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  1. It needs to be stated that what we're witnessing now is a culmination of several years of highly-publicized racist acts from the police and average citizens in this country, and those acts being filmed and consumed by an awoken black youth on social media. It's Mr. Floyd, it's Trayvon, it's Ahmaud, it's Botham, it's Breonna Taylor, it's Tamir Rice (the worst one IMO), it's the countless Karen flare ups, it's the birtherism, it's the confederate flags that have popped up in my Dallas suburb the last few years, it's the inability to read a comment section on Youtube/Yahoo without seeing racist trolls, it's being called "nigger/monkey" on XBOX Live by trolls, it's the racial disparities in disaster relief/farm bailout, and it's all the other racist shit black people get hit with on a daily basis in this country. This is a protest about racism in America, Mr. Floyd's death was just a tipping point.
  2. This is so true! My daughter, being mixed with Black, White, and Asian is very beautiful. However, she is struggling to find her place in society. The other Black Kids on her track team treated her differently because of the way she talks(West Coast). Last year she got called a nigger by another kid in her grade(6th). Imagine dealing with that at 11 years old. We try to teach her not to look down on kids for any reason, whether it be looks or money. However, other parents are clearly not doing the same. So when she came to me and asked why do people hate Black People I had to break it down for her. I never thought in the year 2020 that there would be all these things that I have to explain to her but here we are.
  3. Plenty of people on this board vote for trump they either don’t post or lie about it. So anyway I was sitting at the bar in the restaurant next to my office eating lunch. Only 2 people are allowed at the bar at a time but the other guy was a friendly gregarious old white guy and liked to talk. After some conversation about work, Austin, etc. he asks me if I watched NFL football yesterday. I said sure why not. He then says “because of all those fucking damn niggers kneeling at the flag is why I’m never watching it again.” Said it loud enough for plenty of people in the restaurant to hear. I wasn’t really stunned and just quickly changed the subject. In fact I was actually anticipating and waiting for that kind of moment. I thought this was the best thread to put that story in.
  4. My gawd, she's Trump! Has she been tapping into the victimized white men fearin' the caravans, the muslims, brown people stealin' their jobs, how it ain't fair that black people can say nigger but white people can't? Is the victimized Christian Coalition choosing her to carry their flag? And what about the poor victims of the Global Warming Conspiracy of Scientists to make us think something is wrong when everything is as it should be? Will she save us from science and non-Christian religion? The whole We Report You Ignite strategy of FOX is based on feeding the right's oddball sense of their own victimization and persecution. Lies are their favorite currency. Even if you were right about how you describe her "entire platform," it is the exact means used by the non-snowflake, badass right. But you're not right.
  5. Frankly, that a recording of Trump saying nigger would be the thing that brought him down is actually a further condemnation of our processes and electorate. We didn't mind the treason, the lying, the destruction of our place as leader of the free world, the tax breaks for the rich, the undermining of the EPA, DEA, and State. But, you get caught saying the N word, now that's a problem. I'm reminded of the Dems being too weak to vote down Clarence Thomas on his lack of merit. They had to dig up some dirt, instead. Idiot World. We need a metaphorical Atticus Finch to take true aim and bring down this foaming at the mouth menace. Sure that mad dog has killed some cats and bit some folks, but we don't want to shoot him unless he has fleas. Somebody pull the fucking trigger. It's a fucking mad dog.
  6. Houston stories...Joe Campos Torres, beating halfway to death and tossed in the bayou, where he drowned...Ida Delaney, murdered by a drunk off duty cop in a road rage incident. Delaney's killer got 7 years: My dad got busted with half a pound of weed in 1973...By the time his case came up, seven ounces had disappeared into thin air...I've personally had cops casually say "nigger" in front of me twice, so I was far from shocked by the Mark Fuhrman testimony; in fact, I was surprised that anyone else was surprised....Back in the early '50s, there was a huge scandal when it came to light a few of Houston's top cops were heavily involved in the city's heroin trade...That case culminated with the mysterious "suicide" of a high-ranking cop / witness in his own office at 61 Riesner St... Cops were different back then my ass...
