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  1. This team has 3 turnovers and was 1-3 in the red zone. These dudes couldn’t get 1 yard on 4 attempts. It didn’t matter what you called, our butts got whooped and we still had a chance to win it. That’s on the players. Quinn fumbling the balls and throwing a bad interception on the first series and JT sanders dropping a sure TD are on the players. It’s on the players like Gbenda and Jerrin Thompson to communicate and a game winning drive and not WRs run free into the end zone. ou came in with a masterful game plan. We got beat and that’s okay. I wasn’t expecting an undefeated season this year and this team is likely waxes ou if they play even remotely decently. Let’s clean up the penalties, get healthy, and work on limiting turnovers and no reason we should be looking at a rematch with those sooner fucks. Gabriel isn’t going to have a career day running the ball again. They know it too.
  2. The blame for the loss is widespread. Some of it is on players not doing their jobs, some of it is on the coaches not doing theirs. We lost in the exact same way we lost to Bama last year: we kicked a FG for a narrow lead with time running out, and turned the game over to the D... and they couldn't do it. I still think the ultimate problem is that the HC game management is hamstrung by his concentration on being the OC and not having focus on the whole game. As OC, he did his job and had the game all but won, after 58 1/2 minutes... the DC was not able to hold on. Sure, the OC coulda put more points up, but the HC shoulda had the ability to help the DC do something other than bending, bending... and breaking. I don't think we're going to reach that juggernaut place we thought we were headed for until the HC starts running the whole team. I still don't think he can wear two hats and not let us fall on our ass when we run into a team with equal or nearly equal players and coaches. I don't know whether Lavell Edwards was his own Coordinator, but I do know Saban isn't... thought Sarkisian had learned that, but maybe not. All that said, Bama didn't win every game they played in all their championship seasons... just the last few. We're still in that window, and we can get through it and hoist that NC trophy. Hook'em.
  3. I think OU had the psychological advantage due to having an entire year of focus on getting revenge for 49-0. This is not making an excuse for Sark / Texas. Great coaches and teams would maintain the motivation to go out and beat them by 49 again. But we didn’t have that. It was obvious from the opening snap that they had more fire and were playing for revenge. If we can take care of business and win out the rest of our B12 games - and there’s absolutely no reason why we shouldn’t - then we should have plenty of motivation in Arlington.
  4. If anything I hope this is a lesson learned and if we find ourselves in the situation again at the end of the game like yesterday, we don’t go into the prevent D BS . After we kicked the FG, I was thinking we were going to something just like that and sure enough. I hope PK and Sark notice in the film is despite our ho hum day on defense, in the second half and more so towards the end we were finally wearing their O line down and getting penetration and pressure. They only scored 7 points and early in the second half for crying out loud until the winning drive at the end. No way in hell am I giving up on this team. We should run the table and get a second shot at the dirt burglars at Jerryworld in December. This is after we absolutely throttle Tech and the rest of the Rig 12 leftovers on our schedule. Put the date on the calendar and circle it , beat these SOBs and get a playoff birth. It’s that simple.
