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  1. Not even Kentucky is going to bunt to bring Daly up. Now I wonder if Daly will still bunt with 1 out. I think he's bunted in 50% of his postseason PAs that I've seen.
  2. I know the strikes are largely to blame, but HBO can’t go 2 years without any new episodes of their franchise series. I’m happy it’s back, but Season 3 better premiere in Spring 2025.
  3. You just hope they can score 11 so Hernandez gets the win he deserves
  4. Let's go Mitchell, walk this shit off.
  5. When an aggy can say this to you and we all nod in agreement rather that pointing out the irony, man, do you need a new screen name. This one is fucking cooked.
  6. Shame. I played yesterday afternoon and it was about 65 and mostly cloudy, with some nice sprinkles every few holes. Great 4 mile walk. I will make a point to peruse fb for a while. Starting to wonder if the whole set of new callaways from Costco for 550 is the better way to go. Certainly easier.
  7. @BeardIP Against my better judgment (because I don't like supporting a website owned by a guy who literally promotes neo-Nazi accounts), I clicked on your Twitter source to see what it was all about. Seeing that Twitter recommends these shitheads when you go to it, you should conduct a thorough social media cleansing. Also, you should be deeply ashamed. Editing because I hadn't read the whole thread: If that's the shit your chat group friends are shoveling, dump them and get better friends.
  8. I don't go to casinos much anymore but was joining some friends in Lake Charles last month for a golf & gambling weekend at the Horseshoe so ahead of that I ended up watching that Blackjack Adventure documentary. It was a fun and educational watch- I'd kinda always wondered about how casinos handled card counters and learning that there's a whole cottage industry for identifying and tracking them was new to me.
  9. Well being from Texas, we should all know that the Golden Triangle is not just a place in SE Asia for Heroin; it arguably produces the best football players per capita in the entire world. So yeah, PAT isn't Houston
  10. If we are now including music, this needs to be included from the sarcastic atheist bent:
  11. They can’t just be good. We also have to be bad. It is known.
  12. Conversely, would Americans accept the result if Trump wins?
  13. The Witt and Cole roles were given to guys like Southard, Harrison, and then Morehouse towards the end. His expansion was minimal imo. He just simply had a sophomore slump and couldn’t find the zone or leave the ball down. But I digress. We are clogging a tournament thread with a good game on.
  14. I'm assuming, because she's a fucking idiot, she thinks that there's sales tax on tips...because the tip line is usually proffered after the sales tax has been added to the original bill. I'm sure any server at Boebert's restaurant could explain this to her since every one 'em is smarter than MTG and Lauren. Also, you could start a grass-roots effort to "End Tariffs on Sales Tax" -or- "No More Estate Tax on Tips", and we could have a generously funded PAC up and running by Independence Day. There really is no end to way you can steal these people's money. You could have a line at these MAGA restaurants after the server tip line that just says, "3% for the 3%" and have it automatically calculated and printed, and 90% of the dipshits would just sign off on it.
  15. She’s only 5’11? Gonna be weird going back to a smaller setter after Swindle
  16. here's donkey/chrispy with his aw shucks routine. I didn't mean any harm guys. @immamac I'll ask again, why are we still subjected to this shit? why is he allowed to still be here? how many banned handles is enough?
  17. Depends. Do we also discuss how the 12 yr old was a temptress put there by god to test the pastor, and give him a chance to find his way? And how his wife called the fucking victim to tell her…that she forgave the VICTIM? These people are liars and hypocrites to the extreme. They are the living, breathing embodiment of “the Antichrist,” and they are the most powerful people in American Christendom.
  18. Watching the teams, batting, and especially PITCHING and FIELDING in the CWS has overwhelming convinced me that DP has got to go! We're currently not even close to what is at the CWS today, with no expectation to be competitive with these teams an players. No brainer, without a doubt. a change is needed.
  19. According to aggy, Ewers wanted to go to every school in Texas except UT.
  20. Is this where we discuss southlake mega church pastor Robert Morris admitting to molesting a twelve yr old girl when he was in his 20s over the course of 4 yrs?
  21. So Disney/Pixar finally get a win. Though now it’s full steam ahead for mostly sequels and prequels. It’s been hinted that Incredibles and Finding Nemo are getting follow ups. Toy Story 5 comes out next year. Still, Disney and movie theaters needed this.
  22. Pretty much. Just like here, the Right is driven by White grievance, and much of the Left is pissed their Centrist president isn't progressive enough. The biggest difference in our politics is the lack of fundamentalist crazies over there. Less than half have any sort of religious belief, and very few actually go to Mass, Mosque, or Temple. https://www.insee.fr/en/statistiques/7342918?sommaire=7344042
  23. Well at least its early. We can still win. LFG motherfuckers
  24. Same reason 90% of hotel linens are white, so you can bleach the hell out of it. Are you new to laundry or what? I guess the boxer-briefs I like are never in white, but I still wash 'em on high heat. But yeah, as a kid---tighty whities. But to this day, we still buy white towels and sheets and pillowcases and all that. You can't bleach 'em every time or they wear out so much faster. But probably once every month or two. I myself once dabbled in colorfully striped towels, Dude. You're just postponing the inevitable.
  25. I went to SAGU. I believe they are changing the name of the school now to Nelson University in honor of the founder from 1927, PC Nelson. I met some really nice folks there and I met some folks that I would never, ever want to associate with under any circumstances. I did not keep in contact with most of the friends from there. The one who died from sickle cell, Dedrick, probably had the biggest positive impact upon my life of anyone I crossed paths with at that school. I say all that to say that what I saw of them was intolerance towards homosexuality and there was a whole lot of racism right under the surface there. I doubt much has changed on that front. I will never understand folks who espouse the name of Jesus and then do the exact opposite of what he would have done. I go to a Brazilian Baptist church now (Zero association with the SBC thank God) and before that was at a church in The Bronx that had a woman as its pastor. She was pretty awesome and very accepting of anyone and everyone who wasn’t hateful.
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