  7. lots and lots of words follow. Well, first I'm gonna say that over the past sixty years I've changed in some attitudes. Never was a racist I don't think, but also did and said some things back in the day I know were inappropriate. No excuse. I like to think I've gotten a bit more well-rounded and experienced after all this time. Certainly more understanding. My family's not racist, but much of my extended family is from east Texas, and a couple of them were harsh. After UT football integrated, my uncle, a big Aggie fan, would without fail whenever he saw me say, "Hey, I guess we better start calling you the Texas Black Angus with all those niggers you got now, huh?" and that was not unusual, but very typical. Austin integrated our public schools after Brown v Board II i think, nominally. But my schools (Gullett elementary for one) were lily white because, wink wink nudge nudge you had to live in the district, and you couldn't legally sell your house to a negro, so... My music teacher in elementary would always use "Nigra" as the term for Blacks. Nigra spirituals, or sometimes talking about Nigras in other aspects of society. I think about 1/3 of the kids used racist terms and jokes routinely as they were familiar with them at home, 1/3 did not, and 1/3 knew better but sometimes would join in. A favorite insult if you didn't go along was, 'what, are you some kind of nigger-lover?' How do you answer that, if you're twelve? In eighth grade, we began busing; it wasn't equitable at all, they closed the two predominantly black schools in East Austin (Anderson HS and Kealing Jr High), drew circles on the map over the East Austin neighborhoods, and randomly assigned them to the other schools in town. THey didn't bus the white kids, unless you were one of the few whites who lived in East Austin. That whole episode is beyond the scope of this post though. After integration/busing, the percentage of people in jr high or high school who would overtly use 'nigger' was down to about 10% or so. And they almost always would look over their shoulders before saying it, except for a few hard cases that would be what today we'd call Aryan nation or ''White nationalists' but were just dumb hicks back then. Fast forward forty years. I now see more overt racism on Facebook than i have since the 70s probably. The worst offenders are my own high school class cohort. Several post semi-racist rants nearly daily (in between anti-Muslim manifestos) and one retired Austin cop routinely uses the N word (but couched in acronyms). If a black person anywhere in America commits a crime, he's all "See? TNB"
  8. i don't care what anybody else says, i watched that tape 100 times and i'm convinced that he stopped himself mid-word from saying "nigger". he did NOT say "David is an idiot"; that is a fact. Memphis got visibly flustered, then just spouted off, "Dude David is a ni-...", then caught himself, and visibly reacted like someone who just caught himself about to use the N word in front of all of America. he also acts like a total bully to everyone, including his own alliance members, and he made fun of Ian's autism. he's a real piece of shit, and even without the N-word incident him being racist would be extremely on-brand for him based on the rest of his behavior. he really seems like a terrible person who exclusively treats others like shit. the way the producers have covered up so much of his personality is bullshit.
  9. Also from the case, Anastasis: he first incident in which race played a part was his Jan-uary 16th run-in with Colbert. By then, things were already at a breaking point. The Department had initiated termination proceedings against Smith two weeks before, so he knew that he was about to be fired. And while things certainly could have gotten worse for Smith after the racially charged con-frontation with Colbert, he offers no evidence that they did. Instead, Smith presents the confrontation as yet another in-stance of the same ill treatment that he had been receiving all along. That last bolded sentence IS evidence that race may have been the reason for the prior ill treatment. She's working incredibly hard to downplay the racial slur. And she closes the case stating that no reasonable jury could find a hostile environment when a supervisor calls an employee a nigger. In fact the facts as she has just laid out, including some of her own statements, reveals just the opposite.
  10. I haven't read the entire thread. Here's my 2 cents: 1) I hope both of these officers survive and fully recover. I'm scared of needles, but I'm willing to donate blood, and write a check for them. 2) LASD is a fucking SEWER. There are at least a half-dozen STREET GANGS INSIDE OF LASD. "Kill a nigger, you can get a tattoo that matches ours" kind of shit. It's horrible. Lee Baca was in charge way too long, and he was the worst corrupt piece of shit this side of Donald J. Trump. Everybody in L.A. knows this, and they are fucking sick of dealing with gangster-cops. 3) I want the shooter caught and prosecuted. I hope both cops survive and thrive. Should one of them pass, that's a "special circumstance" under CA law, and the death penalty applies. But, that will never happen. Every motherfucker here knows full-well that he/she will never see a courtroom. He/she will be murdered by the cops, and if he/she isn't carrying a gun, they will plant one on 'em.