  5. You guys have ALL got me thinking. Dreams/nightmares all night. So I mentally went to film room. Whacked the game in reverse. Who lost it? Well, to begin with, the guys (plural) who left the receiver open in the corner of the end zone. OR the guys who didn’t get to the QB before he threw (just missed him, just) But then the guy who got the penalty that moved them into range for the short pass. But then the guys (plural) who left squirrel Stoops open for a huge gain. Oh, and the guys who couldn’t play properly (no one can) the stupid prevent defense that allows the QB and receivers forever to hook up b/c we’re playing soft to let them march down the field sloooowly and “run out the clock”. Skipping some plays it was the Worthy who didn’t reach the ball across the line a split second sooner (sic). Or the Olinemen who couldn’t push ou off the goal line for ONE YARD! For 4 PLAYS! Keep watching the tape with me fellow arrogant humans. We’ll see missed tackles. Several Foolish kickoff returns starting us inside the 20. Lost fumble our QB. Dropped int in the End Zone. (Note: the high throw/dropped pass/big hit on Sanders, while troublesome, was covered by the ST TD on ensuing ou drive). But it definitely demonstrates we have a SEVERE red zone disease) I won’t belabor the one hundred missed blocks (count them all) of the Oline. That matters a great deal to our running game and QB play. Yes, the Dline was held. A lot. That’s actually not a glitch, that’s a feature of Big 12 reffing (rhymes w…u know). Prob won’t be much different in future. Watch all the mistakes all the way to our starting center going down. Which explains but do3s not excuse poor Oline blocking. Then get all the way to the first quarter. The terrible read/throw by Ewers while A. D. fails to work back to the QB. That play had two missed reads by QE, poor pass blocking and lazy receiver work. Worthy was open quick. I also point to that moment as the WTF are we doing? Because, watching more tape, in pregame the interviews (yes very thorough film study) I heard our fearless leader saying let’s go out and “have fun”. Really? Have fun? Texas ou IS FUN! When we WIN! Like 49-0 FUN! I’m not even going to watch all the surly film/posts. But I guarantee you sobs and chicas didn’t os your part. The negative Zen/karma/reverse positivity and unbridled arrogance of some of us wasn’t helpful at all! So. WE lost the game! None of us scored a touchdown, made a tackle, kicked a potential game winning field goal, neither caught nor threw a pass. Nobody actually drew up nor coached our people to defeat the opposing OC/DC/SC. How many called the fake punt on 4th? Or the punt block? Be honest. (I know…surly). But that’s my point. We all rant a rave during the game. But be real about it. Maybe one or two of us would get ANY NIL money in todays market. We get to play second guessers for all the mistakes made by coaches and players. We’re usually RIGHT too! After the fact. Or calling plays from our couches/tents/sports bars. That’s the joy of surly. Just spare the hate for our players/staff until it’s all played out. The game thread was so over the top ( I know surly) but it feeds other negative boards and supports our opponents more than our own people. Peace out Buddhists. Speared good karma Hindus. More positivity new agers. Embrace the hate as the MOC McConaughey would say. “My people have always suffered this way” my Jewish rabbi would say. Although Psalm 11:6 says God will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur down on them (His enemies). Jesus wants us to pray for them. DKR said “Angry men win football games.” He said that but I watched James Street, Steve Worster, Ted Koy and Jim Bertlesen RUN for 500 years per game with a mixture of party animals and very focused, talented athletes. In summation, aka TL/DR lighten up Francis. College football is reaching parity and in ways we may never have seen. Be encouraged and quit acting like a bunch of bitchy twitchy meth-head, fentanyl sucking …. Oh nvm . It’s a team loss. Take it bitches. Let’s win out! “He ain’t the guy” is so lame. No. WE ain’t the guy, arrogant assholes!
  6. Stressful, stressful game. CFB is the greatest and this is the best rivalry game in the country. Maybe next year they show a stat from 1954 or any other rando year showing how even the series is. The end reminded me of the Bama game last year. Left way too much time on the clock at the end. I was hoping we'd go for it on the 4th down as I was worried about Auburn. Oklahoma looked like the more physical team. They looked like they wanted it more. They played lights out. Bug Mountain is him. Ewers balled out despite his mistakes. I think he is a NFL QB on a CFB playoff team, but inexperienced. I wish we had him another year and he never went to OSU.... I expect us to take a step back next year due to graduation/NFL. Iffy coaching decisions but its easy to criticize in hindsight. Liked the fake punt and the aggressiveness on 4th down, Wildcat pass, etc. Feed Brooks - please.... He has been amazing. OLine missed Majors and looked confused. Maybe that was Venables I'll have to rewatch but cannot stomach it right now. OU was one of the most penalized teams prior to this game and we have been pretty clean. Generally behind the stick too often. We were almost good enough to overcome 3 turnovers. Damn... I'm proud of this team and happy with our season - One loss may get us into the CFB.... Beat the rest of the Hateful8 and the newcomers. OU will always suck, even when they win
  7. Scipio had the same line of reasoning about why we ran up tempo. He’s correct but it ignores our own ability to dial in the right play as well. They were gassed and had a back up corner who I believe was really a safety. You’re at the OU 49, burn the clock and get the right play in. Ewers was going to make the throw, up tempo or not. Get worthy or AD on that corner and win the game.
