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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/18 in all areas

  1. Send him my way. This one is on the house
    21 points
  2. Even while we were watching it happen as Rush Limbaugh epitomized it, you couldn't call it what it was because you would be dismissed as a crazy. They created their Juden: the imaginary liberals who actually hate America. The beauty of this is that are no actual people for your adherents to physically attack or support sending to internment camps. They seized destiny and turned it to hate: Morning in America, Let's take America Back (from whom?)!, Make America Great Again! They relentlessly attack the institutions that offer the little guy some hope: Lawyers, the Press, Unions, social programs, community organizers. All are evil and keeping the people down! Trust the man on horseback! They take the moral high ground: Hello Christian radicals who are daily told that Christians are persecuted and that God Himself, the omnipotent and omnipresent, has been dragged by the scruff of His neck out of our schools and courts! Lock step religionists who aren't actually religious about anything except the embrace of prejudice, ignorance, and the love of being led get in line. The GOPs mainly wanted to use this strategy to gain and hold office. Fascist tactics were adopted, but I don't think they envisioned fascism taking hold. As I wrote another time, they saw it as a means to an end at first. Now they are the means and nothing more. Surprise! A person with autocratic tendencies and demagogue skills shoulders aside the usual dullards and seizes the reins. Donald Trump, national joke to most Americans, attracts the undying embrace of enough Americans to become, laughably, the Leader of the Free World. In the movie he gets unmasked all returns to happy normal. In reality, he is unmasked and nothing happens. But at least I churned out this heartfelt post on a football message board! That's showin' em! I'm sure the other message board denizens will be moved to take to the streets to begin the process of deposing the Idiot Fuhrer.
    20 points
  3. EJ's twitter name has a German and Mexican flag... presumably reflecting the teams he's rooting for in the world cup? And are they his family's countries of origin? Because I, for one, am totally in favor of EJ's new nickname being The Beanerschnitzel.
    14 points
  4. I spoke to a frail and wise gentleman the other day who said his son would be saddened to see historical monuments removed after giving his life in Gettysburg. The mother, still clutching her dead son's Hardee hat, became so emotional she had to put a leech on her forehead to relieve the headache.
    14 points
  5. hope he takes it easy on you
    13 points
  6. I know the "Imagine the Trumpkin reaction if Obama had done fill in the blank thing Trump just did here" game gets tiresome but holy fuck. That fucking MURAL. In child internment camps. On American soil. It's all gotten so what the fuck that I can't even what the fuck any more. That's shit that Saddam would do. That NORTH KOREAN dictators do. This orange illiterate cotton candy haired KFC-eating fuckface is no longer even slightly amusing. I won't type what I wish would happen to him for fear of the Secret Service paying me a visit. FUCK TRUMP
    12 points
  7. He didn't expose himself, he just ran out of pants.
    11 points
  8. The top Republican, a man who dodged the draft and mocked POWs, saluting a commie general. Today’s GOP.
    10 points
  9. Hey @TahoeHorn, maybe when you get done with your donut run you can tell us more about how "bow and apologize diplomacy doesn't work".
    9 points
  10. I don't know why people still think Trump going full dictator is unlikely. It's not like he isn't already well down that path. SCOTUS just gave the Trump party the power to rig every election by purging Democratic voters. They're already rounding up and interning a certain class of undesirables using tactics extremely similar to those used by every other fascist regime in the history of the world. Trump publicly exhibits his contempt for democracy, democratic institutions, and other democratic nations at every opportunity, and publicly exhibits his clear love and admiration for murderous and genocidal strongmen at every opportunity. What more do we need to see before the people who aren't actively cheering it on start thinking it's more than unlikely? It's certainly possible that the Dems take the House in 2018 and win the White House in 2020, but it's hardly a guarantee at this point, and it's not like Trump is going to become LESS dictatorial between now and 2020.
    8 points
  11. Have never voted straight D in my life but I will in the midterms. I’ve never been embarrassed to be an American until now.
    7 points
  12. aggy works by one true code: Silence of the lambs.
    7 points
  13. that motherfucker just finished 4 sentences in a row with the word today.
