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  1. For the scoreboard. we destroyed the SWC the Big12. The pac12. Up next the sec. After we have destroyed everything and take over the world victory will be ours. can’t wait to rename this shit conference to the university of Texas conference.
  2. Culturally -- in every respect, by the way -- we live in a land of extremes, with little in between. The cultural economic models are either "everything should be free," or "charge for literally every incremental thing" (enshittification). Lost is the "a fair product/amount for a fair price" in the middle. Just like most everything else "in the middle" is dying.
  3. You can try to justify "deserving it" all you want but everyone knows it doesn't work that way. They are going to win gold with or without Clark. They should want Clark for eyeballs plain and simple. I am not a fan of the gatekeeping that is going on here.
  4. To the broader conversation point from earlier, there is no argument or doubt that the "free" internet has absolutely conditioned a sense and air of entitlement to society. The expectation is everything should be free and it's especially weird to me when it comes to pornography. I said it in the "Texas is banning the sites VPN" thread, but it's really only been a single generation between buying nudie mags, playboy subscriptions, and PPV movies (or for the bold, going to seedy roadside xxx stores), to an expectation that every flavor of porn, from the mildest to the most perverted and deranged fetishes, be available en masse at lightning speeds at the users wish and command, for free. Everyone at this point has synthesized the old adage of "if the product is free, you are the product", but for some reason people make an exception for porn, as if the database farms in Eastern Europe and Russia feeding America free porn is altruistic or something.
  5. I always find it funny when aggy argues that we changed our position on the SEC out of necessity, jealousy, or some other made-up reason. We did not want to go the SEC because it was a cesspool of cheating. While we may not have always been perfect, we generally have not been ok with cheating either as a university or a fanbase. I am no insider but what changed? - NIL. You turn the lights on, and the cockroaches run away. Once cheating could be countered by legal means, the SEC is by far the best option. The Alston decision comes down in June, 2021. We announce SEC move July, 2021.
  6. Brown may not be a good GM. I am not sure we can say one way or the other at this point. He's definitely a world class bullshitter. But the real problem is Crane has decided that he and his cadre of "baseball guys" who only care about the back of the baseball card know how to build a roster better than the analytics guys . Until that changes, you can rotate guys in and out of the FO all you want, the results will be the same. At this point, why would someone like Mike Elias even want to work for this organization?
  7. things are going great over here
  8. That hasn't changed. Peter Pan syndrome for some Austinites is a real thing. They never want to grow up (and for a lot of folks, "growing up" is prohibitively expensive i.e. start a family, buy a house, etc. so I get it), so the next best thing is to just grow old listening to blues on the green or go to barton springs once a month or whatever people do to fill their hole in Austin these days.
  9. For all the shit we give her, she sometimes actually tries to do good shit. https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/council-member-moves-to-ease-burden-of-homeless-camp-cleanups-on-private-property-owners/ Council member moves to ease burden of homeless camp cleanups on private property owners “They said they were getting no help from the city, which would be accurate because it is the responsibility of a private property owner to clean when there is an encampment,” Kelly said. “I decided that I wanted to do everything I could to help them get that taken care of so I organized a group of volunteers and we went out there and cleaned almost 2.5 tons of trash.” That’s why Kelly is working on a resolution that could provide resources for neighborhoods — or property owners — in the same situation. She’ll need other council members to get on board with the idea to get the resolution on a city council agenda. “My hope is that I can get my colleagues on board with a resolution that would direct the city manager to provide additional resources for individuals who have this type of crisis where they are, because that’s what it is, it’s a crisis,” Kelly said. There's a pretty big homeless camp in 2 vacant buildings right off Lamar directly across from the DPS station. It's immediately behind the P. Terry's. Last week driving by the buildings when I was leaving P. Terry's, I saw a homeless dude inside the fences between the 2 buildings swinging at the air with 2 big ass machetes. The place trashed on the outside. I hate to imagine what the inside of the 2 buildings looks like. I imagine it's some sort of Thunderdome. I imagine there are 10s to 100s of abandon buildings infested with homeless. I'd hate to see the cleaning bill if/when the city finally evicts the homeless from the buildings. https://maps.app.goo.gl/9ckLspun6oWSA7ks7
  10. A slight but important addition above. The Jews were no more an enemy to Germany than these guys are to us: Then you have persons who have chosen low pay and difficult working conditions to teach childred AND GROOM THEM TO BE GAY SEX VICTIMS. Black people wanting convenient voting. And don't get me started on the Socialists. I can only scan this thread. I heard of this concentration camp plan earlier. Like all things Trumpist, it sorta gets lost in the churn of stolen state secrets, dictator for a day, pardoning insurrectionists, abandoning Ukraine, and all the rest. We must "secure our borders" from desperate families and treat them in a way we would not consider for our dogs. The only reasons for hating them have all turned out to be lies as far as I can tell. The problem hasn't been even clearly defined beyond xenophobia. Even if I assume there is a problem and these persons should not be allowed to live in the US, our solution should not involve Army troops, razor wire, and concentration camps. Maybe we federally fund social services and more immigration courts. Again, I've not been convinced of the problem of these immigrants coming to America. They do great skilled labor work and grunt work that Americans, once the cream of blue collar workers themselves, scorn. Peeing into a pretty stiff wind today. I'm a heterosexual cisgender white man. I'll be fine if I just keep my mouth shut and don't rock the boat. Too bad for women, non-binaries, and persons of color.
