 3rd Reich actually worked from 1933-1943 in terms of its implementation of evil, because smart people got organized and decided they had nothing to lose and everything to gain. A second MAGA reich won't work because it's even more corrupt than the Nazis, it's less organized, and they suffer from complacency. And we are so fucking lucky that Hitler was just 44 when he gained complete control and in good shape. Trump is 78 and getting worse by the day. Bad news-when Hitler died and shortly thereafter Donitz gave unconditional surrender, the Germans stood down almost immediately. Turned in their weapons and armories, ships to port, fixed wing groups grounded forever. They learned of their atrocities and set to rectify their sins and rebuild their country and much of Europe. There were no statues erected, no flags of Hitler hoisted in protest to Allied occupation, the Marshall plan was carried out to the letter by those people, they accepted their inner ugliness and the punishment that came along with their complicity. To this day, there are no statues, no monuments to their insane leaders. Every German student, from a young age, is taught about WW2 and the Holocaust. and nobody complains, "I don't want those books in my child's class...he might feel bad about his heritage." They don't shy away from it like we do. When Trump goes, and he will soon. It won't be like May 1945 Germany. they won't take it well at all. They'll act out insanely. But they won't know who to take it out on. that's the real danger. 25mm stupid people, armed to the teeth, with nothing to lose, and no Marshall to guide them.
  9. You’re a moron dude. It is not acceptable for this university to hire a high school coach or anyone that hasn’t been a head coach at this level before. Yea we hired Gus from a HS, that was 50 fucking years ago. Things change, welcome to the world.
  10. Hell maybe we should want him to come to Texas. It'd suck for him to go somewhere else just to later come ON Texas.
  11. he was a RFA. guessing that's the best we could get without re-signing him.
  12. 2nd post because its not funny, but still related totally to the previous post. either the Major didnt report the network "hack" or the IT guys didnt really give a shit because it wasnt super important info or really an issue to hack the managers computer. So the security vulnerability is still there. Anyway, since Smokey realized he couldnt do the keyboard hack anymore, every so often, he did the classic- "screenshot their homescreen, set that as the background pic, and extended the desktop to hide all the icons in the hidden portion" trick. again Major manager FURIOUSLY pounding his mouse on the icon button and it doesnt work... unplugs, replugs in his mouse and Smokey resets it back to normal, goes on for a while until SMOKEY!!!!!!! is said again. but finally Smokey's hacks got real, real info, that should have never been in a managers inbox... the list of 150 or so "targeted reps" whose sales numbers sucked and the senior managers absolutely wanted fired by the NEXT SCHEDULED LAYOFF... yeah.. thats right.... fucking company had scheduled layoffs every 3 months or so and of the 1,000 or so sales reps, they wanted 150 gone. Smokey was, of course, one of those on the list. and had decided sales wasnt the life for him. so unbeknownst to all of us, he forwarded the entire email chain complete with pages of the seniors managers absolutely railing on all the "bad" reps to Smokey's newly-made hotmail account. then in a day or two, Smokey in his spare time, cleaned up all the identifying code in the email, clearing his info. Also in his unauthorized networking travels, Smokey had found the COMPANY-wide master email list (that back then wasnt outside email blocked). Smokey anonymously forwards this fantastic email chain of all the managers talking mad shit about the floor reps and the coming mass layoff to the entire company from his random hotmail account about 1 week before the layoffs are set to happen and he sets it to arrive in the middle of the afternoon. So this absolutely official looking email that is coming from the company official send account to every employee and its complete with all the corporate cubicle intrigue you can image..... takes like 60 mins for the IT team to scrub the email from the servers, but damage is done, its been forwarded to folks outside of the company and then the next morning we all get a "that was clearly a joke email everyone, CLEARLY we would never want to fire anyone next week, ignore that email, its fake and we will find out who sent it" Smokey (whose semi-hacking skills had become semi-legendary) is obviously the only person in the whole company with the skills to do this without the proper credentials.... so at some point hes walked for other things and we dont have the layoffs on the day listed on the email.... they happen about 2 weeks later, and 90% of the laid off folks were the ones whose names were on the list..... final sad post script on Smokey- he started his own mail order build a computer company shortly after, in a year hes driving a dodge Viper around town and 10 months later the feds arrest him for mail fraud... because the dude was taking the money to make a computer... then just pocketing it instead. Got 30+ years in the federal pen for several thousand counts of mail fraud... fucking genius life thrown away
  13. Im not downplaying the quality of Weiner as a candidate but I doubt we would just wait quietly for an assistant to finish the season. Hell, we hired Sark before the Bama bowl game and he did both jobs for a couple weeks
  14. If we're going to fire our coach because he's short and wanted to be his own pitching coach then we're not going to turn around and hire a pitching coach to be our head coach.
  15. Part of the allure for conspiracy nuts is that they think they have inside knowledge the rest of the world doesn’t. They feel like they are in a movie, in on the big secret. Laughing at them, well a lot of them will still feel like we don’t actually know because we are blue or red pilled or whatever the fuck it is. BUT! There will be plenty who dont like to be mocked because it makes them wonder if they are the ones who aren’t in on the secret.