  11. I'm running into this a lot. It's decent people, conservatives who mostly still identify as Republican who are having trouble maintaining that identity when faced with a president whose low character they acknowledge and a policy agenda that is increasingly not conservative. I take it as a sign that their party identity is getting shaky. It reminds me of the George Allen/Jim Webb election in 2006, when @Ghost of LL and Brisket were still Republicans and Goll got very irritated with me for equating the word "macaca" with "nigger". He didn't like George Allen, and he didn't like what he said, and he didn't really think he would be a good Senator, but he wanted the Republican to win and at any rate he felt like it was very important to make the point that conservatives are not all racist. 12 years later, Ghost doesn't identify as a Republican anymore. Neither does Brisket. I don't think they are less conservative. The GOP, on the other hand is openly trading both long-held policy position and long-held values for the hypothetical future behavior of judges.
  12. I think it's perfectly reasonable for elected officials and voters in Virginia to pontificate if this guy should resign or etc. For me to pontificate about a guy I never voted for? Yeah, a review of yearbook photos and inappropriate jokes he made when he was in medical school or undergrad might be on the application, but it would be far below an analysis of whether this guy has a decent policy agency and below whether his current non-discriminatory actions overcome that inappropriateness. It's a fucking distraction. It's not a crime and it's equivalent to my dad calling an uncracked brazil nut a "nigger toe" and me and my brother laughing circa 1975. If you are a Dem, you call this guy up and tell him he has some brownie points to re-earn to show he's not a racist. And you make it a teaching moment and pat yourself on the back that you aren't the kind of guy who intentionally votes for people who appear to be current pussy grabbers and racists. I'm pretty damn politically correct but I'm not a fucking Taliban of the left. Fuck that. What counts is what you are doing now, not what you did before you even thought about running for office.
  13. Also in other outside the Surly bubble- Facebook news. Checked out the goings in POC for the week. Local boutiques are pimping trump swag in advance of the upcoming Trump boat parade. Locals are bitching about mask requirement in Port Lavaca and posting YouTube videos on why mask don't work. Including, and I'm not joking, some dudes husband's drywall crusted nose after wearing a mask to prove mask are pointless. Not that said husband is stupid, can't fit a mask , or will die of silicosis, but that a filter doesn't actually filter. It somehow makes it worse! These people live in an alternative reality. Facts don't matter, Dunning Kruger allows idiots to be experts. Trump gives these people something to rally around. A club. An identity. (And you get to stick it to all the snooty people who don't let you say "nigger" no more.) And yes one of the local govt officials in the country is very fond of playing the racist, x rated David Alan Coe album loud as shit for all to here. Being shitty is a badge of honor. No fake news, no matter how damning is going to get these people to give up the pride and endorphin rush Trump provides. This story isn't doing shit with his base or enablers.
  14. I do. I'd like to know what actually happened. I don't give a fuck what happens to the teacher, but "the N word" has one meaning as indicated by the definite article "the." "Negro" is not the N word. It's an N word, and while not acceptable now, it was once freely used by everyone and wasn't considered offensive. Nobody ever refers to it as the N word. We all know what the N word is. If you can't see the difference then you're the retard. The reporter asked if the teacher called the student "negro" and the answer came back "yes." My confusion is justified. Raise your hand if you saw the headline and didn't assume the word used was "nigger." You know, THE N WORD. Maybe you didn't watch the video and just assumed that's what was said because the headline said so. What if that wasn't what was said? Why bleep the word "negro?" You don't think that would qualify as misleading? Maybe the teacher used the actual N word and mother, daughter, and reporter all used the word negro euphemistically. I can't rule that out. If that was the case then the reporter should have made it clear. I think it's a legitimate question. I still don't know what was actually said and yes, of course there's a difference.
