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  1. That is the way I go when I have driven from Houston. Abilene, Lubbock, Clovis (better stop at the Clovis Pilot because it's the only decent place between Lubbock and Santa Fe), Clines Corner, Santa Rosa, Santa Fe.
  3. They'll apply the Bruen rule, which is "we'll selectively go back in time to cherry-pick laws that existed or that we'll pretend did NOT exist to justify our pre-selected conclusion, all while we put on a show of being 'bound by original intent.'" Because it is a flat-out lie, and is impossible to ACTUALLY divine, "originalism" is the biggest shortcut to pure judicial activism we've ever seen. And no need to speculate, Bruen showed us plain as day, where they simply made up what the history was in order to justify the decision they wanted to reach.
  4. Someone will say, but arguably the best PG in the WNBA was Chelsea Gray. She is hurt with a foot injury and may not be able to play. This could be Clark's invitation to take but the issue is Arike Agunbolawe who plays guard and for the Dallas Wings is better than Clark and she didn't make it at guard. Mitch.... c'mon. You're better than this. First, Taurasi is an all-time great for the WNBA, basically like the Lebron or Kobe or Bird of the league. If she wants to go, she goes. Second, now look at the metrics that matter.... You know them. PER, WS, WS/48, TS% and while you're at it, look at that TOV%. Oh wow.
  5. Not sure if the Chicagoland area embraced the concept due to weather. But during quarantine, I saw a bunch of those little "Tiny Libraries" pop up all over Austin. It's like a 2x2x2 box with a little glass door on a stump where people could leave books for one another and grab a new book to read. Since our girls couldn't go the library, they loved it. And then she'd zoom with her friends about the book, it was like a socially distanced book club. Plus it was a great way for me to get rid of our book clutter problem in the house. Anyway, couple years later our ISD Superintendent asked my serve on the "Library Committee." I said fuck no. It's the same half-dozen parents causing all the bullshit at our school libraries, and I can't stand a single one of 'em (sure they'd say the same about me). So I had an idea similar to yours. What I offered to take away the 'questionable' books from the school and put them in our HOA park's little library kiosk deal. Then our HOA just announced its election slate for this summer. And sure as shit, one of the women causing all the ISD library fuss is also running for my HOA board. I do not want to meet the Final Boss in "Karen: I'd Like to Speak with the Librarian."
  6. Spot-on. My kids have lived and gone to school in non-US countries for the past several years (Germany, Sweden, Canada, the UK). They each have talked about how there is a huge gap between them and their non-American peers, along just the lines you mentioned. Like, they'll have conversations and their friends ask "wait...when you go into a classroom the first time, you actually evaluate it for places that provide cover and how quickly you can get to the exits?" Both kids answer yes (for classrooms and pretty much any public space), as do pretty much all of their American peers, and the non-Americans are legitimately gobsmacked by that. Sure, they have to keep their eyes out for other things, pickpockets, angry drunks, all the usual stuff. But just knowing that there is a much much lower chance of someone showing up with a gun with a high-cap magazine to slaughter as many people as he can lets them breathe just a little bit easier. And they each are pissed off that they can notice the difference.
  7. Of course. Start with the conclusion and go looking for evidence that supports it. All contrary evidence is actually proof of cover-up or persecution. It's the "my religion is true" model.
  8. Perhaps we can start a subscription service checking out our family library to the deprived citizens of Texas.
  9. My S. Texas grandfather used to sit and pontificate to us youngsters, a Pearl in one hand and an unfiltered cigarette in the other. One of his pieces of wisdom was "hell, boy....any politician, you gotta give 'em reasonable stealin' privileges. It comes with the job!" Which gets to my bit about "everyone takes post-it notes." Everyone takes advantage of some "perk" of their job to add a few percentage points to their quality of life. If a politician uses his broad knowledge of development codes, traffic patterns, and the like to make a better real estate deal than Joe Schmoe could....so be it. If he gets invited to UT football games to visit with UT leadership about how the City and University can work together better....so be it. Hell, lots of public entities have rules that their employees cannot accept a gift worth over $50...meaning that they CAN accept a gift. So do I care if your local director of planning sits down with someone who buys them a $30 lunch and pitches why they think it's important to allow live witnesses at permit hearings? Nope. It's de minimis. And if the director is changing his policy position because someone bought him an Old Timer with cheese and some boneless buffalo wings, we were already fucked. Dem, Repub, Monster Raving Looney Party, human beings always have and always will do such things. But when they get fucking WEALTHY by virtue of their position, and use their position for the PRIMARY end of service to self/self-enrichment, that's when we're fucked. And politicians have done that in the past -- truly crooked politicians have existed since the dawn of time, from all parties. Sometimes, it was completely systemic (Tammany Hall shit in NY), sometimes it was one-offs (Bob Menendez taking gold bars to get some dudes favorable import treatment for halal meat). But not in my memory has it been 1) across-the-board for an entire party, and 2) treated by that party as a fucking VIRTUE instead of something to be hidden and ashamed of. They fucking BRAG about it, they don't try to hide it. It's a feature, not a bug. It's one of the ways they demonstrate their absolute power: "look at me, I'm corrupt right in front of your face. And there's not a goddamned thing you can do about it. THAT is how powerful I am, you fucking insects." It's how you kill a Republic, very, very quickly.