  8. wood


    Me neither, and I would love for us to have beaten OU today and then go beat them again in the CCG ... BUT, if we couldn't win them both, then as much as it sucked losing today, the one I'd to pick to win is the CCG. Can't do anything now about the loss, but we can sure as hell learn from it and win out to get a rematch, as you said. There's no reason this team can't do that and more. Hopefully it's a wakeup call, too, in terms of physicality, at l;east. Yes, we're physical af, but today there were times when I don't think our guys realized how physical they needed to be to win. Hopefully this game tape can be used as a teaching tool and motivator to show them there's no such thing as 'physical enough', and nothing's a given just because you have 1st & goal from the 1 or whatever it was.
  9. troph

    3rd and 9

    Yeah I’ve come around to fuck the hurry up / definitely go no huddle prevent subs and call at the line. But the actually hurry up - snapping the ball with 20 seconds on the clock - was a huge mistake once we crossed the 50 yard line. The game was tied. Play for the win or OT. Do not let them have the ball back.
  10. I believe as a Texas alum and fan, it is our God given right to go undefeated every fucking football season. We are the flagship university of the state where football is king. We make and spend more money than anyone else and frankly should be in the conversation every year. I thought it was our year in 83, 90, 01, 04, 05, 08, and 09. We had great teams then but only one national championship. So much has to fucking go right to win one, hell we were denied a chance by a fucking poll where art briles fucked us in our ranking. If that makes me a pussy, oh well you are what you eat, but your and others breathlessly saying we are going to run the table no problem are so very aggy. I know which I'd rather be.
  11. dec3169


    Well it wouldn't hurt for one or two more ranked games. If we go to the CCG that will be one more ranked game. Is there another on our schedule with a chance to be ranked by then? WVU or BYU? Currently we played against 3 ranked teams and beat 2 of them. The PAC12 has 2 or 3 teams that will play 6 or 7 ranked teams. I think we will win out and get to the CCG - and hopefully win - but the SOS may hurt us against other one-loss teams thanks to the weak-ass Big12.
  12. Championship teams also go for the win when you can when you have the ball in your hands and don't rely on a shaky defense. If we want to play that game. This isn't football from decades ago. At every level, teams can move up and down the field under 2min in a hurry. When you play not to lose and for FGs, that's a loser mentality. And that's not going to win much.
  13. lilMAC25


    Holy shit, that’s a stretch even for you. KSt PLAYED IN THE 2022 BIG XII CG WITH 9 WINS ON THE SEASON. The big Xii is so bad that another team could easily do the same this year. It should be us. At the least. as for moving goalposts, earlier in this thread, you asked this. Of course I never stated nor implied that I thought we were going undefeated this season, it’s just another windmill at which you’re tilting. furthermore, I CLEARLY stated that my expectations and what is necessary for success might be two different records.
  14. OU played a great game, we didn’t, and we almost won. It sucks, and I wish we would have won, but if we take this and put a chip on our shoulder, we’ll win out, be in the CCG in a rematch against OU and we’ll destroy them the 2nd time around. We’ll then go the playoffs, because there are not going to be four undefeated teams and no one loss team will have a better resume.
  15. It was absolutely the wrong call on 3rd down. So we made it a 47 yard FG instead of a 52 harder? That doesn’t really make a difference these days. Field goals are not missed short from 50. Then it was the wrong call to not go for it on 4th. Ask yourself this - would you have taken a single snap where we have to gain 4 yards to win the game before kickoff? I certainly would have. Going ahead by a field goal is not some great victory. And that brings me to the last thing. It is ESPECIALLY the wrong decision to follow up this sequence by playing prevent defense. What was the goal here? To give up 10-15 yards a snap and hope they miss a field goal or take a sack at the end of the game? When you look at the entire sequence, it almost seems like we were playing for overtime.
