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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/20 in all areas

  1. A New Orleans brewery has had enough.
    23 points
  2. Everytime I get a direct mailer solicitation from any GOP candidate, I print out a picture of a ruble and mail it in with the prepaid envelope just to use up their postage funds
    15 points
  3. Behold, the barbacado.
    11 points
  4. No clue who this twitter guy is, but I do know anyone who believed this to be true for a second is a complete moron. California over the past five years has never had more suicides than 4500 with the range being between roughly 4000 on the low end and 4500 on the high end. If you believe that California somehow had roughly double the normal suicides in the two months between when lockdowns began (mid March) and when the article was written (mid May) as happen in a whole year, you're a special breed of moron. That is true of the writer of this article. That is true of the person who shared the article on Twitter (if you listen to someone this non-credible (based mostly on sharing this article unironically) I also have to question your intelligence for that alone). And that is true for you because you unironically shared the article here as though this was some brilliant own of epidemiologists and proof that morons on Facebook that believe in chemtrails and try to sell us on MLM shit (that we haven't unfriended for some reason) are the true geniuses. Nah, give me the epidemiologists over Randy from Vector and Karen from Mary Kay who both failed regular Biology and Chemistry and shitty articles from the Washington Examiner. Tl;dr: You're a moron, this twitter dude is a moron, the writer is a moron, anyone else who believed it is a moron, and people really need to pay attention in Bio/Chem more or at the very least trust the people that did.
    11 points
  5. The Grim Reaper is a friend of mine from high school lol
    10 points
  6. That’s because they see the virus primarily as a political issue. It was “invented/spread” for political reasons (to hurt a particular politician), all discussion of it is political (masks are a political argument, not a scientific one, Dan Patrick says we should listen to politicians, not health officials, etc), it only matters to the extent that it hurts or helps political fortunes. To the rest of us, it’s a human issue. It kills a shitload of people, it permanently injures/debilitates many times that number. We never wanted this virus, we want this pandemic to end as quickly as possible. Regardless of politics, or how it affects any particular politician. That there is such a divide in this country is fucking sick and perverse.
    10 points
  7. Damn it. Aggy just lost their OOC games.
    10 points
  8. Fried bologna on a roll with Boscoli olive salad and Sriracha mayo (and cheese underneath)
    10 points
  9. Lol. First you rip (incorrectly) the ‘fact’ the polls themselves were done by liberal rags. When called out you just make fun of all polls. Do you ever admit you’re wrong? Or just go around nonchalantly talking massive amounts of trash, giving zero fucks about bullshit like facts.
    9 points
  10. What I'm about to write may not seem too eloquent because I'm typing it out with my thumbs on a phone, but it comes from the heart. People are complicated -- even evangelicals. My 79 yo adoptive mother (not biological) grew up on a 200 acre farm just east of Brownwood without running water or electricity and was raised as a devout member of the Church of Christ. Her chores included taking care of the chickens, pigs, and cows before and after school, and her black pet dog was named "nig pup." She's told me that her mother was furious when she married my adoptive father, because he was Baptist and thought that she was going to go to hell for that "sin." But she did it anyway. During the 1980s when I was in middle and high school, my mom was very active in the local humane society, spending 2-3 hours every day after school (she was a 7th grade math teacher) to take care of the animals. The woman who was in charge of the place was an agnostic lesbian, but I think my mom still considered her her best friend. I recall during that same period my mom fretting over the fact that a couple of her students didn't speak English, and she was very concerned about how she was restricted in her ability to teach them math without more support from the administration for tutoring or translators. It really upset her as she wanted to reach these kids. Both my sister and I are divorced, which is kind of a no-no in the evangelical world. On top of it all, my sister has converted to Catholicism (gigantic red flag for Southern Baptists) and I'm an atheist, which is almost as bad. In both cases, my mom shows nothing but love, concern, and care for both of us even though she sincerely believes we'll both end up in an eternal fiery hell. Shit, she's even upset that her brother's lesbian daughter (her niece, my cousin) who lives in famously liberal and lesbian friendly Asheville, NC, is going through a divorce with her spouse. The point of all this thumb tapping is to point out that despite all the kickass qualities of my mom, she's still firmly a Trump supporter because of her evangelical beliefs, which is absolutely and utterly confounding given how she connects with people in real life. It's like there's some sort of "official" position that she's loyal to that ties her vote to her Bible while she has an "unofficial" position that links her to an every day life and people she cares about.
    9 points
  11. The Sweden model is an absolute failure and the majority of the world views it as such. Not only did they have massive per capita deaths compared to their neighbors but still had the same economic fallout.
    9 points
  12. the real punchline is that he if had come out like this in early march when he started calling himself a "wartime president", he would actually have a decent shot in november. letting 135,000 die before you decide to "rock the mask like a boss" makes you look more like a piece of shit coward who was literally the last person on earth to grasp simple science.