  16. The differences are more important. The 1920s and 1930s saw a lot of Germans down on their luck and with no outlet for them to speak their minds outside of demonstrations, no steady food source, and few distractions to keep their minds occupied after the WWI losses, and the Treaty of Versailles hurting them economically. In other words, some serious hardships arose for a lot of Germans, 2020s MAGA doesn’t have the kinds of actual feel it in your starving stomach or empty bank account grievances the Germans had, has food security, has an outlet (social media) to blow off steam to keep them from rioting through the streets (not that they have reasons to riot other than losing) , and has distractions (internet, social media, Fox News). That’s why even if 75 million people voted for Trump, only a few thousand were there on January 6th. That’s why Trump’s rallies have been going down hill and attendances is in the hundreds or thousands. MAGA talks a lot of shit, but at the end of the day, most are too comfortable in their double-wides, with their big-screen TVs and duallies they are forever making payments on to do anything that risks their wellbeing, in the 1920s you had a lot of Germans who had nothing to lose at all.
  17. I feel like we see this in a lot of coaching searches. Someone name their one or two dream candidates then go off a cliff with their plan B options. "If we can't get Vitello or Schlossnagle, I guess we'll just be asking Ty Harrington to come out of retirement to bridge the gap til 2026." There are more than 1 or 2 guys who can big win at Texas.
  18. Much respect to Herve. Miss you! Also, Montalban is of obvious Mexican heritage. But Kahn's last name is Singh, from southeast Asia. I mentioned in post #26, they should do a Battle of the Streaming Stars. But I'd be willing to share my royalties with you. You don't need everybody and shooting schedules overlap, but you could get a decent slate of actors from myriad platforms and they could do some goofy competition shit. Again, nobody under 35 would understand what the fuck was going on, but it'd be a great homage to a 20yo tradition from a bygone era that folks our age would love. I know some of the actors would feel it's beneath them, but enough would want to be in on the joke. Will Ferrell could host. It could be a fun way to encourage middle age folks to finally embrace streaming and cut the cord. I dunno. My other idea is they should do more "crossover" episodes. Remember when St. Elsewhere would go into Cheers, or Dallas would go into Knott's Landing? I know, I know...compromising the artistic integrity of their singular show multi-verse. But c'mon, somebody from "slow horses" having to go into the "severance" world to get advice on how to control agent's minds or some such shit. Martin Short wandering into Gilead. There's hundreds of possibilities. How the fuck have they not done that yet?
  19. Presley has a 2.4 fip and a 5 era b/c his xba is 220 and in actuality it's 420 against him for the year. Huge post season numbers- veteran presence blah blah blah. Framber should have been the WS MVP in 2022, he sucked in 23 playoffs but was probably hurt- he's got plenty enough left in the tank to get another 1.5 years out of him- I wouldn't personally extend him which is why I would trade him. Montero is meh. He's a guy that you are fine to have in your bullpen pitch the 5th or 6th inning in a regular season game or 7th - 9th if you are up or down 3, but yeah- he's a dude. That's why we'd have to give you a bunch of money. Maybe you don't want them all together like that- maybe you don't need all that- but Framber is worth a top 50 and top 100 this year at the deadline if you have him for 2 post seasons, Presley is probably worth a top 100 and would be the best bullpen arm on the market (unless the A's trade their guy) and Montero- if the Astros paid half his salary would be one of the best mid/low leverage guys on the market as well. Yall got plenty of dudes and they are all blocked- I don't know how many arms you want though- or how much control you want them for. I miss and love Elias and Sig. So jealous of yall. It's going to be a fun decade for yall.
  20. This is a big issue all over Texas. Ranches turning into Ranchettes that are too small to effectively manage. In my personal situation, we have some generational timberland in East Texas that will get split up as the actuarial tables tell their tales. There has been some resistance to actually moving properties to some sort of trust or family LLC-such vehicle, but, so far, we have managed to all mutually engage the same forestry consultant under a single contract. Way better to go to market with more acreage whether you are harvesting or re-planting.
  21. this. I notice no Herve Villachaize. Damn midget discrimination. Which reminds me, we need a Battle of the Streaming Stars show with Netflix, Amazon, Apple TV, maybe Max
  22. Headed back to Houston this weekend for 14U tourney. Kids have taken a couple of weeks off so team is going in "cold" so we shall see. Team came in 2nd last time they were in Houston over Memorial Day so fingers crossed for this go round. Going to Stros game tomorrow night with my boy so definitely looking forward to that a well as seeing boys back on the field.
  23. It’s pretty stunning how far the GOP has fallen, that the party leadership and elected officials spend so much time and energy catering to mouth breathers. If a known Democrat asks a GOP leader whether George W Bush did 9/11, whether we landed on the moon, and whether the earth is round or not, said GOP leader is going to try and both sides it.
  24. Seems like there's better prospects out there, and we may want some time to see who in our stable pans out. I'm not upset by it, but a bit confused. Maybe he just wanted to save his spot at the table?
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