  16. Howdy Ags: My wife and I are both proud Alabama Alums (Roll Damn Tide). We love Coach Saban and Alabama football…well, maybe more than we love our kids (j/k). We decided when we were engaged that we would figure out how to budget for season tickets, and would always live within driving distance of T-Town so we could attend every game. In the 7 years since the Mrs. made me the luckiest man in the world, we’ve never missed a home game. Today we made our first trip to Kyle Field. The Fightin’ Texas Aggies have been such a great addition to the SEC, that we decided to start saving for this road trip a few years back. We haven’t really had any personal encounters with A&M folks (unless you count hearing Finebaum callers as a “personal encounter”) but we’ve been looking forward to this game at Kyle Field since we circled it on our calendar 3 long years ago. Well, I’ve gotta tell y’all, we were worried that our non-refundable motel reservations and ticket money would be wasted, because of our recent encounter with other people from Texas. In week two, we sat next to folks from Texas, that were cheering on the Longhorns. I tried to make pleasant conversation with them so we could discuss our matchup, but they were so rude and classless that any civil conversation became impossible. In fact, the woman in the group (at least I THINK it was a woman) let it slip to my wife that none of them had even attended the school…they were just T shirt fans that had been influenced by the Lame-Stream sports media to worship at the puke-orange altar. It's disgusting that the SEC violated the "Gentleman's Agreement" and let these woke liberal losers into our conference, and Sankey should have to answer for it I told my wife that I never wanted to be around any Texas people ever again, and she plans to tell our kids to cross the street if they every see anybody in that ugly shade of orange. We liked Coach Sark well enough when he was here...well, if he was good enough for Coach Saban, he was good enough for us, but it's obvious that he must be be back on the bottle if he wants to live in a liberal hellhole like Austin. Anyway, after that horrible interaction with Texas "fans", I told the wife that we should cancel the trip to Kyle Field and eat the financial loss. I had no intention of spending any money in Texas. The wife was outraged at the thought. She’s every bit the fan that I am, and she’s always wanted to experience the pageantry and tradition of Kyle Field, since she was a young girl. Her father served in Korea, and she'd been hearing about Texas Aggies her entire life. She insisted that we go. She told me “I’ll bet that we win the game, but I know that we’ll lose halftime”. Well, she was right on both counts. Although I confess, Coach Saban was lucky to get the win (and a few calls went our way). Boy, we’d never been to a place as grand as Kyle Field, and we’ve never met such terrific fans before today. You see, when we first arrived on campus, we had lost our bearings a bit. A very nice fella’ in overalls noticed that we looked confused, and came over and introduced himself. Turns out, he was a retired military vet from the Fightin’ Texas Aggie class of ‘71. He invited us to his tailgate, where we were offered cold drinks and a big bowl of chili. The chili was a bit on the cheesy side (and the wife is lactose intolerant) and beans don’t agree with me anymore, so we passed on the food. Anyway, our host JimBob and his friends told us many wonderful stories about their time at A&M. JimBob told one particularly funny story about how, when he was a "fish", he was working on y'all's Bonfire, and the fella’s up on top peed on his head! He said that it was a bit embarrassing to get his helmet wet, but he knew it was part of being an Aggie, and soon enough, he’d be the one doing the peeing. By that time, it was getting close to kickoff, and JimBob and his friends made sure that we knew how to find our seats, and asked us to stop by the post-game tailgate, win or lose. We thanked them all for their service, and for their hospitality. We wanted to join them after the game, but somehow we got lost, because we couldn’t find them in that spot where we thought they were before the game. I guess we were so blown away by the game day experience at Kyle Field that we got turned around. Well anyway Ags, as I write this my ears are ringing from the crowd noise today. Kyle is the loudest place we’ve ever been. I expect the Ags to win out, and look forward to seeing you in the playoffs! Jimbo has y’all on the right track.
