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  1. i've flown through there dozens of times and I never made the connection from mid-continent int'l to the defunct phone carrier. About 10 years ago, we had this dipshit exec. asst. that I let handle my travel bookings for a few months before I couldn't take it anynore. She could come up the most creative ways to fuck them up. She would just google the name of the airport and assume that's what would type in the field to book it under my already pre-filled airline profiles. So I'd say, "Natalie, on Thursday...AUS to MCI." And she's ping me back with "Looks like it's called KCI, for Kansas City Int't." She did the same think with Newark Liberty once, told her to just book "AUS TO EWR" and she replies with "EWR" doesn't really seem like it has much to do with Liberty. She would call me to the front because she didn't understand why my ORD instructions weren't 'CHI' or what the X in "LAX" stood for. I finally had to tell her "the 3-letter code aren't the always the fucking first 3 letters of the city." Took me a month to get approval for my own card so I book my own shit. I'll never forget how confused she was when she found out FLL-Hollywood airport wasn't in California.
  2. Elevenumerated! Well, why not just have Enumerated be 9th, and have that be the top ninemuration? These go to 11.
  3. It'll be fine. I always have to remind myself that no two brisket cooks will go like another, and there's usually some minor fuck-up, the results of which no one will notice.
  4. He’s probably not even going to be the starter given the KSU offense
  5. If that service is not called 'the Thorough Burro', I don't want to attend another wedding ever again. I've actually seen something similar to that with a goat at a wedding in Mexico. But it was just a satchel with a couple bottles of tequila and shot glasses. But this takes it a whole 'nother level. It's like YETI invented livestock I really want to have been there when they ordered the floral arrangement. "Well sir, we don't necessarily upcharge for weddings. But there is the cost of a prompt delivery to the venue, final touches, customization for the event, etc." -I'm not paying extra, this is for a donkey. "Whuh?"
  6. What about when GWB promised he’d send everyone a tax rebate check if he was elected president? Clinton left a budget surplus and rather than paying down the debt, ol’ Dubya sent out checks. As I recall the average check for me and my middle middle class peers was around $300. What was that? I’d say it was buying votes. It didn’t buy my vote because I saw through the bullshit and voted for Gore. I knew the Bush tax cuts were favoring the ultra-rich, not me and my ilk. I’d seen that failed experiment before. (Thanks, Ronnie!) Crap. Now I’m all pissed off and I don’t even know if my reply is relevant to the intent of your post or not. Disregard it as you please. I’m going to go pour myself a drink. Fuck Bush. That’s always relevant.
  7. Going from Stanford academics to OU academics....for softball? Seems like a bad decision for future career outside of softball
  8. Even France doesn't deserve that. I still think we should send em to Russia.
  9. Color scheme is a nice throwback. That’s kind of a mess though. Flip side is Utah’s color scheme is going to look great. I’m hoping they go Utah Yeti for the nickname, I think.
  10. I'm going with bourbon tonight. I harvested some mint earlier, so I'm making mint juleps. What's a julep?
  11. Oh, I'm sorry. We only care about Americans in this country. We can't be bothered by the rest of the world, especially if it goes against the fear narrative pedaled by the right wing nonsense farm that creates propaganda purely to appeal to the dumbest among us. Literally. The dumbest. Take the dumbest idea you ever had in your life, triple it, run it though a cheese-rind wash of Fox News and the worst people you know and there you will get the answer. Get your logic and reason RIGHT OUT!
  12. Hail Mary based on lack of info in the thread but we’ll be at a friend’s house in Ibiza for a few days in July. Also bouncing around other islands on a boat. Any recs for middle aged couple while teenagers go clubbing appreciated.
  13. Defeatist? You mean realist? Get your head out of the clouds with your aggie like delusion. And we all know your grasping at straws just like Balcones when you have to say shit like the bolded.
  14. Reminds me of when I was a teenager, long time ago. We had a 13' Boston Whaler that was rated @ 35 hp max, and we had a 50 hp merc on it....it planed on the last 3" of the hull. My brother and I took it from Newport to Avalon, 26 miles...had to swap fuel tanks once. Slept on the beach, returned back to the mainland the next day. Both runs required early morning glass. Used to water ski behind it too...but you had to step start with a load of slack. When you cut on the ski you could steer the boat with your leverage. Fall? Back to the beach...
  15. Yeah the fucking nbc scoreboard fucked me up having it go Rory, cantlay, pavon instead of who finished earliest.
  16. This is you need to go seek help level. My god, we've broken them before even joining the SEC.
  17. Sure. Sounds like change is coming. That’s fine if CDC warrants it. From whom did we adopt the whiny and defeatist attitude though? I’ve always been curious if this board is representative of our crowds. Lots of shit talkin here but mostly soft assed dudes roaming the stadium.
  18. I, for one, think we should pursue. It would be negligent not to with a player of her caliber.
  19. On a related note (crossposting from Port Aransas thread) When we arrived at Port A on Monday, my niece and her husband were 30 miles south on Padre Island. She took this pic - it was one of three in the vicinity that day…
  20. Greens are crusty af. I could see someone finishing an hour before the leaders tomorrow and winning.
  21. This is why I think anyone can win it. I don't think anybody has a true lights out ace.
  22. I mean, that's been the status quo since he won the nomination in 2016. And, once he proved he could win an election and had a base, which the GOP severely lacked, that's all that needed to happen to catalyze the cult.
  23. Win the series tomorrow with our AA starter
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