    6 points
  14. Everybody's so different, he hasn't changed.
    6 points
  15. She's a Christian. She loves her job. She lies for a living. And this isn't one of those "I thought I was telling the truth but it turns out I wasn't" kind of lying, its the "I'm going to stand up here and shovel a bunch of bullshit in your direction, and you are going to like it" kind of lying. Her job is to completely and with malice go against her religion on a daily basis, and she loves it. What kind of credibility can she ever have again in anything? Thinking as her husband, I couldn't stay with someone who so completely and so publicly and so regularly went against their espoused convictions, nor would I want my children around such a person. Thinking as her children, when they are old enough to understand what their mom is doing, if they aren't already, they are going to learn exactly the wrong lessons from this whole thing. She's ensured she's going to raise her children to be terrible people. But I guess that's today's GOP. Congrats, Tahoe, looks like you hooked your boat to the right horse!
    6 points
  16. That's assuming there will be future fair elections. We already know that the Russians hacked into voter roll databases and maybe computerized voting systems. Our government hasn't done jack shit to stop this from happening again. And the Trump administration collected the voter ID's of all voters with Hispanic sounding names in Texas and maybe other states. And who the fuck is going to stop them from purging people from voter rolls. The Republican governors or secretaries of state? They aren't going to do a fucking thing. Meanwhile they have just enough brain washed racists getting all their "news" from Fox to keep "re-electing" themselves. It doesn't matter if they're reviled by most of the country. We're acting like things are normal and we'll just vote out the crazies.
    6 points
  17. Words from Gus. Gus fails to mention he probably would like to see the team take more pitches. 😊 (for you young guys, Gus' teams were known to take pitches as Augie's were for bunting) The diet’s changed. He no longer downs a big bowl of Blue Bell homemade vanilla ice cream at night any more. Quit that two or three years back, he guesses. He jokes now that the Texas creamery “probably had to shut down some” as a result of his cutbacks. His peanut butter jelly sandwiches remain a daily staple, however, although he’s swapped grape jam for the ubiquitous honey he consumed every day at lunch for decades. And he has difficulty walking, too, which explains why he hasn’t been to UFCU Disch-Falk Field since February’s alumni game. But Coach Gus still follows Texas baseball. Passionately. Daily. And devoutly. That hasn’t changed even though Cliff Gustafson, now 87, has been retired for more than two decades as the once winningest baseball coach in Division I history with 1,466 wins. The late Augie Garrido, who died at age 79 in March, topped Gus’ win total with 1,975 victories, and Florida State’s Mike Martin broke that mark even though the Seminoles coach has yet to capture a win on the final day of a season. So how intense was Texas’ 5-2 win over Tennessee Tech on Monday to clinch the NCAA super regional? “It was tense for me,” Gus said from his South Austin home that he shares with his wife, Ann. He phoned Texas coach David Pierce after the game, and the two had a nice chat. “It’s good to have him still be part of the program,” Pierce said. “I just told him how proud I was of him and the team and the great job they did hanging in there,” Gus said. “I told him how nervous I was, and he said, ‘You weren’t as nervous as I was.’ After they lost that first game, I didn’t think there was any way we’d beat Tennessee Tech even one game, let alone two. Holding them to one home run, that’s pretty miraculous, I tell you.” Gus loves watching Kody Clemens batter pitchers and remembers the time Kody’s father, Roger, pitched the national championship game for Texas in 1983. To this day, he can recall thinking about pulling Clemens in the last three innings but left him in. Gus went out in the ninth to lift him, but “before I got to the mound, he said, ‘I ain’t coming out. I got ‘em.” And he did. Gus sees the same unbending will in Kody that he saw in Roger. “It’s unreal how he’s hit,” Gus said of Kody, the Texas second baseman and Golden Spikes Award finalist. “It really is amazing, especially since he only hit five home runs last year. I never would have guessed he would hit 24 this year. He’s pretty strong.” He doesn’t see enough offense from Clemens’ teammates, however, and worries that will be the Longhorns’ Achilles heel at this year’s College World Series where Texas opens with powerful Arkansas on Sunday afternoon. “They’re playing pretty good, but they still can’t hit,” Gus said. “Can they win it all? No, but I’m rooting for them. I’ve seen some of these other teams play on TV. It’s just like men playing against boys.” He always was brutally candid. Gus has his pair of national championships from the 1975 and 1983 seasons with three runner-up finishes. Garrido won five titles, three at Cal