  17. There is nothing delusional about thinking we can win 6 games we’ll be 7-14 point favorites in going forward. Thinking we can’t is more removed from reality.
  18. Holy shit dude read what I'm posting. I never said we should bench Quinn. You're the one making up that argument in your head. What I'm saying is that Arch next season is probably going to blow a lot of you away. Quinn is fine. I actually think he's better than that - I think he gives us a decent chance at winning a national championship this season. Yes - this season. I think a RS frosh Arch wins this game going away. I don't think he dicks around and throws two picks in the 1Q. I think he's that fucking good - and I think that the standard for QB play at Texas should be very high. Vince doesn't lose this game today. Colt doesn't lose this game today. That's the fucking point. This is Texas. This isn't aggy or Baylor or Tech. You show up to win the fucking game. You don't show up and throw 2 picks in your first 9 attempts. That isn't what this is about. Your mileage might vary.
  19. Quinn threw two picks in the 1Q and we never recovered from that. This team could still win a national championship - I think they're that good - but we can absolutely upgrade at QB. I think Arch is going to make a lot of you realize how limited we are with Quinn.
  20. Blatant PI against Worthy not called but they decide to call one against us with less than a minute left?? Obvious holds against OU on the edge. Multiple obvious face masks not called. We get flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct on punt block TD but they don’t call shit against them for the entire team coming off the sideline on their final TD or calling anything against them after they sack Ewers and stand over him taunting him. The refs didn’t lose this game for us but we win this game going away even with 3 turnovers or not putting the ball in on 1st and goal from the one if this game is even remotely called evenly.
  21. Me, after I've had a chance to settle down: I hate these games where we just need any one out of 5 things to go our way to win, but we can't get any of them. Seems to a common theme over the past decade.
  22. Never go full aggy. We've known since Tceh 2008 that offensive holding calls against teams playing against Texas were entirely optional. We're Texas. We gots to beat the other team way more to get a win. And there is no reason that we shouldn't have. Stupid loss today.
  23. Just got back from the game and I never felt we were going to win that game until the FG went through. We didn't seem to have any advantage in the game at all today. Defense was really bad, could barely get pressure, and couldn't get the final stop we needed. The O-line was terrible. To get 4 shots on the 1 yard line and you can't push through was about as bad a series as I've seen out of a Texas OL. OU had no such issues when they needed to get into the endzone inside the 5. Ewers was not good and Sark kept leaning into him. Ewers really seems like a 50/50 player. When he's good, he's great. When he's iffy, he's not going to do enough to get it done. I don't put too much blame on Brooks today. It's hard to get yards when your OL gives up the middle on almost every play that's designed to go that direction. We've been playing with fire all year with these slow starts and not winning all 4 quarters and it finally burned us. This one is going to hurt for a while. I wish we didn't have a bye week. This team needs to respond by destroying everyone else on their schedule and getting to Arlington to avenge this shitty performance. I also think OU deserves a ton of credit. They played us beautifully and picked apart our defense with Gabriel. They did everything they needed to do to win as an underdog.
  24. Especially when blowU is going to drop a game. Unless the rig12 decides they are the chosen ones. In which case we are super fucked because we will not be allowed to win out and play ou in the last big12 championship
  25. Thatguy


    We got outplayed. Ewers drops back and tries to throw a slant pass. AD Mitchell made no effort to fight for the ball and just got out-muscled on a fucking slant pass. JT Sanders was hit in both hands and the ball pops out and they catch it. Quinn, fighting for extra yards, takes a hit and fumbles instead of getting down before that hit. We had them covered and multiple times Gabriel escaped the pocket and run right by us when we had a guy there but couldn't make the play. On the last play as soon as they go in motion we should've called off the corner blitz but instead he blitzes anyway leaving the safety to choose between two players. These are player mistakes. If we don't make those we win going away.
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