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2020 Democratic Nominee


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13 hours ago, Js1 said:

Ok. This is dumb. You lost the endorsement, get over it. 

Can't wait for Bernie to not get the nomination, and then the Bernie bros spend the rest of the leadup to the general election complaining about a rigged system and trying to do whatever possible to depress turnout for Biden or Warren.

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4 hours ago, Dbeasy said:

Argue for it all they want, but don’t be an immature punk by calling everyone Republicans that don’t agree with them.

Other than Brad (who is a Republican), who did I call a Republican? No one.

You sound like alt.right whiners who say, "you call everyone who disagrees with you a racist" when that's not true at all.

Pete used Republican talking points to attack M4A. That doesn't make Pete a Republican. It means he sucks. We need another center-right corporate shill like we need a hole in the head. Healthcare is the #1 most important issue facing us. If his play is to use Republican talking points to attack the most progressive plan to address this crisis then he should drop out because he's adding nothing positive to forward movement in this country.

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4 hours ago, Dbeasy said:


Scorpio’d. Funny, but missed the point so only a 5 out of 10 on the Scorpio scale. The point is not that there can’t be disagreement and discussion on issues. It’s that these two individuals refuse to acknowledge that the case for M4A has not yet been made, even within the group that is supposedly on the same side. Argue for it all they want, but don’t be an immature punk by calling everyone Republicans that don’t agree with them. It’s childish and doesn’t advance their case. It just makes them look dumb.


I agree. The discourse is the most important thing in politics and must be protected at all costs. Calling someone a Republican is just completely out of line. Someone think of the children etc. 

And I forgot the case for M4A hasn't been made because a guy on a message board said so. I guess I'll be the one to call Bernie and tell him to shut it down, the case for M4A just hasn't been made. Those are just the facts, and they don't care about your feelings. 

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37 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

Other than Brad (who is a Republican), who did I call a Republican? No one.

You sound like alt.right whiners who say, "you call everyone who disagrees with you a racist" when that's not true at all.

Pete used Republican talking points to attack M4A. That doesn't make Pete a Republican. It means he sucks. We need another center-right corporate shill like we need a hole in the head. Healthcare is the #1 most important issue facing us. If his play is to use Republican talking points to attack the most progressive plan to address this crisis then he should drop out because he's adding nothing positive to forward movement in this country.

Yet a lot of moderate/undecided voters - who dislike Trump but are in a position of low to limited information - may look at Bernie or Warren if they get the nod for the general, make the worst sort of "OMG MY TAXES WILL GO UP" assumption because of said limited information and a few things they heard about M4A or otherwise, and vote reluctantly for Trump simply because they think he'll have less of an impact on their own personal status quo.  And thus we get four more years of what we're dealing with now.  

I'm not trashing Bernie or Warren here.  Just saying that underestimating the potential growth of a moderate candidate like Pete in the next year of campaigning - and in the general, if he can get there - is foolhardy.  It's early yet.  

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I'm not dismissing Pete's potential to grow a base, I simply reject his punch-left politics and want him to drop out for ideological reasons.

Is there a risk that going with Warren or Sanders turns off some "moderate" voters? Definitely.

Is there a risk that going with a moderate will turn off some reluctant voters who checked out of the process? Definitely.

There's not a candidate who is going to unite all voting bases and win 80% of the vote. Even the strongest Dem (Chairman Bernie) won't get over 60% of the vote. That's just not how it works anymore.

MY view, which is probably biased because of my class-centered politics, is that the key to not only victory in the general but a larger movement that will push for necessary change even after the election is over goes through the millions and millions of working class non-voters that have given up on the political process. I think those people, if awoken, will actually take to the streets and push.

I don't think suburban professionals will provide extended, long-term political pressure, so even if we win the election on suburban professionals I think that movement will basically die as soon as their preferred candidate takes office, because all they really care about is getting the Disgusting Rude Cheeto out of office.


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2 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Yang concerns me the most. Not Yang himself, but how effective his campaign has been with virtually zero vetting.  The dude is a business guy first that’s never been elected to office and people are seriously considering him for president of the United States. 

People like the idea of an extra $1,000 a month. Pretty easy to see why he's being considered. 


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4 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Yang concerns me the most. Not Yang himself, but how effective his campaign has been with virtually zero vetting.  The dude is a business guy first that’s never been elected to office and people are seriously considering him for president of the United States. 

The only people “seriously considering” Andrew Yang are...


(checks notes)


Andrew Yang. 



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I think it's the right move considering her current situation. She can't count on good numbers in Nevada or SC without a solid showing in Iowa (then NH) first.  If Kamala finishes 5th or lower in Iowa her candidacy is most likely fucked. Pete's doing very well there and already has 20 offices set up in the state. 

That said, Harris officials talking to reporters and giving the vibe this is an all-or-nothing strategy is fucking sloppy. Just go to work in Iowa instead of amplifying the desperation. 


Edited by Hank Kingsley
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its Warren with Harris as VP.  Biden is done.  bernie is too set in his ways.  Warren has no problem moving to the middle, rhetorically.   I really thought Harris had a good shot but she has next to zero excitement  to be the lead dog. me too v Trump.

I’ll eat Trump’s worm infested undies if the ticket is two women.

TPTB won’t allow that to happen in my lifetime.
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