State Fullerton and two at Texas after succeeding Gus in 1996. “Not a lot of people know I recommended him for the job,” Gus said. They’re the two biggest giants of the game. Oh, Rod Dedeaux could claim 11 CWS titles with USC rosters spilling over with talent. But in these parts, there are no two bigger names than Gus and Garrido. They have always been two of my absolute favorite coaches to ever cover. And Gustafson, the slow-walking, slower-talking native Texan who once told me his dream was to be a fast-rasping auctioneer at stock shows, was as different as he could be from Garrido, the glib, mischievous Californian who avoided the shipyards. But they changed college baseball forever. Gus still remembers vivid details like the time he stole LSU’s Ben McDonald’s pitches by how he held the ball in his glove before his delivery and the time Texas beat Barry Larkin’s Michigan team. The Cincinnati Reds great almost became a Longhorn before signing with Michigan “on a full hockey scholarship.” Wink, wink. Gus still watches every game from his recliner and mentally makes the same strategic moves he did as coach. He loved how effective starter Matteo Bocchi was and jokes that he would have left reliever Parker Joe Robinson in the game an inning longer than he did. His mind’s as sharp as it was the first time he caught a glimpse of Rosenblatt Stadium as a rookie college coach at Texas, fresh off seven state championships at South San Antonio High. His time as Bibb Falk’s successor started inauspiciously with three straight Southwest Conference losses. “All by one run,” Gus accurately remembers. But that 1968 Longhorns team won the league — one of his 22 SWC crowns — and reached Omaha, the first of a staggering 17 CWS appearances for his teams in 29 seasons. He can still remember telling NCAA officials he wouldn’t keep his team in the assigned dormitory and checked his players into a Holiday Inn. That team finished fifth, but he’d be back often. His first title came in his eighth year on the job when a stacked lineup and pitching-rich club in 1975 swept through the CWS. Now Pierce tries to get his first as a head coach at Omaha. “This time of the season,” Gus said, “that’s where you need to be.” https://www.hookem.com/columns/bohls-years-later-coach-gus-still-leans-edge-recliner-every-texas-pitch/
    5 points
  18. I thought we were better than this. We are a bad country and more people should feel shame over this. 2018 isnt just a vote for democrat or republican but its a referendum on good versus evil. Fuck these cunts.
    5 points
  19. Jeff Sessions is an evil piece of shit. That he hates Trump, probably for personal reasons because Trump is an asshole to him, doesn't make Sessions less evil.
    5 points
  20. 5 points
  21. "We can't take everyone..." Tell that to candi.
    5 points
  22. I went to a new student conference with my son this week to get him registered for his freshman year. One of the parent sessions covered student usage of social media. The highlight of this session was a story of a recent graduate who had been accepted to business school and an internship at a large consulting firm. The student made some inappropriate social media posts and subsequently had his internship pulled and how it affected his graduate school. The wife had to punch me in the ribs when I started giggling like Nick Offerman.
    5 points
  23. Everybody's gotta have a bit. I like that our bit is that we've been to Omaha 36 fucking times.
    5 points
  24. If you read between the lines in the recruiting updates he was posting you could tell that something was up. It's pretty subtle. From 5/3: There's no truth to the rumors that Leal is looking around, he's made a commitment and he knows how important commitments are and would never break the vows he's made, unlike some people I know. From 5/15: Hearing that Taurean Carter and Jeffrey Carter are a package deal, because they understand the importance of keeping a family together and won't split up simply because Jeffrey is too good for Taurean and has much better options available to him. From 6/10: The commitment of Kenyon Green is a huge get for Jimbo and he's really an impressive young man. I think that when this is all over me and him should get an apartment together. From 6/11: Three star offensive tackle Blake Trainor committed immediately after receiving his offer, because he knows that loyalty is the most important thing even if he had better offers out there.
    5 points
  25. I'd like to kick her in the vagina for being a gender traitor. Fuck off, Aunt Lydia.
    4 points
  26. I used to joke that I was a former Republican who would need to hold his nose and vote a straight democrat ticket in November. Now, I'm quite looking forward to it. Fuck every single one of them.
    4 points
  27. After years of searching for the white whales and close to giving up. I found me a GTS today. Happy Trails everyone.
    4 points
  28. The common man is a retard.
    4 points
  29. The GOP becoming pro-Russia is one of the weirdest things I have ever seen in my life. Watching it happen in real-time was completely surreal.