    9 points
  13. Regarding Trump vs. Biden, if you choose not to decide, you still have made of choice: This thread could be a useful discussion, but it largely has fallen back into predicable railing against Trump and his supporters (a reasonable approach, but not really productive anymore). As for the why, I don't think it's very productive to simply write off large portions of the population is inherently evil, even if they are very wrong in this case for pretty terrible reasons. I don't have a coherent reason for the why of Evangelical support for Trump, but I have a grab bag of possible reasons. 1. We're all pretty dumb, Trumper and non-Trumper alike. Even the smartest and most thoughtful among us have lots of bias in their thinking. The world is very confusing and complicated, particularly over the past 6 months or so. We come to conclusions and reason our way backwards. We all necessarily take many mental shortcuts and sometimes those shortcuts lead us to terrible conclusions. It takes a lot to overcome this, but we typically revert back to our identity rather than reasoning through problems. 2. This isn't a battle of ideas or even values, but one of identity. A certain portion of it is probably racial identity (white supremacy), but I suspect that left leaning folks overestimate how much this plays a role. Even the president of the SBC declared that "Black Live Matter because Jesus died for them." There are broader cultural identity issues at play here. Consider how this board frames the Evangelical issue: the people on the other side of the cultural divide would see most of this board in a similar negative light. The other side sees you the same way you see them because there is a cultural identity war going on. While there is a conflict of values and ideas, the ultimate conflict is in identity. 3. Trump thrives in this cultural war. He creates wedges where none are needed since they serve him politically. In one respect, he's right about the masks - they are symbols of political and cultural identity. Of course, Trump created or at least amplified this wedge, but it is no doubt there. This is why people are losing their minds over the masks. It's the cultural war right in/on their face. 4. Abortion and gay marriage. These are the elephants in the room that fit pretty neatly along party lines. This wasn't always the case. They are the ultimate symbols and catalysts for cultural identity. Regardless of the cynicism of the pro-life movement, particularly in light of the COVID-19 response, if you see abortion as equivalent to murder (or even much less, but still something profoundly wrong), it can be hard to get past the stark division between parties. There's a place to discuss whether or not the pro-life movement actually has an interest in abortion or just the wedge issue of abortion (I believe that it is largely a cynical movement among those in power), but there are still an astounding number of abortions that grieve the pro-life believer to the point where a deal with the devil might start to seem reasonable. We aways seem to just need one more Supreme Court Justice. 5. As for gay marriage, it's a similar cultural identifier. When the Supreme Court made their ruling, I remember the profound sense of mourning by many in my church the following Sunday. They weren't mourning the loss of their ability to control the lives of others; they were mourning that they believed that our country was turning further from God. The New Testament "clobber passages" about homosexuality discuss it in terms of a signifier of an increasingly sinful culture, so if you start with the Evangelical premise, the logic mostly holds up. The subsequent gay cake wars have only hardened the divide. 6. Many Evangelicals see progressive culture as openly antagonistic towards them. I'd say this is largely accurate and it's broader and longer lasting than the Trump phenomenon. Trump is the flashpoint because he's so objectively terrible, but he's not the only issue. Trump has taken up the mantle of the defender of Evangelical identity. Since he's taken on this role but also such an openly terrible person, we see the Bible twisting to declare him the modern day version of various terrible people from the Bible. 7. As a Christian who would probably be labeled Evangelical, the Trump movement has been despairing. Watching my Christian brothers and sisters turn to what amounts to an entirely different and worldly faith has been difficult. Idolatry is brutal and destructive. For those who are anti-religion, you can take some consolation in the fact that Trump has damaged the American church far more than he's damaged the country. Even as our country burns and dies, his movement has killed most of the American church. Much of it is preaching a false gospel and the rest is damaged by association. In short, there's been a conflict of cultures going on in this country for some time. Trump has played this conflict masterfully and positioned himself as the defender of the faith (Fidei defensor) and the standard bearer for one side of this conflict. The fact that his personal values don't seem to align in any way with the faith or side he defends is almost irrelevant. He is going on the offensive in the culture war and winning victories. When it feels like the broader culture is so against you, this can feel cathartic. Yay team! There's a certain irony in a faith that places so much focus on the end times and staying on God's side deciding to cast aside their values to win a worldly battle led by someone such as Trump. Abortion, gay marriage, and other cultural changes were seen as a sign of the times and they've indirectly led us to a leader that has brought both the country and the church to the brink. The pro-life movement led us to more death while doing little to curb abortion. Some might see what's happening as a judgement of God against the worldly church; others might see it as karma or the simulation breaking down. Whatever it is, it's some great dramatic writing.