  10. Just wondering....when was the last time we fired our head baseball coach?
  11. Don’t worry, I’m told Pierce is an excellent coach and we should put all of our faith in his ability to restore Texas to its rightful glory days.
  12. That’ll suck. We had to circle for 25 minutes to find parking last February.
  13. Shieeeet, how the hell do you think I came across all that info lol? Also, no tiered rate. That's just how SARA rolls... Ahem, DID have a $50 water bill. Now it's a hundo plus. I wouldn't have even looked at the bill had I would've been getting charged roughly the same amount or a little more. That WOULD make sense, but nope. SARA is just going to continue to report to SAWS $55+ each month for sewage until October of NEXT year, so they can get the winter average rate. But spot on for monopolies (shoutout a fuck you to cps energy while we're at it.) And just to be clear, I understand why we pay for sewage and why it's lumped into the water bill each month. I just don't get why the 2 different sewage bureaucracy within the same city and why the drastic differences in price. But whatever, I'm stuck with the bs for 16 months...
  14. First, I can’t guess when these moves will happen. But gas has already reverted to the mean, or close to $4 which is probably more mean. Second, oil is already at its mean which Id say is $70-$75. Guessing $100 isn’t a stretch. Both commodities are going higher. Gas much more so because of its current level. Hard to say exactly when. I’m not a trader or a prognosticator. I’m an investor and I’m sharing my views. Feel free to ignore them or just laugh at them. I’m sure I will be wrong many times in the interim but not directionally over the midterm.
  15. It's actually exactly how conspiracy theory dipshits think, and never budge from their commitment to the conspiracy. See those blinking lights in the sky? It's proof that there are aliens! What's that, we see no lights and there's no other physical evidence! That's proof of the government's shady activities hiding the truth! The absence of evidence is PROOF there are aliens! It's related to how Trump says "these people coming in from mexican are rapists and criminals and are poisoning the blood of our country!" and then another time says "but I love Mexico, great people," and we point out "umm....Trump fucking said that Mexicans are criminals and are poisoning the blood of our country" and they say "LIAR! He said he loves Mexico!" They can hold two opposite beliefs and even FACTS in their head, and BOTH can be used to support their locked-in previously chosen conclusion. It's fucking stupidity, but that's the order of the day now.
  16. Doug going to go down as a legend like craps table milf or port a potty girl?
  17. it was interesting, spending almost four weeks in various European countries (we just got back a few days ago)...after about ten days, even though we had to keep an eye out for pickpockets and scammers in various locations, i slowly realized that i was in general feeling a much more relaxed state of mind wandering around unknown areas of these cities, both crowded and deserted (evenings), specifically bc in the back of my mind i was literally thinking 'none of these people have guns'. it was such a weird feeling...i mentioned it several times in different places once i realized i was feeling it. i don't think we consciously realize how much of that is ingrained in our psyche - finding nearest exits every time you enter a public space, staying alert for any commotion in crowded settings, hell i frequently play the 'where will i run in this restaurant if someone comes in that door blasting? what about that door?' i mean it's not even disruptive or particularly disturbing anymore, it's just part of living in America.
  18. I don't think even our own 9.95ers think he's a can't-miss prospect. As the floor of our DB class he's a nice piece, and he's from a prospect pipeline school we haven't done anything at for years.
  19. Its good. People are a little over enthusiastic because we are starving for any kind of new story. IP exhaustion
  20. Yes, I described it incorrectly. We have found historically that if 90%+ of people like something, we usually really like it a lot. It didn’t happen this time. It didn’t work for us with Once Upon a Time in the West either. Although days later that movie has definitely stuck with me.
  21. Texas doesn't suck. Texas, the idea of Texas, the food in Texas, and the janus-like ethos of 'rugged individualism' meets 'we're in it together' is amazing IMO. The people that run Texas suck. The people who move here, the people who didn't grow up here, the people who don't know Texas history, the people who cosplay Texan are who sucks. [That's an AND function, not an OR function} Just like our founding fathers, I've met some expats that exude Texan. So it ain't like you have to be born here to exude Texan. True Texans I know are great. The rest of y'all can go to hell.
  22. This type of setup is great. It brings a lot of players into the mix because distance isn’t the end all be all. That said Scottie should still win. Good golly.
  23. My god, all of that is one big giant The decision was likely made well before we lost to Louisiana, based on #2, 3, 5 and 6
  24. 11-2 with wins over ND, LSU and Texas with no blowout loses while playing in the SEC sounds like a top 6-7 type team to me.
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