  15. Add Dead Poet's to your list. If that one doesn't hit you like a freight train your first time watching I'm not sure you're human. I'd also say that Tarantino was more putting a 90s spin on Blaxploitation than reinventing the wheel. Personally I dont think the "nigger" shtick ages particularly well (we're all adults here, hold your tounges please. No CR). I'm young but movies and the years in which they came out are static. People that idolize PF have always struck me as people that should broaden their film horizons. (And this said, I think it's an incredible film. Just a bit too hyped) I mean, shit, Resevior Dogs came out pre PF did it not? Done talking film with this dude but just wanted to put this horseshit on the record a 2nd time in case classics. Ride out with me. Let the horn of Helm Hammerhand ring one more time. Fuck I can't even help myself now. TT is an absolute masterclass. How you put some rehashed crime-noir film that no one has bothered to rewatch above it is, as mdmost said, Texas/OU to Jerryworld esque. I'll leave it with this.
  16. I quoted the case. And about 10 posts up from mine the article quotes the decision as well. Emphasis is mine. I'm asking you quote simply if you believe as she apparently does that being called the n-word requires proof that there has been a change in the subjective experience of a black man at work? Further, in what world is evidence of being called a nigger NOT evidence that the prior conduct was because of race? We need not address the objective prong of the analysis, because Smith falters on the subjective prong. He introduced no evidence that Colbert’s use of the n-word changed his sub-jective experience of the workplace. To be sure, Smith testified that his time at the Department caused him psychological dis-tress. But that was for reasons that predated his run-in with Colbert and had nothing to do with his race. His tenure at the Department was rocky from the outset because of his poor track record. He clashed with his supervisors over pay, and they confronted him with foul language. As early as August—the first month of his employment—he sent memoranda to the Department complaining of a “hostile work environ-ment.” On Smith’s own account, his supervisors made him miserable throughout his employment at the Department. But as we have already discussed, he has no evidence that his su-pervisors were lashing out at him because he was black.
  17. The currency of Trump's political brand has been implied racism and blunt reference to white superiority and entitlement. Now we move to overt bigotry. We're getting closer. My diesel mechanic is rural whitetrash by every definition. He's not evil. Just ignorant, vile and irredeemable. He'd never hurt anyone. But no matter how many times you say "shut the fuck up. Your septic tank is bubbling up in your backyard. You're no better than anyone," he still thinks he's entitled to more. He says things like "niggers just want to take over everything." He doesn't consider himself racist, just victimized. He's a fucking idiot. My uncle is a well-educated, wealthy, mid-to-upper-tier Baylor donor and is a "country club Republican" by every definition. He'd never hurt anyone, physically, or say more than two words to my diesel mechanic or anyone else like him. He says things like "those people will never be happy and can't take care of themselves. I don't know what they want. They should just go back to their country if they hate it here so much." He's vile and too smart to resemble my diesel mechanic. He doesn't consider himself racist, just victimized. He's a fucking idiot. We're getting closer.
  18. I've pointed it out before, but it bears repeating: In my lifetime, the percentage of Americans who identify as "non-Hispanic whites" has dropped from 85% to 63%. It is projected to drop below 50% in 2043. Racism and the palpable reality of no longer being the majority race in the US drives almost all Republican support in the heartland. Abortion? Nah. That's a convenient place for most to hang their hat because it's less onerous to claim one is for the sanctity of life than admit one hates niggers and spics. Fifty years prior to Roe V Wade, there was a concerted effort among many Christian leaders to help provide MORE access to abortion. The Catholic Church was opposed to Roe V Wade, but protestant leaders were largely silent. Even the Southern Baptists passed resolutions as late as 1976 affirming the rights of women to have abortions. The tide started to turn as desegregation became the rule, not the exception, even though segregation in public schools had been illegal since 1954. Evangelicals like Jerry Falwell created private segregated schools, but faced a stiff argument that they could not hold tax-exempt status, because they were discriminating on the basis of race. They needed to grow support in order to maintain a segregated society, and landed on abortion as the issue around which they could rally support. In the end, it all comes down to race and racism. That's it. At the top, it's about whatever it takes to maintain power and grow wealth, but the most common weapon to keep the base in line is their fear of black and brown people.
