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  1. Wow, you lib CRYBABIES are always trying to spin Trump’s wins into something negative. Trump may not be as β€œpolished” as you beta-cucks would like, but if you had a lick of sense you would see how shrewd of a leader and businessman he truly is. He saved us BILLIONS, maybe TRILLIONS in disaster relief costs in Puerto Rico. Obama or Hillary would have handed Carmen Cruz the FUCKING CHECKBOOK. Who knows how much she would have run up our national debt? Buying up food, water, generators, pointy-boots and other shit that my TAXES shouldn’t have to pay for. The leechers from that shithole need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and quit trying to suck off the government teat. The only thing I can criticize Trump for is not building a MOAT between us and PR and getting them to PAY FOR IT!!
  2. I meant it as the royal "we" for the whole U.S. All the damn distilleries switched over to making sanitizer for the beta cucks! No, I was actually thinking of something far worse, better left for the CR. But yeah, statistically speaking---a huge flaw in a plan to live outside the country for a few months is that other country just draws bad cards and you're stuck there for longer than you had planned/budgeted/or may even be legally allowed to stay. But the good news for 'Murica, is that the list of nations fairing markedly better than we are in a per capita basis is now in the triple digits...many of which have a very low cost of living and/or favorable to us exchange rate with the dollar. So we've plenty of options. Mathematically speaking, we could find a place to go for a few months that would likely not have a flare-up/lock-down scenario. But again, weather aside---I don't want to be in our nation for 11 weeks from Election Day to Inauguration Day.
  3. Oatmeal - I’ll repeat a couple of things I’ve said on this thread for your benefit. 1) ideology aside, Ted Cruz is a bad senator. He’s mostly been running for President for 6 years and is essentially worthless from a constituent services perspective, which is the most important job a Senator has, so 2) he’s being outraised and generates little enthusiasm. That’s not just because Beto is overperforming, but because Republican donors and business people are tired of Ted Cruz’s schtick. As a result 3) This is a close race. You apparently don’t follow politics, but this whole beta/cuck/manlet/Middle-aged woman stuff makes your sound like you are deeply insecure, short and sexually frustrated in addition to not actually knowing why you support Cruz, by your own admission. But either way, this really isn’t about whether Beto wins. Cruz’s weakness and Beto’s relative strength and remarkable small donor fund raising prowess is causing a major resource drain on swing races. That’s the strategic value of Beto O’Rourke, win or lose. #realtalk
  4. 'Narrow Gag' is the name of his homemade movie with Stormy Daniels, no? In all fairness to Commander Dipshit, I could see how no judge/jury could take his threats against prosecutors and witnesses as serious calls for harm. He is a feckless, impotent, beta cuck, incapable of the most basic of physical tasks. His wife has swallowed Balkan cum more times than Trump has fantasized about Ivanka swallowing his cum. He is spineless, cowardly, and in the end will back down when instructed to. I take his threats on individuals about as seriously as I take his hair or any Trump Flag Bearing weakling hiding behind a gun and a hat. They will kill far more of one another in his name, than he could ever possibly unleash on anyone else. His cowardice disregard for anyone but himself knows no bounds. I know you were all craved for strong leadership, I get it. I was too. But to put your faith and love and purse into such an average man of no mettle at all...I have to admit that kinda surprised even me.
  5. Is this criticism? If so, I don't understand it. Picard usually surrounded himself with very pliant, but strong women, e.g. Crusher, Troi, or this new blond Dr Juratti. The take-you-down-easy-with-a-smile type. He did not work well with stronger women like Dr. Pulaski. Part of his TNG character arc was to mostly get over this, e.g. his relationship with Ensign Roe. Likewise, Crusher and Troi became more resolute as time passed. We especially see this with the future Crusher when he was enfeebled by Irumodic Syndrome. I think the strong woman housekeeper helps establish that he was not what he was. Raffi reflects the post-Roe character arc. And we'll probably see Juratti have a similar story arc to Crusher. Having strong, established characters ready to step if Patrick Stewart dies mid-production isn't a bad idea at his age. Oh and most of the other TNG men were please-pardon-the-phrase "beta cucks" outside of Riker and usually Worf. Looks like the pilot will take Riker's place. Due to a likely group of hard-headed misfits, I'm also willing to consider this is part of the long-desired (and planned-by-Roddenberry) fall of the Federation storyline.