    4 points
  30. Email-no. CDC came by the ranch the other day to ask me what I wanted. He musta missed you. At the ranch!? You lucky bastard. I was at the club the other day, in the sauna, and CDC sits next to me, glasses all fogged up, asking me about my thoughts on the SEZ project. A friend of mine was at the dentist's office the other day and told me instead of the dentist leaning over with the torture implements, it was CDC asking his thoughts about the SEZ. My neighbor told me he was pulled over by a DPS cruiser, lights flashing, and when he rolled down the window with his license in hand, it was CDC in a uniform, just wanting to know his thoughts on the SEZ project. I envy those people who only got an email.
    4 points
  31. Seriously: I wasn't sure if I was going to go this year. I had bought refundable plane tickets going up next Wednesday, and the guy I stay with every year said his family was thinking about going camping on Thursday... And then the Huskies pulled off that miracle Sunday night. And I couldn't believe it. And I thought about all of the hours I spent sitting at their shitty little glorified high school field in the drizzle watching them play, where I was maybe the only person in the stands who wasn't either related to a player or dating a player... and fuck this, I HAVE TO GO TO OMAHA. And my friend somehow won the argument with his wife so they're not going camping. (I told her when they got married several years ago, "He can be your husband 51 weeks of the year, but not during CWS week.") And so I paid way too much to fly up there early. Except it wasn't way too much, because it will be worth it. My 21st trip to the CWS, and it has both Longhorns and Huskies. Unbelievable. Can't beat that.
    4 points
  32. She probably found a big black dildo in Hamm’s nightstand that he named after a recruit
    4 points
  33. This situation at aggy could get a bit wooly...
    4 points
  34. Jesus you are certainly moving your goalposts now. Just yesterday you were touting that Trump had exceeded 3%. Now you're celebrating that he exceeded 2.3%? Obama exceed that three times and just missed it one year (at 2.2%), and he didn't have the benefit of inheriting an economy that hadn't fallen off a cliff months before taking office. The economy since Trump took office has hummed along at nearly the exact same clip as it was when Obama left office, except for the small wage growth under Obama that was killed by the tax cuts. Growth was never great under Obama, because he inherited a real piece of shit economy, didn't push for a larger stimulus bill, and had constant Republican sabotage to deal with. I think he did alright given what he was working with, but find it pretty rich that you Trump bootlickers are suddenly wildly celebrating substantially the same economic statistics we saw under Obama as some great achievement (when you're not blatantly lying about the current stats). You would think you would look at the fact that basically nothing has changed statistically, and conclude that maybe all of that talk about the massive impact tax reform and deregulation would have on economic growth was bullshit, but that would require a degree of honesty that Trump supporters are incapable of exhibiting.
    4 points
  35. This guy loves saluting so much I almost forgot he dodged the draft.
    4 points
  36. Romney said to bring all the illegals to Utah and the people there would “take care of them” and that we’d never hearof them again. Something about housing them in temples and drinking their blood and using their skin for magical underwear or something. I’m sure he was joking.
    4 points
  37. I view this the same way I view Johnny’s opinion, you’re somewhat wrong and somewhat right. There are shit parents with shit kids, great parents with shit kids, poor parents with rich kids and vice versa to all of those. A jump start makes everything easier but people still find their way out. They need role models whether it is parents, grandparents, neighbors, teachers, etc that take an interest in them and show them a different way. Everyone should volunteer or spend time with kids. It can be in church, clubs, sports, school, organizations, etc. but give your time and not always your dollars. If it helps one kid find their way then it was a success. I came from nothing. My parents are alcoholics who didn’t do anything with their lives although both had successful parents. They got married in high school, didn’t graduate, and had me at 19. They were good parents in the sense they fed us, clothed us, and were home, but they sure didn’t set great examples. I had a 5th grade teacher at a school in the projects take me and several others under her wing and try to show us a way out over the next three years. I got to high school, fucked off, became a drunk, and went down the hole to follow my parents. Ultimately another teacher made an impression on me, I met my now wife in 11th grade and decided to focus at that point. I pay more in taxes now than my parents ever made combined so it worked out. I have two sisters that both do well, a brother that finally seems to have a direction, and 2 worthless fuckup brothers I don’t talk to. It all comes back to someone taking the time to make a difference. I give all the time I can now because I feel some responsibility for my two shit brothers. I didn’t have the time to spend with them while I was trying to get my own life set.
    4 points
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