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  1. #4: beta-cuck nerd whom compensates for low-T by talking non-stop and over-the-top hand gestures in an attempt to seem strong. #5: an actual, kinda tough guy. But once you see him in the photographs in a baseball uniform attempting to "play", America's pastime. You're like, "No thanks, we already have a Rosie O'Donnell."
  2. troph


    I have some flannel and I'm more of the F350 type lezzie who owns exactly one pair of heels and thinks a collection of open toed shoes means flip flops and multiple styles of birkenstocks. Subaru's are no longer lesbian cars, they are now for beta cuck hipster with well trimmed beards to show how manly and woke (at the same time) they are.
  3. we've only just started jewelry commercial season, but Jared is setting the bar pretty fucking high with this soy boy beta cuck and the letter he wrote to his girlfriend's (dead?) dad, asking for his permission to marry her. i hope they have the messiest divorce, and she hocks the ring so she can support her crystal meth habit.
  4. Perfect. They are all “ALPHA MALES NOT BETA CUCKS!”......yet they utterly depend on the machinery of state for everything in their lives. They’re the cartoonish movie putz, who talks a big game the first half of the movie, then when the SHTF, screams and hides behind a woman. Alpha males don’t talk and play dress up and pose with cool toys. They’re just alpha. These guys...are not.
  5. Isn't Sullivan the one with the ethics issues? I swear there is a case currently going on where he didn't register as a lobbyist, which any common sense person knows he is. Fuck Sullivan, Fuck Bonnen, I guess Sullivan came out with this because Bonnen is a RINO (to them) and that's worse than a libtard communist beta cuck (I think I got a bingo there) to them.
  6. 10000000% this. All the very cool and useful features that legacy truck makers (with a century+ experience building trucks) are putting in, like bed storage, tailgate steps, etc, that make a truck even more useful? Those are for beta cucks. Real truck guys want a truck that’s functionally fucking useless as a truck. That’s what a manly man would do, Andrew Tate and Tucker told me!
  7. Is it the one where they compared it to Jimbo's? You know, the guy who only lost 1 game in his third year (COVID), and then plummeted, but then (I dunno if it's this article that's eye rolling), but ThEn He CaMe BaCk DoWn To EaRtH. The writers are fucking beta cucks. And then at the end of the article I read he slumped into his corner and said...but Jizzbo didn't make the CFP or even win his conference.
  8. You poor gullible bastard. Of course they'll still vote for him, because the wall, and abortion, and critical race theory, and socialism, and her emails, and "Let's Go Brandon." He can go on and on and on about vaccines, but as long as he throws in a little more red meat here and there, they'll vote for him, or more importantly, against the fascist, communist, marxist, woke, sjw, beta cuck dumbocrat.
  9. i don't know when maxim was founded and i'll take your word for it that it exists for photographing near naked women for men who want to objectify them. My theory is that something has changed since its inception that has made "subscription near-porn delivered by mail" a poor business model while at the same time making it possible to monetize outrage clicks from easily triggered beta cucks.
  10. That beta cuck has been noticeably absent from BON recently. He's had his ass lit up repeatedly by a sizable amount of the BON community because he had been race baiting and click baiting for weeks. The backlash wasn't pretty, it was pathetic he had his brother who is an alum of UW write up one of the sorriest articles I've had the displeasure of reading in some time.
  11. As a 46 year old white, liberal male who voted for Clinton x3, Obama x 2, Kerry, and Nader, I've never felt so owned as I do after seeing those pictures. I feel like a beta cuck loser. I'd hate nothing more than to have people like that continue to show me how pathetic I am by pointing loaded pistols at their groins.
  12. All eyes on Jackson Hole tomorrow. Newly minted hawk, J. Powell, will signal: a. “damn the recession, full pain ahead” b. “Incoming pivot” c. “Let’s pause“ - and/or - d. “I feel lovey-dovey again.” I think he will try to convince his audience that he is a alpha-hawk - and his audience will sense he is a beta-cuck as soon as big capital wants easy money and bail outs again.
  13. This Oregon situation is weird. She's got crazy eyes but also gives off a "I give great head, so long as I don't bite your dick off" vibe. I know anybody who doesn't like Trump is a Beta Cuck...but it rings a bit hollow for me since I know multiple people who've plowed/are plowing wives of Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Ken Paxton. And don't get me started on the daughters. It's profane...
  14. Three thots: 1) I don't believe for a moment that dude a) rarely spends time on the internet given that he has a fucking YouTube channel and b) didn't know what a "thot" was. 2) Anyone turning those "thots" in to the IRS must really be a hard up beta cuck who hates women. 3) God bless "thots" and whores, which reminds me, I need to check back in with the goings-on of Demi and the rest of the San Marcos crew thread.
  15. It's curious to me that the Russians would "back" a Trump presidency. And help manipulate the campaign/elections through unethical means. Because a Trump Presidency was bad for Russia. Trump is way too strong a leader, it intimidated Russia and Putin. Trump is the ultimate Alpha Male, unable to be tamed by any exterior forces. Why would Russia support such a candidate, a bold and strong visionary that would be impossible to manipulate? Makes zero sense. Trump just exudes leadership and boldness while Putin gives off a beta cuck sense of uncertainty.
  16. Gatorubet