  6. Also my thoughts: 1.) The fed bought all corporate debt and everyone then issued new bonds and took out new loans at stupid low interest. 2.) All that free PPP loan money with no real strings (because who's really going to check, right?) 3.) Easy excuse to stiff vendors and landlords.. and hoard cash on hand. What are they going to do? If we all do it, they're fooked. Hold steady and we win. 4.) And yes, being able to just do more with less headcount and overhead. What do we care. We pay them so low that unemployment is better for them anyway. After July 31st? Hell if I know. They aren't my employees anymore, remember? If only the virus would cooperate, those 4 things alone would send stock prices, CEO bonuses, and fees / $ for the street into the next galaxy... That pesky virus is just holding us back to historic highs. And historic highs are for beta cucks. I want Galactic highs. Supernova level DOW and NASDAQ #'s. If the DOW's at 27,000, why can't the NASDAQ be the same. And all this talk about DOW to 30,000 by end of year. Think 130,000! Are you as hard as I am right now?
  7. Personally, I think it's time to put that notion to bed. For all his flaws, Abbott isn't dumb enough at this point to think Trump would consider him a viable VP candidate. And, at his age, he likely isn't entertaining the thought that Trump would select him for SCOTUS should a position open up. That leaves us with two options: Abbott believes this is a good policy and is promoting a State's Rights stance against the federal government. This option is ideologically consistent with longstanding anti-federalism beliefs among Texas conservatives going back to the Antebellum. Abbott is doing this because he recognizes that his supporters, both voters and financial backers, want this. This option is logically consistent for someone who wants to be re-elected or wants to pad his bank account as he heads into retirement. Let's just face it. Today, the Republican Party of Texas is now the Retrograde Party of Trump. If you want continued support from its base, you have to behave like a reactionary and rancorous xenophobe. And you had better stand up to those effeminate pansies in DC because no red-blooded Texan is gonna take orders from those pointy-headed liberals, RINOs, and various other beta cucks. That's it. Don't just be an asshole; be THE asshole and we'll shower you with praise and money. That's the more straightforward and logical explanation.
  8. if you’re old enough to remember UT basketball in the 80’s and you don’t love rick barnes then i just don’t know what to say. especially after seeing the types of guys we’ve tried to replace him with. his halftime interview just now vs purdue was awesome, vintage rick barnes. he called out the officials (talked a bunch of shit about them really), called out his team for not making shots, praised purdue for being physical while digging at the refs for not letting the teams play, and didn’t even acknowledge the fact that his team held purdue to 6-30 from the field because he’s always pissed. he wins a shit ton of games, he stays on the officials 24/7, his teams are always well built, tough, and deep (just like your mom), he’s never happy during a game (just like you), he's a great story teller, and he’s been scandal free for three decades in the slimiest sport around. he also really really cares about people and it really matters to him to turn his boys into men. after living through that soy boy beta cuck shaka and that drunken, rabid frat boy beard, i appreciate barnes even more now than i did before. the greatest and best coach in the history of both UT’s. man i hope he cuts down the nets one time before he retires. Team Barnes for life.