    9 points
  14. Good grief, everyone in the world has seen a truckload of data related to covid, including China building dozens of hospitals in a few weeks, and Italy, Spain and New York dealing with out of control spreads and deaths. There’s also mountains of evidence from South Korea, New Zealand, Germany and elsewhere that demonstrate unequivocally that masks, social distancing and significant limitations on citizen movement are what stops this virus from spiraling completely out of control and killing hundreds of thousands if not millions. We have 100% agreement among the medical community across the entire world that this is a serious health crisis. And yet we still have people on this thread and out in the street who continue to apply kindergarten math, like dividing total daily deaths by populations of an entire state to argue this is all no big deal. The stupidity, or political bias, of these people is stunning, especially considering that many of these posters have received formal advanced education.
    8 points
  15. We sHOuLd rUn tHe CoUnTrY lIkE a BuSiNeSs
    8 points
  16. Exercise = Steering a golf cart across the green
    8 points
  17. I just can not believe there are still people that can’t see what is happening. What the fuck is wrong with you people?
    8 points
  18. This thread title needs a slight edit: DT: COVID-19? - NO, POLITICS ALLOWED!
    7 points
  19. Brisket from the 4th with cream cheese and smoked Gouda in poblanos.
    7 points
  20. Culture that has been ingrained NOT to live in fear? What fucking culture are you talking about? I presume it’s not the culture that is terrified of Mexican murderers and rapists, and MS-13, and pedophile pizza joints, and masks being an evil plot by the deep state to enslave us, and black “thugs” running rampant through our streets, and Muslims taking over and forcing us to live under sharia law, and believing that we all need an AR and a store of 10,000 rounds to protect us from, well, everything....are you kidding me? We’re the most fearful culture on the planet. Seriously. The volume of pants-pissing reactionary fear in this country could fill the fucking Great Lakes daily. No, we’re just stupid and selfish. That’s as deep as it goes.
    7 points
  21. Bryan High won't play 'em until Sully comes down, though, so no dice.
    7 points
  22. Guys, haven’t checked this thread since immamac declared the first wave over. I assume Chicken Sandwich is still posting his daily “Kung Flu” updates?
    7 points
  23. The guy who has been banned 9 times and keeps returning with new sock accounts is now threatening to leave voluntarily? Umn, ok.
    7 points
  24. Why I started banging my neighbor. Total isolation is a recipe for suicide.
    7 points
  25. The problem is the US is 40-50 percent zorks. It's why democracy is completely failing. Democracy requires competent and contentious citizens.
    7 points
  26. Backstrap enchiladas. The boy ate 10...
    7 points
  27. Two fried eggs, three slices thick cut bacon, yellow heirloom tomato, home made hot sauce, dukes, and sourdough Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
    7 points
  28. Pork rib trimmings that were smoked, shredded and ended up inside some homemade street taquitos.
    6 points
  29. 6 points
  30. So he’s a moron or a coward. Neither are great attributes for a governor.
    6 points
  31. From now on, any politician who downplays the threat should be required to inject it. Anyone who wants us to obtain herd immunity the old fashioned way, should be the first cow in the herd.
    6 points
  32. Breakfast submission from the boy...he ate it like a taco.
    6 points
  33. This @dcar00 fellow is the last “it’s just the flu” holdout. He’s the cdt23 of Covid-19.
    6 points
  34. Sweet, the Fuck Trump Platinum card could soon be mine.
    6 points
  35. I ordered a floor lamp from Wayfair last year. They sent it to me. Then a week later they sent me another. I didn’t order and I wasn’t charged. Unboxed and put it to use. A week later, they sent me another lamp. Again, no charge. This one I didn’t unbox. I put it in the garage. Hopefully there is not a kid inside it. It’s been out there awhile.
    6 points
  36. Actually, I think it’s more basic than that. It’s about identifying a large swath of Americans that are just soup-to-nuts pieces of fucking shit. Like showing up and declaring a pederast someone deserving of a bullet. Sure, it’s not always the pederasts fault, they could have been damaged or diddled or broken when they were too young to do anything about it. But most folks never stop to give a fuck about that, and honestly, I’m ok with that. Just like I’m ok labeling evangelical Christians soulless evil fucks who are a huge, mindless problem with America and advancing humanity as a whole. Fuck them.
    6 points
  37. 5 points
  38. Something, something, South Austin’s mom.
    5 points
  39. Using a line graph over a dimension like that instead of over a time series makes me ragey. I hate that chart.
    5 points
  40. Some of the holdouts here remind me of the Charlie Strong era. We could see the train wreck unfolding before us over and over but very few could process it and come to grips with the fact we were complete garbage. Then we’d land a recruit or put together a scoring drive or win a game and we grasped at that data point and meekly suggest that maybe we were back. Anything to ignore what was so plainly obvious: we sucked shit through a straw.
    5 points
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