    My dead military family members can beat up your dead military family members. And they had better genes, ‘cause I’m slightly saner than you. Oh look! They are counting the electoral votes for Biden. So.... when your team finally gets beat by the Democrat beta cucks on 1/7/21, what does that say about your side? Seems like your family at Arlington would think you are - yaknow - a limp wristed beta. Just asking questions.
  17. I ain’t calling in shit. This parent wears this kinda shit as a badge of honor. An arrest probably furthers the martyr status. I feel bad for the teacher. Real fucking fun coming to work each morning having to look over your shoulder from the faculty lot to your classroom. The spouse In question is a real beta cuck, the kind ‘real Texas men’ make fun of even though they all have a wild amount in common. Might be cathartic to shove a mask in his mouth while beating the shit out of him to square up karma.
  18. I was raised by idiot, wing nut, southern Baptist assholes to believe that being white meant you were better, and education was for pussies. Luckily I got my brain from my grandfather, who was a MD and oil man, so I recognized the bullshit at an early age. I was literally beaten for expressing any opinion which contradicted my biological father. Little did they know the beta cuck hippie id become. I was always moderate even voting republican sometimes, but since G-Dub I've been solid blue.
  19. Anymore questions, asshat? Yeah, does Ted Cruz know that you raided his boot rack? YOU JUST BOUGHT YOURSELF ANOTHER TWO WEEKS! I mean, Lobo bullshit aside. Trump is doing to you exactly what he did to beta-cuck Ted Cruz. Insulting you, debasing nicknames, winding up to insult you on stage in the very soon debate, and telegraphing shit about your wife and physical appearance. And your move is to go and buy a pair of boots that look exactly like Ted Cruz? And you're claiming that you're not mentally disabled, Governor?
  20. One kind of meta development -- that "Jason Collier is Innocent!" mock-salute page drew in so many weirdo incels angrily defending the Pastor Popo of Poundtown as an alpha who is entitled to all the poontang he can get, and all these people mocking him with memes and shit were beta cucks and so on. So the admin has gone deeper into troll mode by changing the name of the group to Thirsty Submissive Women Looking For Their Daddy Dom. Also I have it on good authority that tales of Collier's deeds and downfall at the hands of los Pinche Rangers have reached San Antonio and the Valley and that his praises will soon be sung in authentic corridos.
  21. Guest


    So every non-Trumper is a Cuck? Is that the score? I guess that would stink for the husband involved. I'll tell you what else stinks, being a Trumper husband. You guys may not be beta-cucks, but y'all are married to some seriously large tubs of shit. Did I miss a meeting around Texas? Good lord, the female Trump supporters are some fluffy ass women. I mean, we all like a full buttocks and everything, but seriously-how do you Trumpers navigate that? I bet dollars to donuts, the weight of the average wife of the average Surly Trump supporter is 175. And I'm being kind. How do y'all fuck stuff like that?
  22. I know every fanbase has it's idiots (won't evoke ours since I have them on ignore) but aggy is really impressive. It's a strange beta cuck, repressed sexuality vibe that is really hard to capture but pervades every interaction. I think most of us can look at the Aggy recruiting class last year and both be concerned about the sheer amount of talent as well as acknowledging underlying problems that might mitigate the impact of the recruiting class. These idiots are incapable of any nuance and it's all Manning is a 3 star and sucks and Alabama and Jimbo didn't offer. Are you fucking kidding me? Which fanbase is that stupid? That's rhetorical for any Aggy that's made it so far....
  23. Exactly. What a weird self own. Dude goes full Beta cuck to avoid accountability. What red blooded American man gives up flag duty to their wife? Memorial Day, Flag Day, July 4th, and Veterans Day are all DNAguy on a ladder putting up and taking down American flag with my ladder. The house is divided so I respect her enough to not throw up a UT flag on games days… plus I’m lazy so I’ll just go with the first excuse. DNAgal doesn’t know where the ladder is, where I keep the flag, or how to raise an extension ladder. I bet that pussy doesn’t even own a drill.
  24. A tear rolls off TTom’s cheek as he thinks of the good times threatening the Surly board - back before the Storm was slightly delayed. He crosses his arms against his damp coat, hugging himself to ward off the bitter wind whipping past the railroad overpass. He wonders if it’s true - would the hobo really have given him an extra dollar for the bj if he’d taken his MAGA hat off first? “No”, he tells himself, “beta-cuck libtards all lie!!” He rearranges the cardboard sheets, and groggily approaches sleep, his mind repetitively changing the name “Dominion” into various numerics - trying to find a way to make them equal 45. Tomorrow’s another day. He has four new dollars, many miles to travel, and the FBI are always watching.
  25. *edit* I'm getting Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon mixed up in this entire post. there was some sort of toxicity/misogyny shit in the workplace with rick and morty as well I think. Hard to find since if you google this shit it's mostly about beta cuck R+M fans doing beta cuck "harass female writers" shit but it was this - https://www.awn.com/news/rick-and-morty-creator-dan-harmon-comes-clean-public-apology The story here seems to be that at Community, Roiland was attracted to one of his writers, did some harassing, and then when firmly rejected did some more abusive shit. In this case it came to light in the midst of 2018 metoo stuff - Roiland vaguely alluded to it, the writer Megan Ganz called him out, he said he hadn't wanted to put her shit on blast but gave a full account and apology, and Ganz tweeted links to his podcast calling it a masterclass on how to apologize. I had vaguely remembered this, but this is a bit more interesting now since I've become more familiar with Ganz as the host of the Always Sunny podcast (where the Always Sunny guys shoot the shit while they theoretically work episode by episode through the series). She's now a writer on the series, not sure for how long. Anyways, interesting - he's very outspoken against the sexism and misogyny that afflicts a lot of the R+M fanbase, he's clearly not been a saint himself but he did a good job of owning up to it in 2018, but here we are with assault allegations from 2020. Curious to learn more about what happened here but uhh, golly geez. Hey guys, if you have reached your mid thirties and you still haven't worked through your stupid shit like this please seek counseling wtf.
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