  19. Fair points. I think the disconnect is when folks assume that I am telling them to vote for Trump or some republican. Just because I'm not hollering about evil Trump doesn't mean I'm voting for him. Or saying that you should. I have plenty of issues with the GOP and bible thumpers. I just think that when the usual suspects keep getting elected and they don't make any progress in the black communities, they need to be called out. Don't fall for the scare tactics/misdirection. In 10 terms, when all they have done is open a couple of community centers while hooking up their friends and family, it's time for change. Whether that's a DEM or GOP, there is no sense in compromising. Look at how the preachers sell out their congregations. And how the 'community leaders' keep the gates closed to only a select few. I cast my first vote in '90. All democrat except for Ann Richards. And have supported various dems over the years. So I'm not some blind loyalist. I even supported John Wiley for a minute. And, I don't tolerate racists in any fashion. Doesn't matter if they call me a nigger to my face or sic the cops on me for being the the wrong place. You still a racist in my book. Yeah, I did fail on the conservative thread. Started it right before I went on vacation and didn't follow up. The intent wasn't for it to be a tweet fest. I had stuff from Malcolm, Du Bois and Washington to post, just haven't gotten around to it.
  20. Anecdotal of course, but my last roommate in college (just 5 or 6 years ago) was an SAE. Random roommate that was a transfer from some community college. He was also the weed dealer for the frat. Early on he told me “not to worry” about us getting robbed and showed me this gigantic ass Benelli shotgun. Great. Naturally frat bros were in and out of our place all day, maybe 30 different ones total. About 2 or 3 of them were decent human beings. The rest were high and drunk all the time, openly talked about cheating their way through school, and casually said some of the most sexist, racist shit I’ve ever heard in my life. I’ll never forget walking in once and there was probably 7 of them smoking in our living room. I knew one of them played on their IM basketball team so I asked how their last game went. “We barely lost man, pretty good since we were playing a bunch of fucking niggers”. Not one of them even batted an eye. This was in 2015. Maybe it’s because I was only seeing the shithead ones that wanted weed, but my roommate made it seem like the entire frat came through. It jumped out to me as an outsider, but they all seemed so insular in their world I can see how none of that behavior would seem wrong to them.
  21. Growing up in a small town in North Texas in the 1970s & 80s, I heard all the ones mentioned in this thread pretty regularly, including the eeny meeny, miney, moe rhyme. Everyone used the term "wetback", including (and maybe especially) the hispanic kids. One kid in middle school, who was well-liked and popular, was half-white/half-black. Everyone called him Higger or Wigger, to his face, but not maliciously (as weird as that sounds). If it bothered him, he didn't show it, he just laughed along. When I was a kid, the n-word was forbidden in our house, and I never heard my parents use it. Unfortunately, in my Dad's grumpy old age, he has let one fly now and again. My grandpa, an Irish-Catholic who lived in Kansas City, used to refer to one of his neighbors as a "good nigger." He genuinely like the guy, but it was as if he felt it necessary to qualify it -- i.e., "a good guy (for a black person)." Not long after Obama was elected, my other grandpa remarked to me that "all black and brown people are the same, and now we've got one in the White House." My grandma, German through and through, once said to me "Can you believe Joe Lieberman could be vice president?" I replied with something like "well, what's so bad about him, grandma?" She stared at me for a few seconds, wide-eyed, then leaned in close and whispered: "He's a Jew!!"
  22. Black Twitter/Black Social Media has basically done one of two things with this today: 1.) Proclaim that it’s no big deal because trump has said more shit that is way more racist and has said it more frequently including just yesterday when he was praising Henry Ford. 2.) stated they hate Joe Biden and this is an example why—BUT they will still vote for him in November There has been a small—and I do mean small—fraction of Blacks online who said this will cause them to not vote for him, but that small percentage has been suckered into trump before this thanks to the Candace Owens and Kanye types. Hell Charlamagne still stuck up for him after this interview, and Charlamagne is fucking wack. The hashtag that was floating around twitter most of the day is clearly the Russian bots and White Republicans who don’t give two shits about Blacks and instead just want the Black votes for trump because they know he’s losing. My parents are Black Christians and lean conservative but are Dems. I asked my mom about it today (granted she’s probably had some wine) but her words were “he’s a dumbass for saying that, but I’ll still be there when the polls open to vote for him.” Black churches will still be preaching Vote Biden from here until November. This hasn’t changed a damn thing and it’s funny watching people who aren’t Black tell me what is and isn’t racist, and I’m the one who has been called a nigger multiple times by people who are not my own race.