  9. I know that and you know that because we are probably the kinds of beta cucks that went to every OB/GYN appointment from the very start but people like Dan Patrick who just takes his wife at face value when she swears it's his baby, don't understand that the clock starts ticking 4 weeks before most women even think to pick up the phone to make an appointment at the OBGYN. What's more, by the time they get into see the doctor and get an accurate idea of how far along they are, it's already well beyond 6 weeks. Which maybe was the whole point all along. Let's get another frightening reality out there...........doctors are sometimes just as bad about letting their religion and politics spill over into their practice as elected officials are. There's gonna be that window between weeks 4-6 when there's some ambiguity. We got pregnant 4 times for sure, possibly 5. Every time, nurse on the phone asked "when was the start of your last period." And that date was stamped in bold on the top of our paperwork when we went in days/weeks later to see the OBGYN. It's a matter of medical course that they ask and record that and then verify against what they see on bloodwork and sonogram. So here's the shitty reality...those doctors that can't keep their religion/politics outta their practice...they're going to have their staff ask that question just as they always have. And if the woman if that woman is not known to the practice (having already had baby with that group)..........her appointment will be throttled down so that she can't come in until after week 6 is complete. Watch. Suddenly half the practices in rural/exurban Texas won't have any appointment availability until 2-3 weeks AFTER the woman's declared date of her last period from her first phone call. By the time she knows what's going on, it'll be too late to go to a Planned Parenthood or free clinic facility.
  10. Bears berating a dead horse as Lobo is wont to do. But for such the "Man's Man", a real "Alpha Male owning the Beta Cucks" that so many of friends and family jerk off to. Trump is literally the least sportsman/outdoorsy President of my lifetime, by fucking far. Shit, I think even Taft went fishing every now and again. Yeah, he kinda sorta plays golf. At the same fucking three courses, cheats, and can't walk the course. Wears a ladies watch and maxi pad for one tennis match decades ago. And then that random video of him trying to play beach volleyball in mom jeans after Top Gun came out. Never fired a weapon, can't fish, hunt, swim, ride a bike, setup a tent, take a hike, jog, saddle a horse, mend a fence, fix a toilet, repair anything around the house, shoot pool, throw darts, toss a football, carry a tune, drink a beer, spin a yarn, write a poem, charm a woman, handle a donnybrook, earn a smile from his children, drive a car, brew a cup of coffee, or just shut the fuck up and not talk. Every cliche of manhood, he fails at. Totally and completely. The one fucking time I saw a photo of him on a boat, he was about to commit rape. Somebody please, this holiday season. For the love of Baby Christ. Ask your family member, what in the ever living fuck is so damn manly about Donald Trump? If you like his tax plans or judicial appointments, okay. Story for another day. But what the fuck do women find so alluring about him? What in the holy hell do other men see in him that makes them think, "This guy? This guy is my type of guy?" I get the rest of his ruse, with the benefit of hindsight. The populist, hatred filled narrative. But I'll just never get, and 'cause I'm dumb, the other angle of "Projecting Strength & Power." What the fuck am I missing there?
  11. dope revisionist history. 2008-09: we spent exactly one week in the top 10 in january/february (it was the first week of january). we were unranked by the second week of february and went into the tour eg unranked. we lost to Duke in a 7 vs 2 game where we outplayed Duke for the majority of the game only to have them get that special Duke officiating down the stretch. here was our mighty "top 10" roster: but yeah, sure, getting boned by the refs in a game where are the 7 seed against 2 seed Duke is such a total flameout, and totally aligns with RickBarnesLover's assertion that we were a top 10 team in february that flamed out in the tourney! πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ 2009-10: as covered in the post of mine which you quoted, this was a total crash and burn. 2010-2011: should i just copy/paste the post you quoted? we got absolutely screwed by the committee (no.3 in kenpom, yet we're a 4 seed that plays the toughest first two opponents of anyone in the tourney), and not only should we have been a 2 seed, Arizona should have been a 3, maybe a 4 seed. then behind getting screwed by the selection committee, J'Covan Brown puts on his best "Travis Mays vs Purdue" impression and straight up wills Texas to a win vs Arizona, only to have it taken away by a referee who couldn't handle the moment. now i ask you: what kind of Texas fan describes that as "three straight years of shitting the bed in the tourney"? what kind of Texas fan (or really anyone with a brain) points yo those seasons as examples of Texas "being in the top 10 in february only to shit the bed in the tournament"? ESEPCIALLY that 2011 team that screwed 10 different ways? what kind of Texas fan talks shit about that team or that loss as if it wasn't one of, if not THE biggest screw jobs in UT Basketball history? No Texas fan does these things. No Texas fan rewrites history like this to shit on our former coaches and players. Only a soy boy beta cuck bitterwhiteguy-wannabe i del would say these things. congratulations; you've made an ass of yourself.