  11. I'm not talking about the enshittification of fee-based services. I think I might disagree that corporations or VC "subsidize" anything. We are in agreement that they invest in what they seem to know are unsustainable revenue/profit models leading to eventual rugpulling, profit-making and -taking and enshittification. I am talking about the pre-service broad internet in its early days being a duplication and infringement factory, leading to a "culture" of everything should be free and a general disrespect for intellectual property. The justifications for it in the form of "artists aren't hurt, just evil corporations" is completely post-hoc and there's little or no evidence that the behavior would change if/when artists/creators are actually hurt by it.
  12. Bingo. Between this and the bullpen up and down shit Dana Brown has got to go. Abreu has to go as well but I think other things (Crane, etc) are in play there.
  13. Why can’t we ever convert a Basketball player into a pitcher at The University of Texas. Everyone is a doing it these days. Hell, go get one of those Vatos from the Valley. Those pendejos broke off a chili in our lily white culos
  14. Well goddamnit, they are even worse. A bunch of antisemitic poop fetishists. I bet we can draw a straight line from the supposed superiority of the “master race”, immigration into central and west Texas, and the current, misguided, sense of Texas exceptionalism.
  15. Immigration is sadly, a winning issue. Look at all those right wing parties in Europe that are winning on the back of that same argument.
  16. You are joking right? The entire world as we know it online has been subsidized by VCs and corporations. Now it's being "enshittified" by advertisers. The subsidy is over, they have what they need from you and don't need you to use their shitty free service anymore - oh wait you have no choice but to use it because they've killed everything else that wasn't subsidized as a point of emphasis to kill any competition and create a false moat/walled garden that users can't leave because none of their friends are outside and they've spent a lot of time cultivating those relationships. It's the most toxic play ever. Technology enabled labels to exercise more value and instead they decided to extract the difference in publishing and technology that was afforded to them. I wasn't arguing that at one time the distribution mechanism of labels and studios wasn't intrinsically valuable and mostly necessary. I'm saying they no longer serve their purpose and are mostly just IP trolls at this point. Protecting "their IP" on behalf of the artist who gets nothing to show for it. It is in fact okay if the artist is unharmed and still receives compensation for their work. Artists and entertainers are just that and if they get paid for those things that's fantastic and an incentive to continue. To say that it's the artists god given right to all potential revenue is ridiculous and a falsehood perpetuated by the industry itself. Put another way: if the record labels and studios could monetizes every ear that heard their IP every time they would and they would restrict those who didn't pay up. If there was a global sound wave mute button that didn't let sound move through the air without a toll they would attempt to charge it. I worked at Western Digital and ran strategy and innovation for the entire global consumer business for more than a year. I have talked to the major labels and studios about a way to safely allow for storage of their media with the users that purchased it and they aren't interested. They are only interested in absolute control and planned obsolescence or relicensing as soon as they think it's feasible by rugpulling.
  17. This is a winning issue for the Dems here but they're too incompetent to do anything about it. Biden should come out with a plan to double their salaries but then have real, actual, ethic reform. Also, end lifetime appointments. That's the worst idea ever and if you were to suggest it now, you'd be laughed out of the room.
  18. After the Marinara news dropped yesterday: "Narrator: we were indeed done on the coaching carousel for that day." Wondering if we get the leftovers today.
  19. This transcends race. I don't want my country to become that brown people place! These people are fucking dangerous, and their audience is growing. This is going to be a real problem if Trump wins again, and maybe even if he doesn't.
  20. I left in 1991 after graduating law school. I didn't affirmatively hate Austin, but I was definitely tired of it and wanted to go. So many people "playing at life" and refusing to get on with it, which included a fair number of pretty good friends.
  21. Had a sales manager that was on the Bama squad at the same time and he had a million great stories about Namath and Bear. He said reporters were messing with Joe about his academics and he countered with something like " I'm going to take Journalism classes because they have to be pretty easy" and was so freaking charismatic that they ate it up. Also told me Auburn was an acronym for Alabama Usually Beats Us Red Necks
  22. Bringing Loperfido up and then back down within 3 days tells me everything I need to know about this organization. It’s run by know-nothing clowns. If he wasn’t going to play, he should have been getting at-bats and first base reps in Sugar Land.
  23. Good agreement among the models that we will get a storm off the East Coast. Main concern will be the rain it drops in Florida before it scoots off:
  24. It’s more about having to make choices. People who pay for this have prioritized concerts and many are foregoing other entertainment products. I eat out far less than I used to, haven’t been to a pro sporting event since before Covid, and really only go to smaller local music acts and not the big shows at the arena. I still pay for a couple of family vacations a year which I prioritize over other things. It used to be that you could do most of what you want on a regular basis. The entertainment industry as a whole will adjust to lower overall demand across all entertainment products, but it’s not making things more affordable, it’s just letting things fail like movie theaters and local restaurants and bars which people are having to set aside to do other things, and I think that’s pretty enshitified.
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