  23. I might have told this story on this site or the old one... Summer after HS I had to deliver my dad's late brother's car from Houston up to my dad in Nashville...I took our HS class mate "Bob Avila" with me. You remember "Bob," don't you? Medium-dark skinned Mexican brotha with a bushy Mexi-mullet at the time? Anyway, we got through a night out in New Orleans without incident and then drove to Nashville, where I, despite having loved there for ten years as a kid, got lost as fuck. It was around midnight, and I was on the wrong Old Hickory Blvd, about ten miles from my dad's house. (There are four Old Hickorys in Nashville, not connected, all major thoroughfares.) So anyway we are driving around lost on the Old Hickory in this convertible POS car my dad should have just sold in Houston. I'm blanking on the make / model -- it was a domestic two-door with a shitty engine and ugly as homemade sin... And the Metro Nashville PD lit me up. I pulled over and all hell broke loose. Two, three, four, five cop cars..."Bob" and I in the back seat of one of them while the ransacked my car. We hadn't been drinking or anything like that...I was just lost on Old Hickory Blvd. Anyway, after what seemed like an hour in the back seat of that cruiser one of the cops gave us the deal. There had been a robbery in the area and the suspects matched our description. "We thought you were a nigger," the cop said to Bob.
  24. One guys racist rant. So I was, I think about 10 years old or so. This would have been around 1975, I guess. I went to school with a bunch of black kids, the only other school in town was St Mary’s catholic school, although my family was catholic my dad was a schoolteacher so I went to public school. Anyway one of my classmates was a kid named Kenny Johnson. Half of his face was a scar, because we burned trash in barrels and a hairspray can or something had exploded and burned him. The town I grew up in was divided, blacks were on one side of the canal, whites on the other. Kind of like I-35 in Austin in the old days. Anyway one day I went with Kenny to his house to play football. We had a good time. I went inside. There were bunk beds in there to the ceiling where he and his brothers slept. Cramped as fuck. His mother brought me a drink of water, in a tin cup, that looked like it had been shared between everyone, because it had. That was all cool. I had a good time. The next day, when I was walking home from school, i got the dreaded shit. “Hey nigger lover, I heard you spent some time in shantytown “. A belt got pulled out. I got hit in the head with a basketball, whipped with a belt, and kicked with some shitheeled boot. I went on home crying, got over it, and I won’t repeat what my old man said to me about those boys. He drove a school bus during integration and didn’t brook any bullshit. I wish sometimes I had his patience.
  25. There is a lot of interesting research surrounding fraternities and sororities and Whiteness. A lot of them are qualitative, which is my wheelhouse. You can find a few of them for free on Google Scholar. Some of the research basically is White frat members believing while they may make a "little racist joke" here or there, they don't consider themselves racist. (Like with some White people, they only believe themselves to be racist if they openly use the word nigger or if they advocate for the rise of slavery of Blacks. But because they don't do that, they don't think they are racist.) And to their credit, there are some in the focus groups of the research who believe their White frats could benefit from more diverse memebers. A lot of research I read in my doctoral program centered around fraternities and sororities enhancing "brotherhood and sisterhood" so that is one influence as to why they may not appeal to someone of a different race. That doesn't mean they don't want someone of a different race and wouldn't be accepting, but their experiences with someone of a different race doesn't scream "you're my brother/sister" like someone else who is also White and wealthy/semi-wealthy. This is what BT was saying with the bourgeois. I don't know that I'd connect the bourgeois to Black fraternities and sororities and instead argue their connection centers around similarities in racial experiences as well as economic status. (The anti-bourgeois) I actually think an all-White Greeek frat would be more open to accepting a Black member than an all-White Greek sorority, and I'm surprised I'm making that assertion honestly considering what we know about communication styles between men and women. I just don't think I would ever see a Black Chi-O, but I also don't know that I would see a White AKA. I feel like I've seen White guys in Black frats before, but not at UT. I know I've definitely seen White guys in Black frats at HBCUs, but that's a totally different story.
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