  12. I've got my doubts about Sark but his past record isn't one of them and at this point in his tenure here is worth exactly jack fucking squat I mean look at this fucking fraud. One 9 win season it took him 5 years to get to, fucking trash Michigan State Spartans (Big Ten Conference) (1995–1999) 1995 Michigan State 6–5–1 4–3–1 5th L Independence 1996 Michigan State 6–6 5–3 5th L Sun 1997 Michigan State 7–5 4–4 6th L Aloha 1998 Michigan State 6–6 4–4 6th 1999 Michigan State 9–2[n 2] 6–2 T–2nd Florida Citrus[n 2] Or this fucking loser Mississippi State Bulldogs (Southeastern Conference) (1954–1957) 1954 Mississippi State 6–4 3–3 T–6th 1955 Mississippi State 6–4 4–4 6th Mississippi State: 12–8 7–7 Washington Huskies (Pacific Coast Conference) (1956) 1956 Washington 5–5 4–4 T–4th What a fucking spare this guy is...I mean just look at his record Oklahoma State Cowboys (Big Eight Conference) (1979–1983) 1979 Oklahoma State 7–4 5–2 3rd 1980 Oklahoma State 3–7–1 2–4–1 5th 1981 Oklahoma State 7–5 4–3 T–3rd L Independence 1982 Oklahoma State 4–5–2 3–2–2 3rd 1983 Oklahoma State 8–4 3–4 4th W Astro-Bluebonnet This guy is a fucking knob...I mean just look at him, fucking beta cuck. Team Year Regular season Postseason Won Lost Ties Win % Finish Won Lost Win % Result CLE 1991 6 10 0 .375 3rd in AFC Central β€” β€” β€” β€” CLE 1992 7 9 0 .438 3rd in AFC Central β€” β€” β€” β€” CLE 1993 7 9 0 .438 3rd in AFC Central β€” β€” β€” β€” CLE 1994 11 5 0 .688 2nd in AFC Central 1 1 .500 Lost to Pittsburgh Steelers in AFC Divisional Game CLE 1995 5 11 0 .313 4th in AFC Central What a bunch of fucking idiots to give this .500 coach the keys to the proud tradition of the Pac 10s greatest program...fucking dumbasses Team Year Regular season Postseason Won Lost Ties Win % Finish Won Lost Win % Result NYJ 1994 6 10 0 .375 5th in AFC East β€” β€” β€” β€” NYJ total 6 10 0 .375 β€” β€” β€” NE 1997 10 6 0 .625 1st in AFC East 1 1 .500 Lost to Pittsburgh Steelers in AFC Divisional Game NE 1998 9 7 0 .563 4th in AFC East 0 1 .000 Lost to Jacksonville Jaguars in AFC Wild Card Game NE 1999 8 8 0 .500 4th in AFC East β€” β€” β€” Look It may not work out or it might, and maybe this is who he is, or maybe it isn't. The fact is none of us fucking know so throwing out past records and 7 Win Steve and saying that it portends anything definite at this point in his tenure at Texas is just fucking dumb. I'm fucking tired of waiting like the rest of you but I don't have a choice and neither do you. The one coach with the above reproach coaching history (record-wise) decided to go to Jacksonville.
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